Burickson Family trip
Dezember 29, 2018 Pompano Beach 1 Foto
Dolphin (Mahi Mahi)
Goldmakrele (Mahi Mahi)
King Mackerel (Kingfish)
Tuna (Albacore)
Weißer Thunfisch

Beschreibung des Ausflugs

This family came from Switzerland looking for a fishing charter. They requested to catch some good eating fish and thats just what they got.. Mahi Tuna and Kingfish kept us busy on out 4 hour trip out of pompano beach on christmas eve
Benny's Fishing Charters
Pompano-beach, Florida, United States
Benny's Fishing Charters thumbnail
Benny’s Book a Mate & Fishing Charters is your key to a successful trip with a lot of exciting catches. With Benny and his tournament-winning crew of captains, you will be spoiled for choice. After your day out with them, you will surely be gril...

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