Casey Carter

Member since March 2016 Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
Als gebürtiger Hawaiianer und Sohn eines Fischers hatte ich schon in meinen frühesten Erinnerungen eine Angel in der Hand. Ich habe mit meinem Vater auf der ganzen Welt geangelt, einschließlich des Indischen Ozeans, Hawaiis, des Golfs von Bengalen, des Golfs von Siam, der Westküste der USA. Als ich älter wurde, wurde die Attraktion des Angelns in Cabo San Lucas zu meinem Traum. Ich begann 1983 in der Flotte, zog ans Kap und habe es nie bereut. 34 Jahre Angeln auf der Baja-Halbinsel, in der Cortez-See und die Westküste des mexikanischen Festlandes. Das Leben ist gut und wir sind morgen wieder draußen!
Wir verwenden viele verschiedene Techniken an Bord der Picudo. Es hängt von der Jahreszeit und den Fischen ab, die wir fangen. Wir bevorzugen tote Köder, Teaser, Daisy Chains sowie Kunstköder und haben immer einen frischen Köder im Lebendköderbehälter, bereit zum Auswerfen! Wir angeln auf Big Game Fische auf hoher See und mit leichtem Gerät auf kleine Fische entlang der Küste. Wir haben uns auf das Angeln für Kinder spezialisiert, es gibt nichts Besseres, als die kleinen Kumpels fürs Leben zu begeistern. Wir heißen Anfänger willkommen und sind bestrebt, unser Wissen zu lehren und zu teilen.

Hallo, ich bin Kapitän Casey Carter

Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
Als gebürtiger Hawaiianer und Sohn eines Fischers hatte ich schon in meinen frühesten Erinnerungen eine Angel in der Hand. Ich habe mit meinem Vater auf der ganzen Welt geangelt, einschließlich des Indischen Ozeans, Hawaiis, des Golfs von Bengalen, des Golfs von Siam, der Westküste der USA. Als ich älter wurde, wurde die Attraktion des Angelns in Cabo San Lucas zu meinem Traum. Ich begann 1983 in der Flotte, zog ans Kap und habe es nie bereut. 34 Jahre Angeln auf der Baja-Halbinsel, in der Cortez-See und die Westküste des mexikanischen Festlandes. Das Leben ist gut und wir sind morgen wieder draußen!
Wir verwenden viele verschiedene Techniken an Bord der Picudo. Es hängt von der Jahreszeit und den Fischen ab, die wir fangen. Wir bevorzugen tote Köder, Teaser, Daisy Chains sowie Kunstköder und haben immer einen frischen Köder im Lebendköderbehälter, bereit zum Auswerfen! Wir angeln auf Big Game Fische auf hoher See und mit leichtem Gerät auf kleine Fische entlang der Küste. Wir haben uns auf das Angeln für Kinder spezialisiert, es gibt nichts Besseres, als die kleinen Kumpels fürs Leben zu begeistern. Wir heißen Anfänger willkommen und sind bestrebt, unser Wissen zu lehren und zu teilen.
Anglers Wahl

