Kanada Angelausflüge

Wir haben die besten Ausflüge aus 282 Angeboten in Kanada für Sie gefunden - geben Sie einfach Ihre Reisedaten ein und prüfen Sie die Verfügbarkeit!

Beliebteste Orte in Kanada

Kanada: 282 Angelausflüge verfügbar
4.8 / 5
(23 Bewertungen)
Ausflüge ab US $475
4.9 / 5
(82 Bewertungen)
Ausflüge ab US $512
4.9 / 5
(63 Bewertungen)
Ausflüge ab US $548
4.9 / 5
(34 Bewertungen)
Ausflüge ab US $439
4.9 / 5
(9 Bewertungen)
Ausflüge ab US $256
4.9 / 5
(61 Bewertungen)
Ausflüge ab US $245
4.9 / 5
(27 Bewertungen)
Ausflüge ab US $585
4.9 / 5
(63 Bewertungen)
West Vancouver
Ausflüge ab US $603
5.0 / 5
(22 Bewertungen)
Ausflüge ab US $219
4.8 / 5
(26 Bewertungen)
Ausflüge ab US $402

Häufige Fragen zu Angelausflügen in Canada

According to customer reviews, some of the most popular fishing charters in Canada are: Full list of top fishing charters in Canada

The average price for a private 4 hour Canada fishing trip is US $470, while an 8 hour private trip will cost you US $804 based on prices on FishingBooker.com.

Fishing charters in Canada that received great reviews from families are:

The top 3 fish species targeted on guided fishing trips in Canada are:

The top 3 fishing techniques in Canada are:

The top 3 types of fishing in Canada are:

Many fishing charters in Canada provide rods, reels and tackle. Some of the top rated are:

According to customer reviews on FishingBooker.com, some of the best rated charter captains in Canada are:

Who are the top awarded captains in Canada?

Some of the fishing trips offered by fishing charters in Canada are:
  • 2-hour fishing trips – US $335
  • 4-hour fishing trips – US $643
  • 5-hour fishing trips – US $781
  • 6-hour fishing trips – US $775
  • 8-hour fishing trips – US $1,080
  • 10-hour fishing trips – US $1,350
  • 12-hour fishing trips – US $1,400
  • 13-hour fishing trips – US $1,500

Fishing in Kanada

Sie können ein ganzes Leben lang in Kanada Angeln und Sie hätten nur einen Bruchteil dessen erlebt, was dieses Land zu bieten hat. Von abgelegenen Gebirgsbächen und den Wellen des Meeres, bis zu städtischen Seen, die von Wolkenkratzern umgeben sind. Für viele Angler ist die weite Wildnis das zusätzliche Sahnehäubchen. Der perfekte Ort um an abgelegenen Plätzen zu angeln und ein Wochenende in einer Berghütte zu verbringen.

Angebote für Angelausflüge mit dem Boot und geführte Angeltouren finden Sie in Kanada überall zusammen mit Listen der Fische, die geangelt werden. Für viele Besucher ist der schwerste Teil der Reise zu entscheiden, wo sie anfangen wollen.

Lachsangeln in Kanada

Nichts ist vergleichbar mit dem Angeln nach Kanadas berühmtesten Fisch, dem Lachs. Kanada ist sowohl Heimat für den atlantischen Lachs, als auch für fünf Lachsarten aus dem Pazifik. Sie werden diese Fische also überall finden.

Üblicherweise ist Fliegenfischen die Methode der Wahl in Quebec, Neufundland, New Brunswick und Nova Scotia, wenn auf atlantischen Lachs geangelt wird. Die Gaspésie-Halbinsel in Quebec bietet reichlich Möglichkeiten dafür und ist einfach zu erreichen. Wie an vielen Orten auf dieser Seite des Landes ist das Lachsangeln stark abhängig vom saisonalen Geschehen und den Bedingungen im Meer.

Auf der anderen Seite des Landes, im Westen, befindet sich Britisch-Kolumbien, dessen Flüsse und über 25.000 Kilometer Küste nur so von Lachsen wimmeln. Königslachse sind die Herrscher dieser Gewässer mit ganzjährigen Populationen und kapitalen Exemplaren (Tyees) im Sommer. Jedes Jahr gesellen sich Millionen von Silberlachsen (Coho), Rotlachsen (Sockeye), Hundslachsen (Chum) und Buckellachsen dazu, auf ihrem Weg zu den Laichplätzen. Vancouver Island und Haida Gwaii sind erstklassige Ziele für einen Angelurlaub in Kanada, wenn Sie Lachse angeln möchten.

