Late July fishing----
Juli 23, 2022 Narragansett 1 Foto

Beschreibung des Ausflugs

We've been running regular trips. Fishing around both Block Island and Point Judith has been excellent. We've had some weather, ocean gets stirred up, moves bait. This has helped. Doesn't feel like the dog days of summer yet---- book a trip. Get on board. It's a good time.
John Lee
Narragansett, Rhode Island, United States
JL Charters thumbnail
JL Charters is located in Narragansett and offers to show you a memorable time in these waters. Capt. John will do his best to make sure you have a fun day full of fishing. This involves 4 to 12-hour trips, mainly fishing for Bass, Seabass, Flounder, Shar...

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