Kapstadt Angelausflüge

Wir haben die besten Ausflüge aus 25 Angeboten in Kapstadt für Sie gefunden - geben Sie einfach Ihre Reisedaten ein und prüfen Sie die Verfügbarkeit!

Kapstadt: 25 Angelausflüge verfügbar
5.0 / 5
(32 Bewertungen)
Ausflüge ab US $434
5.0 / 5
(15 Bewertungen)
Ausflüge ab US $569
Ausflüge ab US $1,356
Sehr gut
3.7 / 5
(2 Bewertungen)
Ausflüge ab US $434
5.0 / 5
(2 Bewertungen)
Ihr Termin ist begehrt – wir haben keine verfügbaren Ausflüge mehr für diesen Anbieter. Mehr Angebote finden Sie nachfolgend.
4.8 / 5
(4 Bewertungen)
Ausflüge ab US $62
4.8 / 5
(4 Bewertungen)
Ausflüge ab US $680
Ihr Termin ist begehrt – wir haben keine verfügbaren Ausflüge mehr für diesen Anbieter. Mehr Angebote finden Sie nachfolgend.
4.9 / 5
(5 Bewertungen)
Ihr Termin ist begehrt – wir haben keine verfügbaren Ausflüge mehr für diesen Anbieter. Mehr Angebote finden Sie nachfolgend.
4.2 / 5
(15 Bewertungen)
Ihr Termin ist begehrt – wir haben keine verfügbaren Ausflüge mehr für diesen Anbieter. Mehr Angebote finden Sie nachfolgend.

Häufige Fragen zu Angelausflügen in Cape Town

According to customer reviews, some of the most popular fishing charters in Cape Town, Western Cape are: Full list of top fishing charters in Cape Town

The average price for a private 4 hour Cape Town fishing trip is US $419, while an 8 hour private trip will cost you US $720 based on prices on FishingBooker.com.

Fishing charters in Cape Town that received great reviews from families are:

The top 3 fish species targeted on guided fishing trips in Cape Town are:

The top 3 fishing techniques in Cape Town are:

The top 3 types of fishing in Cape Town are:

Many fishing charters in Cape Town provide rods, reels and tackle. Some of the top rated are:

According to customer reviews on FishingBooker.com, some of the best rated charter captains in Cape Town are:

Some of the fishing trips offered by fishing charters in Cape Town are:
  • 3-hour fishing trips – ZAR 194,832
  • 4-hour fishing trips – ZAR 127,259
  • 5-hour fishing trips – ZAR 130,310
  • 6-hour fishing trips – ZAR 139,833
  • 7-hour fishing trips – ZAR 398,941
  • 8-hour fishing trips – ZAR 217,299
  • 9-hour fishing trips – ZAR 213,387
  • 10-hour fishing trips – ZAR 250,498
  • 11-hour fishing trips – ZAR 314,978
  • 24-hour fishing trips – ZAR 333,997

Fishing in Kapstadt

Am Treffpunkt zweier Ozeane gelegen, haben die Fischgründe in Kapstadt im Laufe der Jahre einige herausragende Fänge von Thunfisch und Marlin gesehen. Zahlreiche Ausflugsanbieter in der Stadt bieten spannende Big Game Angelausflüge an.

Seit ihrer Gründung blühte die Stadt als Versorgungshafen auf, Kulturen stießen zusammen und verschmolzen und die Stadt entwickelte sich schließlich zur Hauptstadt Südafrikas. Kapstadt ist heute eine moderne Stadt, die einige der besten Big Game Fischgründe der Welt anbietet. Nur wenige Orte auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent ermöglichen es Ihnen, die vielfältigen Angebote des Indischen Ozeans so zu erleben wie diese historischen Gewässer.