Hechtangeln in Kanada

Für manche Angler gibt es nichts verlockenderes als das Hechtangeln das Kanada zu bieten hat. Schon in den großen Flusssystemen können Sie Hechte finden, aber die größten Exemplare schwimmen in den abgelegenen nördlichen Seen der Provinzen Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Ontario und im nördlichen Quebec. Die beste Zeit um diese Räuber zu fangen ist während der “ice out” Periode, der Zeit in der das Eis von den Seen abschmilzt. Dann versammeln sich die Hechte in den flachen Wassern der Buchten und Nebengewässer. Auch wenn alles Eis geschmolzen ist ist es schwer eine schlechte Zeit zum Hechtangeln zu finden.

Regeln und Vorschriften

Für das Angeln im Süß- und Salzwasser muss jeweils eine Erlaubnis erworben werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihre Lizenz für die Provinz in der Sie angeln möchten gültig ist. An manchen Orten ist es möglich, dass zusätzliche Gebühren und Erlaubnisse erforderlich sind.

Manche Fische dürfen nicht zu jeder Jahreszeit geangelt werden und können Größenbeschränkungen unterliegen. Der einfachste Weg den örtlichen Regelungen zu folgen ist, einen Ausflug mit einem professionellen Anbieter für Angelausflüge oder Angelführer zu buchen.

Regeln & Vorschriften

Before casting a line in Canada, you’ll need to purchase a fishing license. These differ depending on which state or province you’re fishing in, so check with the relevant authority to get yours. Regulations on bag and size limits, as well as special permits for certain species also vary. That’s why we suggest heading out with a Canada fishing guide, who’ll keep you on the right side of the law. 
4.8 / 5
Basierend auf 28674 Bewertungen von FishingBooker Anglern

Kanada Angelsaisonen

Der Jahresanfang ist eine gute Zeit um in Kanada angeln zu gehen. In Victoria sind kleine Königslachse häufig, während Eisangeln in Ontario Bachforellen verspricht.
Wenn Sie genug von Eisangeln haben, stellen Sie ein paar Krabbenfallen in den Buchten von Britisch-Kolumbien auf, oder versuchen Sie Ihr Glück beim Fliegenfischen an den zahllosen Flüssen.
Das Eis auf den meisten Seen in Kanada muss erst noch schmelzen, aber verschiedene Bäche und Flüsse halten Forellen, Glasaugenbarsche und viele mehr für Sie bereit.
Angler machen sich auf zu den großen Seen in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Ontario und dem nördlichen Quebec um nach Hechten zu angeln während das Eis schmilzt.
Langsam beginnt die Lachssaison im ganzen Land von Quebec bis zu den Großen Seen und den entfernten Ecken Britisch-Kolumbiens. Atlantischer Lachs und Königslachs sind im Kommen.
Das Wetter wird jeden Tag schöner und zieht so manchen mit dem Boot aufs Meer. In Britisch-Kolumbien fangen die Angler Lachs, Heilbutt, Lengdorsch und Rotbarsch.
Die Sommermitte ist die beste Zeit um am Fraser River nach Stören zu angeln. Wenn Sie lieber mit leichterem Gerät unterwegs sind versuchen Sie sich doch im Osten an Hecht, Glasaugenbarsch oder Seesaibling.
Auf Vancouver Island beißen jetzt alle 5 pazifischen Lachsarten – ein Traum für jeden Angler. Im Süßwasser können Sie sich jetzt an den Flüssen und Seen im ganzen Land austoben.
Während die Lachssaison langsam ihr Ende findet, fahren Angler in Nova Scotia und auf der Prinz-Edward-Insel auf das Meer auf der Suche nach dem nächsten rekordbrechenden Blauflossen-Thun.
Im Norden wird weiter nach Blauflossen-Thun geangelt, während in den Flüssen in ganz Kanada die Saison für Regenbogenforellen beginnt. Krabbenfischen in Britisch-Kolumbien ist jetzt sehr erfolgreich.
Der Winter naht und viele Angler begeben sich an entlegene Flüsse um Regenbogenforellen zu angeln. In Ontario kann man auf dem Oberen See noch nach Lachsen trollen.
Da die meisten Seen inzwischen von Eis bedeckt sind wird meist an kleinen Flüssen geangelt. Wenn das Eis schon dick genug ist können Sie sich auch am Eisfischen versuchen.

