Shark Week!!!
August 01, 2018
Fort Lauderdale
5 Fotos & 2 Videos





Goldmakrele (Mahi Mahi)
Beschreibung des Ausflugs
Beschreibung des Ausflugs
Summer fishing is coming to an end, but the shark fishing is just getting started. This is the best season I have ever seen for a variety of diffent sharks. We have been catching Hammerheads, Bullsharks, Sandbar Sharks, Lemon Sharks, and Sand Dusky Sharks. We are catching most of these sharks inside 150ft of water on heavy tackle on the bottom. If you dare to test your skill we can arrange a light tackle attempt. Some of these fish are hard to tackle on big equipment, but if light tackle is your preference step up to the plate.
All of our shark fishing is strictly catch and release, we also now use circle hooks to preserve the life of the Shark. 95% of these fish are Federally protected, which means the sharks stay outside the boat. We also tag and release these fish for Science.
Not to mention the Mahi fishing has been great offshore, another fishery that was above average for the season. 9 out of 10 Mahi Mahi trips were a success, having everyone working together surely helps ass well.
The Mullet run is not far away, bringing many different predator species into the south Florida area. We expect this, "Mullet Run" to start in the beginning of September and go all the way to November. Another thing to look forward to in out Fishery.
I hope you guys enjoyed my post, tight lines Captain Mike