Bekannt für

Big Game Angeln. Wenn Sie Ihren Urlaub in Kapstadt planen, sollte Gelbflossen-Thun als erstes auf Ihrem Wunschzettel stehen. Direkt gefolgt von Marlin und Gelbschwanzmakrele. Der lokale Fischmarkt und zahlreiche Restaurants sorgen für Abwechslung, und in den überall in der Stadt verstreuten Angelgeschäfte können Sie sich problemlos mit der richtigen Ausrüstung ausstatten.

Fischgründe in Kapstadt

Hout Bay

Die Hout Bay wird oft als das Disneyland der Küstenangler angesehen und ist voller Gelbschwanzmakrelen und dem scheuen Snoek, zwei der wichtigsten Arten der Region. Je nach Saison wird das Angebot ergänzt durch Afrikanischen Umberfisch (Geelbek), Kob (Mulloway) und vielen mehr.

False Bay

Die False Bay ist ein weiterer großartiger Ort, um Snoek zu landen. Seien Sie vorsichtig - das Angeln von den Felsen aus mag spannend erscheinen, aber Wasserstandmarkierungen können leicht von den Wellen mitgerissen werden, ebenso wie unvorsichtige Angler.


Weiter entfernt von der Küste, zwischen 55 und 75 km, finden Sie Thunfisch im offenen Wasser in Hülle und Fülle. Gelbflossen- und Weißer Thunfisch durchstreifen die Fischgründe. Blau- und Makohaie verschmähen ebenfalls keinen gut präsentierten Köder, genau so wie Mahi Mahi, Gelbschwanzmakrele und gelegentlich sogar Gestreifter und Schwarzer Marlin!


Auf der anderen Seite des Spektrums, im Süßwasser, finden Sie Barsch, Forelle und Karpfen. Das Angeln im Süßwasser in Kapstadt ist ein Fest. Es gibt viele Seen, Dämme und Flüsse, wo Anfänger hervorragende Trainingsplätze finden und Ihre Technik mit der Fliegenrute üben können.

Regeln und Vorschriften

Bevor Sie zu den Fischgründen Kapstadts aufbrechen, sollten Sie einige Dinge beachten. Die Regierung betreibt große Anstrengungen, um das vielfältige Meeresleben zu erhalten. Das bedeutet, dass die Einhaltung der Vorschriften willkommen ist und allen helfen kann, eine schöne Zeit zu haben.

Wenn Sie hier Angeln möchten, brauchen Sie eine Angelerlaubnis. Sie ist in jedem, vom Ministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft und Fischerei zugelassenen, Büro erhältlich und kann für einen Monat, oder ein ganzes Jahr ausgestellt werden.

Da die Vorschriften für spezifische Arten variieren können, ist es am sichersten, sich mit einem einheimischen Fischerei Beauftragten in Verbindung zu setzen. Denken Sie daran, dass Sie den Fang nicht verkaufen oder tauschen dürfen und dass einige Arten nicht das ganze Jahr über gefangen werden können.

Bekannt für

Big game. Super big game. When you plan your Cape Town holiday, the first thing on the bucket list should be Yellowfin Tuna. Then, just below your rods and reels, write Marlin. You can then add Yellowtail, the local fish market, and many restaurants that serve juicy fish. Numerous fishing shops are scattered around the city, so you can easily equip yourself with proper gear.

Talking of local delicacies - Cape Snoek is a feisty little beast. Its razor-sharp teeth can easily take a sudden turn, so even more experienced anglers should watch out. Once you land it, enjoy its taste Cape Town style - braai it with your fellow travelers.

Another great fish to cast your lure after is Geelbek, also known as Cape Salmon. Its Afrikaans name means “yellow mouth”, so you will have easy time recognizing it. It’s not only what’s in the name, it’s also what’s in the taste - Cape Town’s version is said to be juicier than its European counterpart.

The nourishing coastal waters surrounding the city bolster a medley of vivacious marine life, including trophy pelagics, as well as sharks, dolphins, marine birds, cetaceans and many others.

Often considered Disneyland for inshore enthusiasts, Hout Bay is brimming with Yellowtail and the elusive Snoek, as two of the area’s most prominent targets, along with reliable seasonal additions of Cape Salmon, Kob and much more.