Kanada Angelkalender

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Was Angler über angeln in Kanada sagen

Although we were in the spring and there were fewer salmon we still had a great time.
5.0 / 5
Although we were in the spring and there were fewer salmon we still had a great time.
50North Adventures
50North Adventures
When fishing in Calgary for the first time definitely recommend getting a guide who knows the area so you aren't wasting time figuring out places/lures to use to catch fish in the area.
5.0 / 5
When fishing in Calgary for the first time definitely recommend getting a guide who knows the area so you aren't wasting time figuring out places/lures to use to catch fish in the area.
River People Guides
River People Guides
I was told I missed the great salmon time by about a week. Aim for the last 2 weeks in April.
5.0 / 5
I was told I missed the great salmon time by about a week. Aim for the last 2 weeks in April.
Salmon Catcher Charters Toronto Ontario
Salmon Catcher Charters Toronto Ontario
Not a lot of fishing boats out, so hardly any competition. We were able to catch our limit for the day. I am sure if we stayed out longer we could have got Halibut as well, since the other boat did in the same area.
5.0 / 5
Not a lot of fishing boats out, so hardly any competition. We were able to catch our limit for the day. I am sure if we stayed out longer we could have got Halibut as well, since the other boat did in the same area.
Tofino Ocean Adventures
Tofino Ocean Adventures
Be prepared for unpredictable weather changes and be ready to roll with what may be presented to you.
5.0 / 5
Be prepared for unpredictable weather changes and be ready to roll with what may be presented to you.
Full Melt Charters
Full Melt Charters
In Feb it’s alot colder than summer . Bring thermos with soup and coffee , and dress warmly. It was brisk but it makes you feel alive!
5.0 / 5
In Feb it’s alot colder than summer . Bring thermos with soup and coffee , and dress warmly. It was brisk but it makes you feel alive!
King Tide Charters
King Tide Charters Sooke, British Columbia
We couldn’t have gotten a more perfect day! Sun was shining, wasn’t too windy, fish were biting! We definitely over prepared but never know what to expect with being on the water
5.0 / 5
We couldn’t have gotten a more perfect day! Sun was shining, wasn’t too windy, fish were biting! We definitely over prepared but never know what to expect with being on the water
Rising Tide Coastal Adventures
Rising Tide Coastal Adventures
Opt for a seasoned local guide like Captain Scott in Ucluelet who knows the area well. His expertise can make a significant difference, ensuring you have a successful and enjoyable first fishing trip. Ucluelet’s weather can be unpredictable. Dressing in layers ensures you stay comfortable throughout the day. Pack the essentials, be patient and enjoy the experience!
5.0 / 5
Opt for a seasoned local guide like Captain Scott in Ucluelet who knows the area well. His expertise can make a significant difference, ensuring you have a successful and enjoyable first fishing trip. Ucluelet’s weather can be unpredictable. Dressing in layers ensures you stay comfortable throughout the day. Pack the essentials, be patient and enjoy the experience!
Oceans West Adventures
Oceans West Adventures
Contact the captain first, and he’ll give you all the information needed to include flexibility for weather.
5.0 / 5
Contact the captain first, and he’ll give you all the information needed to include flexibility for weather.
Niagara Fish Assassins Sportfishing
Niagara Fish Assassins Sportfishing
Its worth the effort to travel here...beautiful setting, plentiful fish and not overly commercialized
5.0 / 5
Its worth the effort to travel here...beautiful setting, plentiful fish and not overly commercialized
Sooke Salmon Charters
Sooke Salmon Charters
The captain admitted that the fishing is better prior to October but we had plenty of action.
5.0 / 5
The captain admitted that the fishing is better prior to October but we had plenty of action.
Northwest Saltwater Adventures
Northwest Saltwater Adventures
If you want a bigger catch you should check the dates of when you can keep the wild salmon.
5.0 / 5
If you want a bigger catch you should check the dates of when you can keep the wild salmon.
Full Melt Charters
Full Melt Charters
Book a charter that is able to assist you in fishing for the fish species you are targeting and have fun.
5.0 / 5
Book a charter that is able to assist you in fishing for the fish species you are targeting and have fun.
Peninsula Charters
Peninsula Charters Vancouver, British Columbia
Price was good for 5 hours. Lots of experience and Willing to answer questions. Book halibut full day so boat can travel to better Halibut options.
5.0 / 5
Price was good for 5 hours. Lots of experience and Willing to answer questions. Book halibut full day so boat can travel to better Halibut options.
Rising Tide Coastal Adventures
Rising Tide Coastal Adventures Didsbury, AB
Dress appropriately and bring gloves. It can get cold out there. Also a rain jacket and hat since there’s no roof on the boat.
5.0 / 5
Dress appropriately and bring gloves. It can get cold out there. Also a rain jacket and hat since there’s no roof on the boat.
Campbell's Deep Sea Fishing
Campbell's Deep Sea Fishing St. John's, Newfoundland And Labrador
I did not see a lot of other boats catching a lot of fish. Few fish per boat. However, we limited with Full Melt Charters in less than 2 hours. Definitely go with this guy!
5.0 / 5
I did not see a lot of other boats catching a lot of fish. Few fish per boat. However, we limited with Full Melt Charters in less than 2 hours. Definitely go with this guy!
Full Melt Charters
Full Melt Charters Brush Prairie, WA
Make sure to only book Phantom Fishing with Captain Frank and First Mate John!!
5.0 / 5
Make sure to only book Phantom Fishing with Captain Frank and First Mate John!!
Phantom Sportfishing – Oakville
Phantom Sportfishing – Oakville Pillager, MN
Bring a big cooler for all the fish you will be catching - they helped us pack up the fish and we got it all home without making a mess in my car but it would have been easier if I thought to bring my big cooler.
5.0 / 5
Bring a big cooler for all the fish you will be catching - they helped us pack up the fish and we got it all home without making a mess in my car but it would have been easier if I thought to bring my big cooler.
Tips Up Sport Fishing Charters
Tips Up Sport Fishing Charters Victoria, BC
Book the trip with Bob only! You will be satisfied with this. Don't forget to buy a Licence for fishing!
5.0 / 5
Book the trip with Bob only! You will be satisfied with this. Don't forget to buy a Licence for fishing!
Salmon Catcher Charters Toronto Ontario
Salmon Catcher Charters Toronto Ontario Toronto, ON
Outstanding unbelievable fishing trip of a lifetime. Massive chinook salmon.
5.0 / 5
Outstanding unbelievable fishing trip of a lifetime. Massive chinook salmon.
Last Chance Fishing Adventures
Last Chance Fishing Adventures Overland Park, KS