Mein Angebot

4.9 / 5
(190 Bewertungen)
Angler's choice
Cabo San Lucas
Ausflüge ab US $1,150


Summer marlin actiin!
Summer marlin actiin!
Aug. 27, 2019 Cabo San Lucas
TS Ivo blew past us without consequence, and they finally opened the port. We got a late start, blasted by the Cape Rocks, and busted some water out to the 95 spot. It was time to chase some billfish. Sea temps were in the mid 80s and conditions were perfect. We just barely had the lures, ballyhoos, and teasers in the water when we had a nice one come rippin in on the port teaser! We dropped a couple of live baits back but could'nt dupe it into biting! We made to the 95 and went into full tack mode working the high spot for a couple hours. I turned around looking into the pattern and saw a boil on the stinger long. I quickly grabbed the rod and free spooled the sewed bait ballyhoo back a few feet, set the drag, came up taught, and that fish was hung!! Bart was in the chair and did a great job working the fish. 17 minutes later we released a nice 90-100 lb. Striped Marlin! Nice one, Bart! After the normal congrats we got back to it, raising and hooking another nice one, unfortunately we dumped it after a few minutes. That's fishing! So we opted for a beach run to end the day. We switched over to the 30 set ups hoping for a wahoo or dorado but it was not to be. We headed in after a great day of action. The boys were stoked especially Bart who nailed his 1st marlin. We swung into the harbor, gave Pancho the sealion our extra bait and headed to the slip.And so ended another classic day in Cabo San Lucas! The last I saw of the boys, they were quickly heading off for an late afternoon t-time at the golf course. Gotta love Summer at the Cape! Hard to beat that!! Saludos!!
Cabo Inshore!
Cabo Inshore!
Aug. 16, 2017 Cabo San Lucas
We were on a quick halfday with Jim and Meagan so it was a repeat of yesterdays fishing plan. We put the light taclke setups out as we turned north pass the Cape Rocks. Conditions were gourmet with calm seas, 85 degree water, and all around perfect conditions! We couldnt get a bite for the life of us! I was observing the other boats in the area and it seemed no one was gotting bit. We moved back in closer iinto 10 to 15 fathoms and it was an instant bite. The fish had followed the bait into the shallows! Jim was up and had a nice tuna onboard in minutes. We were no sooner back to trolling speed when the reels were screaming! Triple hookup! Meagan was all over it and bagged her tuna, and we dumped the other two. We noticed the other boats move into the area and after a few more short bites the fish were down and tight lipped. Boat pressure the last couple of days has really affected the bite. So we switched over to the 30 lb. setups and headed out for dorado and maybe a sailfish. We had a couple of ballyhoos whistlin in the riggers and some choice small lures ripoin in the wake. I saw the rigger bend back and heard the snap as a dorado ripped bigtime on the ballyhoo! Jim was up and had a great fight as the mahi was jumping all over. We got it to gaff and into the boat! After a quick sombrero pic we were back at the troll. We moved out to about 2 miles and continued to work the ledge off the northside of Cabo Falso. We raised a few morevfish but had the rubber hook syndrome. These fish were short biting and it was hard to get the hook set. Even our drop back live baits were being gummed by these golden grabbers! Tough going! We did finally get a couple of dorados and on the troll back in we nailed a blindstrike tuna. The bag was filled but overall it was a tough day to finally get our limits! The moon is growing so fishing should get tougher. Fortunately there is a huge quantity of fish here and we'll still have good fishing. The offshore billfishing is good so theres an option. The Blue Marlin bite well on a full moon!! September continues to be epic! Thanks to Jim and Meagen for a fantastic day out fishing. We cant wait to get back out there!!
Cabo inshore bite!
Cabo inshore bite!
Aug. 13, 2017 Cabo San Lucas
The conditions remained excelent in the Pacific as we headed right outside the Cape Rocks about a half mile. We waisted no time in getting the light tackle gear out, and soon had the feathers and hoochies ripping water back in our wake. We headed towards Cabo Falso to where the bite was yesterday but never made it. The reels were screaming and the tuna were biting!! The boys were all over it and after numerous stops we had a load in the bag. Those boys sure can tug on fish! After a few stops we opted to try for dorados. We swung out to deeper water and switched over to small lures and deadbait ballyhoo and sure nuff the dorado were all over it! What a morning so far. As the boats started showing up, the bite slowed down. Seems to be a daily routine. We picked another nice one on the ballyhoo and opted tohead outside for a billfish. Again it wasnt to be. We did a lap out past the 95 spot and could'nt raise a marlin for the life of us. These halfdays kill me!! Luckily on the troll in we bagged another dorado and that was "muy bien" to finish up the halfday with a fatty! The boys had the filets and no sooner did we hit the docks, they were off to the restaurant to enjoy their catch! The fish platter that our local restaurants are putting out is gourmet! Cook it to your liking 3,5,or 7 different ways. A little sushi and sashimi appetizer will make it an unforgettable meal! We are lovin our September here in Cabo. Its just going to get better!!
Summer inshore Cabo fishing!
Summer inshore Cabo fishing!
Aug. 12, 2017 Cabo San Lucas
We knew it was going to be a great inshore day. The water temps were in the mid 80s, and conditions were perfect. Bait was in thick and breezing everywhere as we put the light gear out. The small YFTs had been biting the last few days so we put the hoochies and a couple of feathers out just behind the 2nd wake, a coople of small lures on the riggers and a sewed bait ballyhoo long off the top. We started shallow in about 70 feet of water and worked our way up towards the lighthouse. It didnt take long and the 1st one was on! The reel was screamin as our angler grabbed the rod and got control of the fish. Out came jumping a nice dorado and the fight was on! After 5 minutes we had it to gaff and after quite a few swipes, top deckie Martin finally boated the fish! We had a great time teasing the usually sure gaffer Martin! Well that was just the start as we proceeded to have hookups nonstop! We had small tuna biting the hoochies, dorado all over everything, and even a wahoo that stole my tigrillo lure!! It was'nt a wide open bite, but with every tack we seemed to boat a fish. A steady pick as we say. What was peculiar with the dorado was that they would not bite the pitched live bait. They were all single bites and we nevered raised a school. This went on for a couple of hours and after getting everyone a few fish, the bite backed off. This seems to be the pattern now, a few hours in the early morning and then it slows down. Boat pressure adds to this problem as quite a few boats are pounding the area. So we switched over to the 50 lb. setups and pounded it outside to try for a billfish but luck was not with us. This was a halfday trip and time is always a factor!! I highly recommend fulldays to everyone as the price difference is minimal and the results can be spectacular! But as we say in Cabo " No problema!" The bag was loaded and there was great filets for dinner. We called it a day and headed in. The boys grabbed their loaded cooler and headed off to grab a cold one! And it was only 11:00 am! Gotta love it! Another great fishing day in Cabo!!
1st Blue Marlin of the season!!
1st Blue Marlin of the season!!
Aug. 1, 2017 Cabo San Lucas
Althouh the sea temps were in the mid 80s and the conditions perfect, fishing had been a slow pick. The fleet was capturing a few dorados and striped marlin but nothing great. We had a fullday with John and the family and spent the whole morning trying everything we could. But it was just one of those days where we could'nt get a bite for the life of us. After pounding the local areas all morning we decided we might as well swing offshore and look for some big game. We switched over from the light tackle gear and put the 50s and 80s out. Big lures on the shorts, mediums on the riggers, and a sewed bait ballyhoo long off the middle. We started our tack outsidexPalmilla about 10 miles and headed southwest along the 1000 fathom curve. We were starting to bust water off the bow as the afternoon winds came up. It was late and John said to me "Casey, lets head in, I know how fishing is and this just isnt our day". John had been fishing all his life and had incredible catches under his belt, so he knew this fishing game better than most.I was bummed but pointed the boat towards the Cape for the troll back in.We still had a shot but it was'nt looking good. We were 9 miles off Chileno when too mate Martin Sandez swithed a lure and was letting the short rigger back out. The strike caught hom offguard and all I heard was a scream!I turned around and saw Martin setting the hook and a nice Blue Marlin shredding water and greyhounding away from the boat. John Jr. jumped in the chair, got the rod, and hanging on for dear life as the Blue was going crazy. Mayhem in the cockpit ensued as we cleared lines and got everything under control. John did a great job and had the fish in in 32 minutes. Unfortunately it was tailwrapped and died. We boated the fish and congrats were given. John Jr. caught his first Blue and Picudo captured the1st of the season. We headed back to the marina and ended a great day. Like they say" Its never over till its over!" Congrats to John for his catch! The picture of the marlin I posted is his sister. John was kickin on the bow resting his arms. Its shaping up to be a great season, conditions are perfect and it wont be long befor the fat ones are in thick!! Pucudo Sportfishing!
Voracious Palagics!!
Voracious Palagics!!
Mai 20, 2017 Cabo San Lucas
An early start sure gave us the advantage today.We barely were out of the bay when the reel started screaming! Dawn patrol hookup!! The short flat setup had a cocopuff Zuker feather on it and something was ripping line! Lo and behold our 1st Dorado of the season came up jumping! Sunny made quick business of it and we had that golden grabber in the bag! With our sea temps pushing 80 and the water cobalt blue we knew it was a just matter of time before these fish would show.. We tried for awhile but could'nt raise another one so we headed out offshore for big game. After 3 hours of looking all we could do was bait a sleeper and a hammerhead but neither showed any interest in the live bait. The boys had had enough of the fickle bite so we swung into the shallows for inshore grabbers. We put in a few hours and although it was a slow pick we did capture a couple of snappers and a handful of Pompano. We decided to finish our day trolling wahoo gear off the drop off and see if we could'nt bag one of those toothy critters. As luck would have it we were bit on our 1st pass! We had an orange and yellow Marauder in the short corner and that hoo just smoked it big time!! What a show it put on as it took off at 50 mph just rippin water!! It finally settled down and Brian little by little gained back line. 12 minutes later we had it boatside and top deckies Poli and Gallo made quick business of it. Wahoo in the bag!! We did get one more bite but it didnt stick. Time ran out so we called it a day and headed back into the marina. The boys got their pics and headed off with a cooler full of filets! It' s going to be a wahoo dorado dinner tonight! This Spring fishing is going off at the Cape! It may just bust wide open! Back out this weekend! Can't wait!!


