What would you recommend to anglers fishing in Victoria for the first time?

Antworten von verifizierten FishingBooker Anglern, die in Victoria geangelt haben

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Roman K
Victoria, La Rivière Anglaise
Angelte mit Boombastic Tours am April 15, 2024
Choose carefully and look for a team. There are a lot of boats that say they know everything about fishing, but they don't know anything. Do not buy fishing if you are offered berbeku on the beach.

Vukan Simic
Angelte mit Billy’s Charter am April 26, 2024
Just let the captain do their magic. The ocean is full of fish and they’re pretty aggressive especially around the reefs.

Howard Goldstein
Angelte mit Mae Guide Century am April 5, 2024
Just go out and have some fun. Let the captain and the first mate use their experience to hopefully catch some fish.

Natalia Beddard
Victoria, English River
Angelte mit Legacy Charters Seychelles am Januar 5, 2024
Listen to advice and suggestions of your captain. They most likely know the best what time , where and when to go and try to be flexible. And of course just enjoy the processes.

Janette Macleod
Angelte mit Billy’s Charter am Juli 13, 2023
The sea isn’t as calm as it is at other times of the year but if you are used to fishing like we are, it’s no problem at all. We caught plenty through jigging and ground fishing.