Lesen Sie Bewertungen von Ausflugsanbietern in Kanada

Hooked On Fishing Charters
Hooked On Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in Sooke
5.0 / 5
(14 Bewertungen)
10/10 experience. Great knowledge of the area. Did an excellent job of instructing people of all experience levels. I’d highly recommend booking with Josh for your next Sooke charter.
Daniel  C.
Daniel C. Sooke, British Columbia
Slacktide Sportfishing
Slacktide Sportfishing
Fishing charter in Ucluelet
5.0 / 5
(29 Bewertungen)
Andrew was amazing! Made sure everything went smoothly and that we got everything we could have wanted out of our day. He’s extremely knowledgeable and really made the experience a 10/10. I would recommend him to anyone wanting to have. Fantastic day of fishing!
Rossouw  K.
Rossouw K.
Minnesota Charters
Minnesota Charters
Fishing charter in Ucluelet
4.7 / 5
(21 Bewertungen)
Captain Brendon is very knowledgable of the area and was able to fill the quiet times with interesting antidotes of the surrounding area and peoples. All in all I had an extremely enjoyable time and a successful trip with a great fishing experience.
Michael  D.
Michael D.
Full Melt Charters
Full Melt Charters
Fishing charter in Sooke
5.0 / 5
(61 Bewertungen)
We had a great time and caught our limit! Thank you Captain Wayne and staff!
Teresa  B.
Teresa B.
Fishing charter in St. Catharines
5.0 / 5
(38 Bewertungen)
Great day in the lake! Started strong, but the bites dropped off in the afternoon. Captain Brent worked very hard amongst the “Bumper Boats” (crowded lake) to keep us active, and I would definitely recommend him for anyone wishing to fish Ontario. Thanks Captain!!
Hooked On Fishing Charters
Hooked On Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in Sooke
5.0 / 5
(14 Bewertungen)
Josh is a really friendly, experienced and professional captain. The boat is great, well equipped with everything you need and the waters around Sooke are just beautiful! We had an amazing day out there and were able to catch some crabs and salmon. Josh can share a lot of interesting stories about the area and I would recommend him to anyone looking for a fishing charter around Sooke.
Bastian  S.
Bastian S.
Rising Tide Coastal Adventures
Rising Tide Coastal Adventures
Fishing charter in Sooke
5.0 / 5
(26 Bewertungen)
We had a great day on the ocean. My family came to visit so Don took us fishing and they had they best time. Very knowledgeable guy and would highly recommend!!
Tyler  G.
Tyler G.
King Tide Charters
King Tide Charters
Fishing charter in Sooke
5.0 / 5
(5 Bewertungen)
I have known Andrew for years and guided alongside him in Haida Gwaii. He is a true professional. He caters every trip specifically for his guests, anything you need, he will go above and beyond for you. If you want a truly unforgettable trip with extraordinary memories, do not hesitate to get into contact with Andrew!
Tanner  F.
Tanner F. Cochrane, Alberta
Nautibouy Sportfishing
Nautibouy Sportfishing
Fishing charter in Hamilton
5.0 / 5
(9 Bewertungen)
Steve is a very experienced and knowledgeable trawler. Made the trip very fun for me and my son. Highly recommend him if you're new to fishing.
Khalid  C.
Khalid C.
Oceans West Adventures
Oceans West Adventures
Fishing charter in Ucluelet
5.0 / 5
(62 Bewertungen)
We had a perfect day together with captain Scott. We got Lingcod, an awsome halibut, they were difficult this day, but still we got one. We tryed salmon - Got some hooked but didnt manage to get them on board. Thanks to Scott for an awsome day