False Bay is another great spot to get hold of the oily Snoek. Do take care - fishing from the rocks may seem adventurous, but high tide marks can easily get swept away by the killer waves. 

Heading further offshore, and in for some super big ones - between 30 to 40 miles offshore, it’s open water Tuna galore, with Yellowfin and Longfin Tuna prowling the hotspots. They are ready to crash your spread without so much as a notice.

Blue and Mako sharks have also been known not to pass on a well-presented bait, along with the likes of Mahi Mahi, Yellowtail, and even an occasional Striped and Black Marlin! Many 900 pound Black Marlins have been caught here, and another grander could be easily waiting near.

Cape Town can get really warm. Both the temperature and fisheries boom in summer months, while winters stay moderate and wet.

Regeln & Vorschriften

Before you head out to hot fishing spots in Cape Town, there’re couple of things to understand. The government invests a lot of effort to preserve the diverse marine life. This means that respecting regulations and their work is welcome and can help everyone have a nice time.

If you’re looking for recreational fishing - meaning sports or pleasure - you’ll need to get out your fishing permit. It lets you fish for a period of one month to up to a whole year, and can be obtained at any office authorized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.

As regulations on particular species may vary from time to time, the safest road is to get in touch with your local fishery control officer. Do bear in mind that you are not allowed to sell or trade the fish, and that some species cannot be caught year round. We’ll go into that in a second, codename: fish calendar.


If there is one thing fishing in Cape Town should be about, that’s Yellowfin Tuna. Once you reach some 20 to 50 miles offshore, you’ll want to try trolling or live bait - use Sardines. Most Cape Town fishing charters have a trip or two to get the big ones as the area is one of the most densely populated Tuna spots in the world. When Sardine start their run towards the coast of Mozambique, predator Tuna follows close behind.

Trolling also works beautifully when fishing for Yellowtail. They give in to spinning, jigging and live bait, and feed near the coast and above rocky areas. The local stars, Snoek, stick around for the better part of the year - these ferocious fanged fish will chomp your lures and bait. Once you find them, spinning is the answer. You can also use drifted baits, spoons or jigs. 

As you head out, you will see numerous harems of seals that sit in the sun on the rocks. Shark will strike there. The brave anglers who venture out can also catch big game on the fly. Or, go surf fishing - this is proven to be a lucrative method to get hefty Kob, more so if you experiment with lure size, shape and color.

On the other side of the spectrum - Bass, Trout, and Carp. Fishing in Cape Town fresh waters is a feast. There are plenty of lakes, dams, and rivers. Beginners will find superb training grounds there and can employ fly fishing.

