Mid Summer Shark Bannaza-Nearshore Trip
August 12, 2024 Galveston 1 Foto

Beschreibung des Ausflugs

Our nearshore shark action is heating up. Trips ranging from 5-20 sharks a trip. We are mostly catching spinner and blacktip sharks ranging from 30-160 lbs. On these trips we are likely to encounter Tarpon, Jacks, Ling and Bull Reds. This trip continues to get better and better until late October. If you are allergic to catching “Big Sharks “ then this is not your trip.
Shannon LaBauve
Galveston, Texas, United States
Galveston Offshore thumbnail
Galveston Offshore (which has more than 800 5-star reviews) offers jetty trips, nearshore Shark and Tarpon trips, and the amazing 30 to 60-mile Snapper trips. Operated by Captain Shannon LaBauve this charter is fun and educational, and most of all product...

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