They are here!!!!
Juli 26, 2020 Tavira 8 Fotos
Dolphin (Mahi Mahi)
Goldmakrele (Mahi Mahi)
Marlin (White)
Marlin (Weißer)

Beschreibung des Ausflugs

After a magnific seasson fishing the gigant BlueFin Tuna with 7 releases of 13 figths in just 10 days... We went looking for the early white marlin inbthis seasson 2020... And in two days we had 1 release of 3 raised... Very nice fish with some acrobatic jumpes and very good figth... Also found a bunch of very good mahi mahi, and could catch 3 of them... Nice fresh fish for the grill... Come and fish with us in this early marlin seasson... Becoming hot for the white marlin and very hot for the blue marlin in Picos Bank... Bookings are open... Bruno
Aquasares Fishing Charters
Tavira, Faro District, Portugal
Aquasares Offshore Fishing Charters thumbnail
Aquasares Offshore Fishing Charters has exceptional access to some of Europe’s best big game sportfishing grounds. With incredible Blue Marlin fishing and a rich network of artificial reefs, this diverse fishery will delight serious sports fishermen...

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