What would you recommend to anglers fishing in Port Vila for the first time?
Antworten von verifizierten FishingBooker Anglern, die in Port Vila geangelt haben
1 - 10 von 10 Antworten
1 - 10 von 10 Antworten

Darren Ford
Lidcombe, New South Wales
Angelte mit Game Fishing Vanuatu – Stormbird am Juli 15, 2019
Angelte mit Game Fishing Vanuatu – Stormbird am Juli 15, 2019
Find Frankie (toothless bloke) at public boat wharf and taxi boat area to Iririki, good bloke top action 20-30min from wharf

Paul Mccullough
Auckland, AUK
Angelte mit Crusoe Fishing - Reel Capture 34' am Juli 10, 2019
Angelte mit Crusoe Fishing - Reel Capture 34' am Juli 10, 2019
Weather is always an issue, if you get seasick, take the tablets or whatever a few hours before. Dont expect miracles as there are no guarantees when fishing.

Reg Smith
Matamata, Waikato
Angelte mit Crusoe Fishing - Nevagivup 34' am Juni 3, 2019
Angelte mit Crusoe Fishing - Nevagivup 34' am Juni 3, 2019
Make sure you know what your target fish are and if you are in fact able to fish for them at the time of year you intend to travel.

Tim Robinson
Melbourne, VIC
Angelte mit Game Fishing Vanuatu – Stormbird am Mai 2, 2019
Angelte mit Game Fishing Vanuatu – Stormbird am Mai 2, 2019
Make sure you are here at the right time of year for target fish. I will say this in the days before and after my fish the crew did catch 3 yellowfin tuna to around 9 kg.