Eric Grandcourt
Member since May 2014
Stock Island, United States
- Hintergrund
- Captain Eric Grancourt’s journey began in Colorado many moons ago. Having explored the Rocky Mountains and the mile high city of Denver and Boulder, Eric found a renewing warmth in Key West. The cold winters spent hiking and snowboarding lost their appeal, and he traded his Colorado office suits in for wetsuits. Eric dove into the world of open waters, sea turtles, and schools of bottlenose dolphin. He worked as a divemaster and later became a captain for Captain’s Corner Dive Shop. In the winter of 2011, Eric purchased his own boat – the rest is history.
Hallo, ich bin Kapitän Eric Grandcourt
Stock Island, Vereinigte Staaten
- Hintergrund
- Captain Eric Grancourt’s journey began in Colorado many moons ago. Having explored the Rocky Mountains and the mile high city of Denver and Boulder, Eric found a renewing warmth in Key West. The cold winters spent hiking and snowboarding lost their appeal, and he traded his Colorado office suits in for wetsuits. Eric dove into the world of open waters, sea turtles, and schools of bottlenose dolphin. He worked as a divemaster and later became a captain for Captain’s Corner Dive Shop. In the winter of 2011, Eric purchased his own boat – the rest is history.
Mein Angebot
Stock Island
• 33 ft
6 Personen
Sofortige Bestätigung