All-Inclusive Sportfishing

Member since July 2014 Fort Lauderdale, United States
Meine Besatzungsmitglieder und ich haben umfangreiche Erfahrung im Angeln in der Gegend von Fort Lauderdale/Miami: zwei Bahamas Billfish Championships und zahlreiche Turniersiege zusätzlich zu unseren vielen Jahren der Durchführung von Ausflügen. Keiner von uns nimmt mehr an Wettkämpfen teil, sondern verbringt seine Tage damit, erfahrenen Anglern und Anfängern das Hochseeangeln näher zu bringen und neue Angler sanft in das Hochseeangeln einzuführen. Kinder sind immer willkommen und wir ermutigen Sie, Ihre Kinder mitzubringen. Zusammen haben wir mehr als 90 Jahre Erfahrung in den Angelausflügen auf große Fische und auch in Angelabenteuern, die auf die spezifischen Wünsche jedes Gastes zugeschnitten sind. Wir lieben, was wir tun, es ist alles, was wir tun und unsere Liebe für unseren Job ist leicht mit Trip Advisor und Google Bewertungen sowie hier bei Fishing Booker zu sehen, da alle uns mit 5 Sternen bewerten.
Wir bieten alle Arten von Angelmethoden an, von großen Fischen vom Wunschzettel bis hin zu kleineren Fischen für kleine Kinder. Angeln mit Lebendködern am Riff auf Fächerfisch und Drachenangeln als Spezialität. Wahoo, Mahi-Mahi, Thunfisch und Königsmakrele sind ebenfalls primäre Ziele beim Trolling und auch beim Angeln mit Lebendködern. Wir angeln aktiv am Grund auf verschiedene Arten wie Zackenbarsch, Schnapper, Goldenen und Grauen Ziegelfisch und verschiedene Makrelenarten. Das tropische und warme Wasser der Gegend bietet das ganze Jahr über Haie in verschiedenen Größen und Arten.

Hallo, wir sind All-Inclusive Sportfishing

Fort Lauderdale, Vereinigte Staaten
Meine Besatzungsmitglieder und ich haben umfangreiche Erfahrung im Angeln in der Gegend von Fort Lauderdale/Miami: zwei Bahamas Billfish Championships und zahlreiche Turniersiege zusätzlich zu unseren vielen Jahren der Durchführung von Ausflügen. Keiner von uns nimmt mehr an Wettkämpfen teil, sondern verbringt seine Tage damit, erfahrenen Anglern und Anfängern das Hochseeangeln näher zu bringen und neue Angler sanft in das Hochseeangeln einzuführen. Kinder sind immer willkommen und wir ermutigen Sie, Ihre Kinder mitzubringen. Zusammen haben wir mehr als 90 Jahre Erfahrung in den Angelausflügen auf große Fische und auch in Angelabenteuern, die auf die spezifischen Wünsche jedes Gastes zugeschnitten sind. Wir lieben, was wir tun, es ist alles, was wir tun und unsere Liebe für unseren Job ist leicht mit Trip Advisor und Google Bewertungen sowie hier bei Fishing Booker zu sehen, da alle uns mit 5 Sternen bewerten.
Wir bieten alle Arten von Angelmethoden an, von großen Fischen vom Wunschzettel bis hin zu kleineren Fischen für kleine Kinder. Angeln mit Lebendködern am Riff auf Fächerfisch und Drachenangeln als Spezialität. Wahoo, Mahi-Mahi, Thunfisch und Königsmakrele sind ebenfalls primäre Ziele beim Trolling und auch beim Angeln mit Lebendködern. Wir angeln aktiv am Grund auf verschiedene Arten wie Zackenbarsch, Schnapper, Goldenen und Grauen Ziegelfisch und verschiedene Makrelenarten. Das tropische und warme Wasser der Gegend bietet das ganze Jahr über Haie in verschiedenen Größen und Arten.