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4.9 / 5
von 5 Sternen von 190 Bewertungen
4.9 / 5
4.9 / 5
4.9 / 5
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Casey was a great host and captain.
Cabo Fishing Trip
Cabo Fishing Trip
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Daniel S.
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5

Must experience

VERIFIZIERT   Full Day Trip - All Included on November 12, 2023
Great captain and crew. Very knowledgeable and friendly. Communication is excellent. Highly recommend.
Daniel S. empfiehlt Picudo Sport Fishing
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Daniel S. empfiehlt Picudo Sport Fishing
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Darron E.
Lewisville, TX
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5

Half Day Trip with family!

VERIFIZIERT   Half Day Trip – All included on September 15, 2023
Crew and Captain Casey was great!  Slayed the Dorado’s!!!  Bringing in Chef to cook it all up!!!
Darron E. empfiehlt Picudo Sport Fishing
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Darron E. empfiehlt Picudo Sport Fishing
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Thomas S.
Peoria, AZ
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5

Full day trip

VERIFIZIERT   Full Day Trip - All Included on Juli 12, 2023
Captain knows how to catch fish.the mates are fantas
Thomas S. empfiehlt Picudo Sport Fishing
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  Casey Carter vom Kapitän beantwortet

Michael P.
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5

Fishing with Casey

VERIFIZIERT   Full Day Trip - All Included on November 6, 2023
Michael P. empfiehlt Picudo Sport Fishing
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  Casey Carter vom Kapitän beantwortet

Russell G.
Champion, PA
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5

Fishing with Casey

VERIFIZIERT   Half Day Trip – All included on Juni 27, 2023
Russell G. empfiehlt Picudo Sport Fishing
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  Casey Carter vom Kapitän beantwortet