Finn  H.  H.
Finn H. H.
Mongoose Striker Fishing Charters
Mongoose Striker Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in West Vancouver
5.0 / 5
(63 Bewertungen)
Me and my boys loved it. Captain Scott was positive, knowledgeable and was a great teacher. I would recommend him to anybody. Thank u Captain Scott!
Geoffrey  I.
Geoffrey I.
Reel Time Fishing Charters & Marine Tours
Reel Time Fishing Charters & Marine Tours
Fishing charter in Nanaimo
5.0 / 5
(111 Bewertungen)
Captain Andrew is very personable and knowledgeable. We would definitely recommend booking him for your charter on the water. We had a great day on the water!!!
Glenn  O.
Glenn O.
Hooked On Fishing Charters
Hooked On Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in Sooke
5.0 / 5
(14 Bewertungen)
Josh operates a fantastic charter. Being a bit of an amateur myself, he demonstrated a lot of experience taking us out. I also enjoyed his easy going and friendly attitude...added to everything. Would recommend him if you are planning a trip in the area
Ike  A.
Ike A. Burnaby, British Columbia
Roy's Fishing Charters
Roy's Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in Vancouver
5.0 / 5
(63 Bewertungen)
Roy is an excellent captain who knows all the local waters and good fishing spots. We had a great catch on a mixed weather day. Would recommend for anglers of all skills.
John  S.
John S.
Phantom Sportfishing – Oakville
Phantom Sportfishing – Oakville
Fishing charter in Oakville
5.0 / 5
(23 Bewertungen)
Captain Mike was very accommodating and changed up the date so it would work for our group.
David  G.
David G.
Full Melt Charters
Full Melt Charters
Fishing charter in Sooke
5.0 / 5
(61 Bewertungen)
Captain Wayne took my son and I out for my son’s 13 birthday. A 13 years Old’s one million and one questions were answered with patience and humour. We got skunked but didn’t even care! Beautiful day on the water and a belly full of crab! Not a single complaint!
Angela  B.
Angela B.
King Slayer Sportfishing
King Slayer Sportfishing
Fishing charter in St. Catharines
5.0 / 5
(5 Bewertungen)
Connor is a legend, we had such an awesome trip. Communication was clear the whole way through as there was some dodgy weather around our trip date but we managed to find a window where we could go out to slay some kings! Awesome time out on the water 10/10, thoroughly recommend!
Oliver  R.
Oliver R.
Reel Time Fishing Charters & Marine Tours
Reel Time Fishing Charters & Marine Tours
Fishing charter in Nanaimo
5.0 / 5
(111 Bewertungen)
We had a lot of fun with Captain Andrew! We caught some really nice fish and the captain knew exactly where to find them 😊 There was plenty of space on the boat and Andrew also gave us some information about fish stocks, the surrounding area and history 😊 Highly recommended!
Carsten  M.
Carsten M.
Amazing Fishing Charters
Amazing Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in Richmond
5.0 / 5
(44 Bewertungen)
Captain Ivan was fantastic! He put us right on the fish. Several double hook-ups and a few triples! I think the longest we went without a bite was 15 minutes. An amazing day, looking forward to booking again in September for the big ones!
Sheryl  C.
Sheryl C.
PWC Salmon Angler
PWC Salmon Angler
Fishing charter in Campbell River
4.7 / 5
(11 Bewertungen)
We had a lot of fun with Captain Marc and caught some nice fish 😊 Various snacks and drinks were also on board, so all in all we were well looked after!
Carsten  M.
Carsten M.

Beliebteste Angelmethoden in Kanada

Beliebteste Arten in Kanada