Mein Angebot

4.9 / 5
(543 Bewertungen)
Fort Lauderdale
 2 mal gebucht in der letzten Woche
 Sofortige Bestätigung
Ausflüge ab US $875


Marlin My Darlin fishing reprt
Marlin My Darlin fishing reprt
Dez. 26, 2024 Fort Lauderdale
**Fort Lauderdale Charter Fishing Report: Aboard the Marlin, My Darling** This week, aboard the Marlin, My Darling, we're navigating the winds and choppy seas that have characterized the past couple of weeks in Fort Lauderdale. Fortunately, the fishing has been rewarding, with mahi-mahi, sailfish, and sizable blackfin tuna making their presence known. While trolling along the reef has seen some slower action, we've still encountered smaller Bonitas and the occasional wahoo. A few nice-sized blackfin tuna and skipjacks, along with mahi-mahi, have also been caught, typically in waters ranging from 100 to 400 feet just beyond the reef. Kite fishing has truly shined, especially under windy conditions. Large trophy sailfish, mahi-mahi, blackfin tuna, and even some sizable game sharks have been caught, making it a favorite winter fishing method. On the downside, bottom fishing has been quieter, though there has been a notable presence of smaller snappers around some shipwrecks. Noteworthy catches included a 35-pound black grouper and a couple of amberjacks from the deeper wrecks. Offshore, mahi fishing has been sparse due to a lack of debris and fish activity. However, December brings anticipation, as it's typically a productive month. The post-Christmas period is our peak season, so we encourage you to book your charter early. Visit our website or give us a call to secure your adventure aboard with us at the Marlin My Darlin **hidden content** **hidden content**
Fishing on the Marlin My Darlin
Fishing on the Marlin My Darlin
Dez. 3, 2024 Fort Lauderdale
**Fort Lauderdale Fishing Report: Marlin My Darlin Charterboat - December 1, 2024** November has been one for the record books here aboard the Marlin My Darlin. The month delivered exceptional charter fishing experiences, boasting an impressive array of pelagic species including mahi-mahi, blackfin tuna, and a plentiful number of wahoo. It was certainly one of the most productive Novembers we've had in recent years, complemented by fantastic weather and bustling business. The offshore fishing scene has been a mixed bag. While we haven't encountered much seaweed or floating debris to target, the mahi fishing remains promising, albeit somewhat inconsistent. The catches offshore haven't been enormous, but we've landed a respectable number of school-sized fish with a few larger catches adding to the excitement. Kite fishing has been the highlight of late, benefiting greatly from the increase in wind. The conditions have ushered in a healthy collection of sailfish, mahi, blackfin tuna, and impressively large king mackerel. Kite fishing is a beloved practice in our waters this time of year, and it never fails to deliver thrilling moments on the line. Trolling along the reef has been a tale of two shifts. Morning charters have seen moderate action with a smattering of kingfish and small bonito. Conversely, the afternoon reels tell a different story, showcasing an abundance of blackfin tuna and the occasional wahoo as the day winds down. Our bottom fishing endeavors have been fruitful, with an influx of small vermilion snappers and a modest number of snowy groupers, which we've been careful to release. Although amberjacks and groupers have been somewhat elusive, we expect their numbers to grow in the coming months. Swordfishing offshore remains robust, with commercial boats and our charters alike enjoying success. The daytime fishing has been particularly noteworthy, landing sizable swordfish ranging from 150 to over 500 pounds using electric reels in depths of 1,700 feet. Lastly, shark fishing along the reef has been nothing short of phenomenal. In recent weeks, we've had exhilarating encounters with some truly remarkable specimens. Big Hammerheads, Tiger Shark, Bull Sharks around lately. Get in on the action soon. As always, we're thrilled to provide unforgettable fishing experiences. Whether you're here for the rush of the catch or the serenity of the sea, the Marlin My Darlin is ready to make your adventure a memorable one. Book your trip today and let’s make some lasting fishing memories! Marlin My Darlin **hidden content** **hidden content**
Late June/July
Late June/July
Jul. 4, 2024 Fort Lauderdale
### June 27, 2024 Fort Lauderdale Charter Fishing Report Hello fellow anglers, The last couple of weeks have truly felt like summer in full swing, with hot temperatures and late afternoon thunderstorms gracing us daily. Such conditions often bring favorable opportunities for fishing, and this summer has been no exception. #### Reef Fishing Update The summertime migration of Bonitas and Kingfish has officially started along the reefs, accompanied by healthy numbers of Blackfin Tunas. There’s even been the occasional Wahoo sighting, adding a bit of excitement to our outings. The reef fishing has been very productive and promises great experiences for those keen on these species. #### Offshore Fishing Report Offshore Mahi fishing has been outstanding over the past few weeks. Several boats have reported reaching their limits, although there have been quite a few smaller catches mixed in. While some of these smaller fish are not yet legal size, it's a positive indicator for the future of Mahi fisheries. #### Bottom Fishing Insight On the bottom fishing front, conditions have been less ideal due to