Clay Necaise
Member since March 2015
Pass Christian, United States
- Hintergrund
- OutKast Charters LLC has been in the business for a long time. The charter's Captain Clay Necaise is an expert in inshore fishing in the Mississippi Gulf and the Louisiana Marsh. He's got years of experience and will definitely make your trip exciting and enjoyable.
- Methoden
- Captain Clay specializes in popping, so you'll have the opportunity either to learn this interesting technique or to put it further to practice.
Hallo, ich bin Kapitän Clay Necaise
Pass Christian, Vereinigte Staaten
- Hintergrund
- OutKast Charters LLC has been in the business for a long time. The charter's Captain Clay Necaise is an expert in inshore fishing in the Mississippi Gulf and the Louisiana Marsh. He's got years of experience and will definitely make your trip exciting and enjoyable.
- Methoden
- Captain Clay specializes in popping, so you'll have the opportunity either to learn this interesting technique or to put it further to practice.
Mein Angebot
Pass Christian
• 24 ft
4 Personen