Skipjacks and 523lbs blue marlin
August 02, 2015
Grande Riviere Noire
2 Fotos
Beschreibung des Ausflugs
Beschreibung des Ausflugs
Great day for these first time fishermen. Started at 07h00 and after one hour, we came across hundreds of birds following a school of Skipjacks and as soon as we reached the school six of nine lines out started screaming and the action was on. Skipjacks everywhere and our customers were having fun. After a while and having caught around 15 Skipjacks, everything went quiet, could still see the birds and Skipjacks jumping around but no more bites....We did not give up and after one hour of moving around the school, we suddenly noticed a nice black shadow behind the teaser, no doubt it was a marlin! It left the teaser and went straight towards the lure on the shotgun and swallowed the lure straight away. The battle was on and after one and a half hour, it was done for these first time fishermen but it was not that easy for them. And the scale accused 523lbs for this nice blue marlin.