weak currents and murky water. This has resulted in fewer Jacks; however, anglers have still enjoyed decent catches of small Vermillion Snapper, Mutton Snapper, and Yellowtail Snapper. The catch consistency has been a morale booster despite the slower action on the wrecks. #### Kite Fishing Observations Kite fishing has been challenging due to the calm seas and lack of wind, typical of summertime conditions. Nevertheless, on the few days we’ve managed to set up kites, there has been success with Blackfin Tuna, Kingfish, Barracudas, and even Sailfish—the highlight for many. #### Shark Fishing Outlook Summertime shark fishing has definitely ramped up, with frequent catches of large Sandbar Sharks, Bull Sharks, Hammerheads, and even some Tigers. If you have shark fishing on your bucket list, now is the perfect time to venture out and make that dream a reality. #### Looking Ahead As we move away from the dark side of the moon over the next few weeks, we anticipate even better fishing conditions. The forecast is promising, and we have plenty of availability for charters. Don't hesitate to reach out and book your next fishing adventure with us. Tight lines! **Marlin My Darlin** **hidden content** **hidden content** We look forward to seeing you on the water!
Fort Lauderdale Charter Fishing Report…6
Fort Lauderdale Charter Fishing Report…6
Jun. 15, 2024 Fort Lauderdale
Hello, anglers! This week’s Fort Lauderdale fishing charter report brings encouraging news about our thriving South Florida fishery. Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve experienced fantastic fishing conditions, resulting in large and impressive catches. Here are the highlights: - **Kingfish and Bonita:** Our waters have been yielding substantial numbers of Kingfish and Bonita, keeping our lines busy and spirits high. - **Blackfin Tuna and Mahi-Mahi:** We’ve seen a notable increase in Blackfin Tuna and Mahi-Mahi catches, with some Blackfin Tuna averaging between 10 to 15 pounds, especially in the late afternoon. - **Shark Activity:** The reefs are bustling with action, featuring frequent encounters with larger Bull Sharks, Sandbar Sharks, and Hammerhead Sharks. - **Offshore Trolling:** Trolling offshore has been steadily improving, with reports of small to medium-sized school fish, and the occasional larger specimens mixed in. - **Recreational Fishing:** Recreational anglers are having a blast, particularly with smaller Amberjacks and some Vermilion Snapper adding to the day’s catch. - **Reef Fishing:** Reef fishing remains decent, producing a handful of small Yellowtails and a few Mutton Snappers. - **Kite Fishing:** Although kite fishing has slowed due to a lack of wind recently, favorable conditions have still brought plenty of bites. There are still quite a few Sailfish around, and we've also seen some really big Blackfin Tunas, predominantly caught using the kite technique. As we look forward to the upcoming months, we typically expect continued great trolling along the reef and productive mahi fishing offshore. It's a perfect time to plan your next fishing adventure with us! **Book Your Charter Today:** Call us for reservations at **hidden content** or visit **hidden content** We have lots of availability in the coming months, so book early to secure your spot. Tight lines, The All-Inclusive Sport Fishing Team
Epic springtime fishing!!
Epic springtime fishing!!
Mai 12, 2024 Fort Lauderdale
**This May’s Fort Lauderdale Fishing Charter Report Aboard "Marlin, My Darling"** **Springtime Fishing is in Full Swing!** Greetings, fellow anglers! We're thrilled to share that the fishing off the coast of Fort Lauderdale has been absolutely phenomenal over the past few weeks. The spring conditions have really started to show their benefits, and our adventures aboard "Marlin, My Darling" have yielded some fantastic catches. **Reef Fishing:** Trolling on the reef has seen a marked improvement recently. We've been consistently bringing in plenty of king mackerel and quite a few bonitos. On top of that, we've occasionally hooked into some wahoo, adding a nice touch of excitement to our outings. Additionally, there's been a good mix of large blackfin tuna out on the reef, ranging in size from 5 to 20 pounds. Overall, it's been a consistently great experience. **Offshore Fishing:** The offshore mahi fishing has been somewhat hit or miss, but the dedicated anglers among us have still managed to find success. We've caught numerous small school-sized mahis. With a few small Wahoos mixed in. **Kite Fishing** Overall, tight, Fishing has been the way to go. The strong currents have been a challenge, but it also made kite fishing especially productive. We've landed plenty of big springtime sailfish and large blackfin tuna, Mahi, while kite fishing. Not to mention, there have been sightings of some impressive sharks, including hammerheads, bull sharks, tigers, and even a couple of makos! **Weck and Bottom Fishing:** Amberjack and snapper fishing has been slower due to the strong currents. However, on those days when the current slows down, we've had decent success catching these species. Looking ahead, we’re excited for the rest of the spring season, which typically lasts another month. There’s still ample opportunity to join us on the water and experience fantastic fishing. We have lots of availability in the upcoming weeks, so don't hesitate to book your adventure with us. Give us a call to secure your spot: Office: **hidden content** Cell: **hidden content** Visit our website: **hidden content**


