Tarpon and Snook at the Bay
Mai 29, 2016
San Juan
2 Fotos


Beschreibung des Ausflugs
Beschreibung des Ausflugs
Beautiful day with flat seas gave us the opportunity to do some early reef fishing to target the tasty King Mackerel and Yellowtail Snappers. To our surprise, the bite was very slow at the reef and after no action at the reef, we decided to target the tarpon and snook at the channels.
On our way back to the channels, we found a huge bait ball in the middle of the Bay and managed to fill our two livewells with a single shot. We were ready for the tarpon!
Tarpon were not rolling at the channels, but we knew they were there! 5 minutes after throwing in lines, we hook up with a huge snook that unfortunately pulled the hook after couple of minutes. They were biting!
Next drift, we hook up with a decent 6 pound snook that gave a good fight and gave us the first catch of the day.
On the next drift we were able to catch and release a decent tarpon as well.
We decided to go back to the bay to target the elusive jack crevalle to complete our Inshore Grand Slam but no luck. We hooked up with another tarpon that pulled the hook after a couple of jumps.
Overall, a successful fishing trip, happy clients and happy captain!