Black Marlin
Dezember 14, 2022 Cuvu 4 Fotos
Marlin (Black)
Marlin (Schwarzer)
Dolphin (Mahi Mahi)
Goldmakrele (Mahi Mahi)

Beschreibung des Ausflugs

Lucky day for fishingbooker guests, Daniel and Charlotte who travelled to Fiji from the Uk. Congratulations on your first ever catch of Marlin and Mahimahi
Sigatoka Fishing Charters
Cuvu, Fiji
Sigatoka Fishing Charters Fiji thumbnail
Join Sigatoka Fishing Charters for an awesome Fiji Fishing Adventure. This local charter fishing business is located on Cuvu Beach, close to Sigatoka on Fiji’s famous Coral Coast. They offer you the unique opportunity to experience the beautiful sur...

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