Giant Tigers Sharks!!!
Juli 23, 2023 Port Canaveral 3 Fotos
Shark (Tiger)

Beschreibung des Ausflugs

Once in a life time shark fishing trip at Canavaral Kings! 10' and 12' Tiger Sharks!! Images do not give justice to these sharks. Had another company drop us for "bad weather" and Joey with Canaveral Kings picked us up to squeeze us in last minute to makde this trip possible for us while still in Florida. Reasonably priced for a charter. Pennies on the dollar if you take into account the class of shark we caught. Captains talked well with one another on radio on whats hitting and where which put us onto a good spot. Captain Jake was attentive of the lines in the water and great with passing the pole to the kids and us when ready. We had a few bites within 30 minutes. When it my sons turn he and I faught for 15 minutes to get a 3.5' black nose in. A while after two poles hit at the same time. Captain Jake set both and handed them over to 2 of the other adults on board and reeled the rest in. We soon realized we hooked the same fish with 2 poles and thankfully we did after 45 minutes and us 4 grown men faught our 10' tiger shark in. Captain Jake casted the poles back out while we recovered from the tremendous struggle. After a break and close to the end of the trip another hit. My daughter was going to take this one but before i could hand it over i started getting spooled. I set the drag alot harder from our 10' shark but 300' of line later Captain Jake fired up the boat and started after it, all i could do is hold on. 400' of line out and Captain Jake heading after it i started the fight. Caught up to it twice and spooled me 3 times. A half a mile later this shark kept diving to bottom and circling the boat. A few times of this and we all decided to set the drag all the way and yank it to the top. With 2 people helping pull the line up we finally defeated our 12' tiger shark. I am 6'2" 315 pounds and I immediately noticed this shark is bigger around than me for about 5' of its length and after a few deep breaths later i realized this fish was as long as our boat it wide. Surreal to see the size of this shark as it was twice as thick as our 10' shark. A few pics later we cut the line and with 2 gentle wags of its tail it was lost to the depth again and our fishing trip had concluded. Captain Jake pulled anchor and brought us back to clean our blacknose. 5 lbs of great shark meat.
Canaveral Kings Sport Fishing
Port-canaveral, Florida, United States
Canaveral Kings Shark Fishing thumbnail
Canaveral Kings offers premier charter fishing on Florida’s Space Coast. Located in Port Canaveral, they are just minutes away from the Kennedy Space Center and Cocoa Beach. From the attractions of Disney World and Universal Studios located in Orlan...

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