Ambition report 16th.June'19
Juni 15, 2019
5 Fotos & 1 Video



Marlin (Gestreifter)
Beschreibung des Ausflugs
Beschreibung des Ausflugs
We went out yesterday in ideal conditions. I was aiming to have a shot at Kings then go to the Mountain do a drop or two and go wide to have a late cubing session on the thousand fathom line where there were supposed to be long liners.
As it happened live bait was hard to find but we did manage a few. Arriving at 12 mile the soundings looked good but after several lost rigs and a couple of jackets landed it was time to get out of there.
The lures were put out and we headed for Browns. As we neared the shelf I sounded schools of bait and they were fairly high in the water column. Even though it was June and the temperature and water colour weren't great it was looking increasingly fishy.
Just on the edge we had a hit on the shotgun where Brad 'J' lives. It took off a bit of line but no hook-up. Howie tried teasing with the lure to no effect then as I made a turn to circle the area the fish hit again we had our hook-up. It, as you are probably aware was a good Striped Marlin of around eighty kilo's which put up a great show for the novice angler.
We ended up coming back inside Browns and starting a cube trail. Rhys put a jig down and to my surprise hooked up on his first drop. We were all speculating as to what it was. It was going pretty well, I thought it was an Albacore. Unfortunately the line broke but later on the guys using cubes caught a couple of big Striped tuna so I guess that was what we lost, I think...
Tight lines,