Lively Black Marlin on Spin Gear
November 22, 2017
Port Vila
1 Video
Beschreibung des Ausflugs
Beschreibung des Ausflugs
It was a great day on Nambas during one of our trips in November. We went from battling Dogtooth on topwater lures, with explosive bites and screaming drag to battling a classic Vanuatu Black Marlin on the spin gear. Having already caught 2 nice sail fish on trolling gear, we then hooked up to this awesome little Black Marlin on the Shimano Saragosa spinning set up. The Black didn't like the situation and after getting tail wrapped started to go down. With some changes in pressure and some boat manoeuvring by Captain Housby we managed to get the fish unwrapped and back up on the surface. To try and ensure we realeased the fish in the healthiest state Russ then backed up hard on the fish leading to a speedy and healthy release and a good drenching for angler and crew. When the weather is a good as it is in Vanuatu a bit of cooling salt water is a nice relief! As you can see the fish swam away in great condition. Unfortunately we ran out of time and couldn't go in search of a Blue Marlin for a time!