4.7 / 5
Basierend auf 28685 Bewertungen von FishingBooker Anglern

Kapstadt Angelsaisonen

Das Wetter ist schön und warm und es ist Hochsaison für Gelbschwanzmakrele. Kob und Geelbek sind ebenfalls aktiv und Weißer Thun ist offshore zu finden.
Es ist Hochsaison in Kapstadt! Kob, Geelbek und Gelbschwanzmakrele beißen aggressiv und auch Mahi Mahi oder Gelbflossen-Thun können gelandet werden. Mit etwas Glück ist sogar ein Schwarzer Marlin dabei!
Gelbflossen-Thunfisch sind zahlreich in den Gewässern weit vor der Küste. Weiße Thunfische sind ebenfalls häufig. Gelbschwanzmakrele, Kob und Geelbek beißen weiterhin sehr gut.
Die Temperaturen sinken, aber es ist noch warm und sonnig. Das Meer ist gefüllt mit Gelbflossen-Thun, Weißem Thun, Geelbek und Kob. Gelbschwanzmakrelen sind ebenfalls noch in der Gegend.
Die großen Fischarten sind noch in der Gegend. Für maximale Spannung, versuchen Sie sich am Fliegenfischen auf Gelbflossen-Thun. In Küstennähe liefern Snoek und Gelbschwanzmakrele einen aufregenden Drill.
Der Winter ist hier und die Angelsaison neigt sich dem Ende. Snoek bevölkern die Küste und in den Flüssen und Stauseen können Sie auf Lachs und Forelle fliegenfischen.
Der Juli ist dunkel und voller Snoek. Mit nur 5 Stunden Sonnenschein im Durchschnitt ist das Salzwasserangeln nicht mit der Aktivität im Sommer zu vergleichen. Entlang der Küste können Sie dennoch erfolgreich sein.
Der nasseste Monat des Jahres bietet Snoek und die eine oder andere Gelbschwanzmakrele. Erwarten Sie keine außergewöhnlichen Fänge. Flüsse und Stauseen können mit Regenbogenforelle und Bachforelle aufwarten.
Langsam steigen die Temperaturen wieder. Snoek und Gelbschwanzmakrele sind aktiv. Halten Sie an den Flüssen Ausschau nach Forellen.
Kapstadts größte Attraktion sind die Gelbflossen-Thunfische, die sich vor der Küste aufhalten. Auf dem Weg dorthin können Sie Gelbschwanzmakrelen, Geelbek und Kob finden.
Der November bringt wärmere Wassertemperaturen mit sich und die Aktivität im Wasser steigt. Fangen Sie Gelbschwanzmakrelen und Geelbek. Gelbflossen- und Weißer Thun warten ebenfalls auf Sie.
Die Saison nimmt an Fahrt auf. Höchste Priorität hat der Gelbflossen-Thun. Andere mögliche Fänge sind Gelbschwanzmakrele, Kob und Geelbek

Kapstadt Angelkalender

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Was Angler über angeln in Kapstadt sagen

Weather, winds -make sure boat is capable of high seas for a comfortable ride!
5.0 / 5
Weather, winds -make sure boat is capable of high seas for a comfortable ride!
Tunatic Fishing Charters
Tunatic Fishing Charters
Keep your dates flexible, allow a few days because the weather is less guaranteed in November. We had to wait for a calmer day to get out, so we allowed time and stayed flexible.
5.0 / 5
Keep your dates flexible, allow a few days because the weather is less guaranteed in November. We had to wait for a calmer day to get out, so we allowed time and stayed flexible.
Ocean Life Fishing Charters
Ocean Life Fishing Charters
Let the captain cost the day to go out as the fishing can change on a daily basis. They know the waters so trust them :-)
5.0 / 5
Let the captain cost the day to go out as the fishing can change on a daily basis. They know the waters so trust them :-)
Abundance Fishing And Eco Charters
Abundance Fishing And Eco Charters Cape Town, Western Cape
Try to leave as early as possible to give yourself time to find the right areas, especially if targeting big game fish Take sunscreen and water Take photos as the surrounding sights are breathtaking. Possibility of seeing whales. Can't go wrong
4.3 / 5
Try to leave as early as possible to give yourself time to find the right areas, especially if targeting big game fish Take sunscreen and water Take photos as the surrounding sights are breathtaking. Possibility of seeing whales. Can't go wrong
Outrageous Fishing - Depth Charge
Outrageous Fishing - Depth Charge South Africa
Contact captain before finalizing trip to plan best trip re weather and season
5.0 / 5
Contact captain before finalizing trip to plan best trip re weather and season
Cape Town Fishing Charters
Cape Town Fishing Charters El Paso, TX