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4.9 / 5
von 5 Sternen von 543 Bewertungen
4.9 / 5
4.9 / 5
4.8 / 5
Fotos von Gästen (718)
Great experience!
Great experience!
Best Crew &Trip Out There
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5 von 543 Bewertungen
Ryan S.
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5

Best Crew &Trip Out There

VERIFIZIERT   3/4 Day Trip (AM) on Januar 5, 2025
Had a great time out as you can see it was a Boys trip. From the ages of 6 all the way up to 50 years old. Kaylee and...
Ryan S. empfiehlt Marlin My Darlin Sportfishing
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  All-Inclusive Sportfishing Antwort vom Anbieter

Andrew M.
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5

Outstanding crew, vessel and fishing 2x !

VERIFIZIERT   Half Day Trip (AM) on September 12, 2024
Had an absolute blast with this crew (JB, Kenny and Joey) we did it 2x this week! We caught a variety of fish (Bonito, Wahoo,...
Andrew M. empfiehlt Marlin My Darlin Sportfishing
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  All-Inclusive Sportfishing Antwort vom Anbieter

Gregory H.
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5

Great Day Family Fishing Trip with Martin My Darlin

VERIFIZIERT   5 Hour Trip AM on Oktober 12, 2024
Captain JB, Captain Logan and Captain Chris are all fantastic! These guys know their fishing ! In addition they are very kind,...
Gregory H. empfiehlt Marlin My Darlin Sportfishing
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  All-Inclusive Sportfishing Antwort vom Anbieter

Jeff S.
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5

Awesome experience!

VERIFIZIERT   Half Day Trip (PM) on Juni 26, 2024
Captain JJ and his deckhand/guide Kevin went above and behind to make the experience great for me. I got to reel in a trophy...
Jeff S. empfiehlt Marlin My Darlin Sportfishing
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  All-Inclusive Sportfishing Antwort vom Anbieter

Curran Q.
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5

Incredible outing with Marlin my Darlin and the crew, Joey and Kenny

VERIFIZIERT   Half Day Trip (AM) on Juni 15, 2024
Joey and Kenny did an incredible job. The boat is as clean as the day it was bought and the guys clearly take a lot of pride...
Curran Q. empfiehlt Marlin My Darlin Sportfishing
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  All-Inclusive Sportfishing Antwort vom Anbieter