Making clams and other
August 12, 2023 Scituate 1 Foto

Beschreibung des Ausflugs

There’s more of a pogy presence now on the South Shore. Captain Mark Rowell of Legit Fish Charters has been experiencing the smaller version in Scituate Harbor as well as Cohasset with adults hanging around the North River. Blues are less of a factor which may be the reason that mackerel acquisition is a bit easier. Those macks tossed around structure from The Gurnet through High Pine Ledge to Cowen Rocks as well as off Gunrock Beach are resulting in a reliable slot-to-larger bass bite. With an influx of peanut bunker, blitzes are getting more common which bodes well for a significant fall run. Haddock as well as double-digit cod can be found by the Double LLs on Stellwagen. Having a feel as to bottom composition matters as cod are more likely to frequent rocky, irregular bottom while mud is good for haddock. Just maybe best of all is the lack of dogfish, making clams and other types of bait a viable option. For consistent blues, Provincetown is where it’s at, with everything from snappers to gators figuring in the mix. "On the Water "
Mark Rowell
Scituate, Massachusetts, United States
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Legit Fish Sport Fishing is based in Massachusetts Bay in Downtown Scituate. The crew knows all the hot fishing spots in the area and thrives to provide excellent service and outstanding catches to all its guests and friends. Separating us from the rest o...

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