Lesen Sie Bewertungen von Ausflugsanbietern in Kapstadt

Ocean Life Fishing Charters
Ocean Life Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in Cape Town
5.0 / 5
(32 Bewertungen)
Donovan and his mate Armand just made this experience better than we could have imagined. We saw some incredible wildlife on the way which would have made this trip already worth it. We caught so much fish and thats really on Donovan who made sure we get to the best spots and chase the fish! Thanks so much for that day!!!
Tobias  T.
Tobias T.
Ocean Life Fishing Charters
Ocean Life Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in Cape Town
5.0 / 5
(32 Bewertungen)
We had such an amazing few hours on the water. Donovan and Grant were kind patient and generous with the kids, gave them clear instructions and were sensitive to all of them - not easy when some are having break-downs when others are catching fish! Everyone was buzzing on the way home, it was a magical afternoon, a moment to remember forever. Can’t recommend them highly enough.
Ben  T.
Ben T.
Ocean Life Fishing Charters
Ocean Life Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in Cape Town
4.7 / 5
(32 Bewertungen)
Great experience with a very knowledgeable captain Donovan and assistant Grant. We experienced all sorts of fishing techniques and bagged various species of fish (most were released) such as squid, yellow tail, reef fish and shark. We also encountered seals and two magnificent sun fish. My teenage sons greatly enjoyed the trip.
Tunatic Fishing Charters
Tunatic Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in Cape Town
5.0 / 5
(8 Bewertungen)
Everything went as planned, Shawn’s knowledge of Dassen Island was a bonus, he’s boat is awesome, electronics and fishing gear all was great, what a professional skipper. I defiantly would recommend Tunatic Fishing! Next time we will plan the Tuna Trip with Shawn!
Mario  M.
Mario M.
Ocean Life Fishing Charters
Ocean Life Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in Cape Town
5.0 / 5
(32 Bewertungen)
Captain Donavan & Grant are a great team and fishing is their life. They know their fishing spots very well and are willing to share them. The trip was tailored for beginners, like we have been but I‘m confident they can also make experts happy. Simone & Trudi
Gertrud  R.
Gertrud R.
Ocean Life Fishing Charters
Ocean Life Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in Cape Town
4.7 / 5
(32 Bewertungen)
Had a great trip out with Captain Donavan and his crew mate Grant. It was cold and windy and the yellow tails not playing ball so we gave up on them and fished on the reefs and caught plenty of fish. Lost count. Donavan also supplied a running commentary on the history of the shoreline features and wild life even pointing out ostriches feeding on the shore. These guys really know their stuff and are very friendly and professional.
Stephen  H.
Stephen H.
Cape Town Carp & Catfish Tours
Cape Town Carp & Catfish Tours
Fishing charter in Cape Town
5.0 / 5
(10 Bewertungen)
Fantastic winter's day fishing fun for all as well as some first timers. Lots of fish caught, and a great day out for us and our friends from Scotland. Beautiful location, great equipment and so much fun! Thank you again Wayne.
Kirstin  A.
Kirstin A. Cape Town, Western Cape
Cape Town Fishing – No Fish No Pay
Cape Town Fishing – No Fish No Pay
Fishing charter in Cape Town
5.0 / 5
(4 Bewertungen)
Everything we could wish for was provided and this trip was a wonderful day out for my husband’s Birthday. Had loads of fun and he was in his element with this inland fishing trip. Great lunch and equipment. Wayne has excellent knowledge of the location and fishing! Recommended.
Kirstin  A.
Kirstin A.
Ocean Life Fishing Charters
Ocean Life Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in Cape Town
5.0 / 5
(32 Bewertungen)
Our trip was simply the best. Caught lots of yellowfin tuna and big ones at it. Donovan is very experienced and I will not look for any other boat when I do my next fishing trip.
Coen  D.  K.
Coen D. K.
Cape Town Fishing – No Fish No Pay
Cape Town Fishing – No Fish No Pay
Fishing charter in Cape Town
5.0 / 5
(4 Bewertungen)
This fishing excursion is well worth it if you like catching fish. I caught a tremendous amount of fish as Captain Wayne and his crew kept my poles baited and ready to go. He even supplied me with beer and sodas to drink. Captain Wayne went above and beyond to make the excursion memorable.
Terry  T.
Terry T. Phoenix, AZ
Ocean Life Fishing Charters
Ocean Life Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in Cape Town
5.0 / 5
(32 Bewertungen)
Absolutely Outstanding!!!! Captain Doaovan and 1st mate Ryan are above board. We came out of season with zero fish being caught in the area....Captain Donavan put us on fish, all day. The vessel is clean, comfortable and dependable. The crew was very accommodating and extremely knowledgeable about SA and local areas. We will ALWAYS use Ocean Life Fishing Charters when we can... Thank you Ryan,Thank you Donavan....
Derek  L.
Derek L. Cape Town, WC
Ocean Life Fishing Charters
Ocean Life Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in Cape Town
5.0 / 5
(32 Bewertungen)
An absolutely fantastic trip with captain Don. Great crew and experience, would absolutely recommend for anyone looking for an adventure on the water. Safety first and our group were well looked after the moment we stepped on the boat. Honestly, if you are looking for a fishing experience in Capetown, make sure to book with Don.
Aaron  H.
Aaron H. Cape Town, Western Cape
Ocean Life Fishing Charters
Ocean Life Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in Cape Town
5.0 / 5
(32 Bewertungen)
We had a minor issue pop up and Captain Donavan was great in getting it sorted out. He got us on with another captain and we were able to have an awesome fishing adventure. Although we didn't get to go out with Captaon Donovan, he went above and beyond to make sure we had the fishing trip we were looking for. When we come back next time we will be booking with him again!
John  P.
John P. Lyman, SC
Abundance Fishing And Eco Charters
Abundance Fishing And Eco Charters
Fishing charter in Cape Town
5.0 / 5
(2 Bewertungen)
Peter and his crew mate “Brother” were friendly, helpful and great company. One of my sons got sea sick as we got to open sea so I chose to head back. Peter made the best of it by taking us to as many fishing spots in the bay where the boy felt better. I would recommend the trip and we will be back again. We had a good time!
John  C.
John C. Cape Town, Western Cape
Ocean Life Fishing Charters
Ocean Life Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in Cape Town
5.0 / 5
(32 Bewertungen)
The fishing trip was Awesome, we all had an amazing time. Caught a lot of fish while reeffishing and even two amazing sharks at the end. Definitely recommend booking a trip!
Mees  K.
Mees K. Moorreesburg, Western Cape
Ocean Life Fishing Charters
Ocean Life Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in Cape Town
5.0 / 5
(32 Bewertungen)
Went on a 6 hour fishing trip. In the first hour we immediatly caught some yellow tail. Donovan did everything to make sure we could catch a lot of fish. Overall we caught about 7 different species and more than 20 fish all together. Definitely booking another trip with Donovan, and i would very much recommend anyone else to do so.
Bente  G.
Bente G. Cape Town, Western Cape
Ocean Life Fishing Charters
Ocean Life Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in Cape Town
5.0 / 5
(32 Bewertungen)
Donavan was an excellent guide with a wealth of knowledge of fishing as well as history regarding the Cape peninsula. My friend and I had a blast while out on the sea with him and his brother! Would absolutely recommend them to friends and family.
Austin  S.
Austin S. Frankfurt Am Main, Hesse
Tunatic Fishing Charters
Tunatic Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in Cape Town
5.0 / 5
(8 Bewertungen)
It was great, don't miss this trip. Clear recommendation from me. The equipment was excellent! Thank you
Leon  E.
Leon E. Roth, Bavaria
Ocean Life Fishing Charters
Ocean Life Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in Cape Town
5.0 / 5
(32 Bewertungen)
Donanvan and his colleague did everything to lead the boys (19/15) to exciting fishing rounds and not just to show the usual spots of success. They didn't come back with a lot of fish but with bright eyes and lots of new insights. A great day out for them and totally recommended.
Marein  B.
Marein B. Kloof, KwaZulu-Natal
Tunatic Fishing Charters
Tunatic Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in Cape Town
5.0 / 5
(8 Bewertungen)
Most amazing day, will absolutely reccomend Tunatic charters for a fun-filled day
Jan  S.
Jan S. Pretoria, GT

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