Robert Horachek

Member since May 2015 Big Pine Key, United States
I have over 20 years of experience fishing in the Florida Keys. I fished a lot offshore with my dad, uncle, and cousin for most of my life. I decided to start fishing inshore for the visual experience of sight fishing the flats for spooky fish. The adrenaline rush is there kinda like seeing a 12-point buck walking into bow range or hitting a grand slam home to put your baseball team ahead to win the game.
My passion is flats fishing for Tarpon, Bonefish, and Permit. But I like to after Redfish and Snook wherever I can find them. I have passion for saltwater fly fishing because I feel like it's very challenging and it's more competitive. The Adrenaline rush is there kinda like seeing a 12 point buck walking into bow range or hitting a grand slam home home to put your baseball team ahead to win the game. There is excitement and frustration but the competitiveness is what drives me.

Hallo, ich bin Kapitän Robert Horachek

Big Pine Key, Vereinigte Staaten
I have over 20 years of experience fishing in the Florida Keys. I fished a lot offshore with my dad, uncle, and cousin for most of my life. I decided to start fishing inshore for the visual experience of sight fishing the flats for spooky fish. The adrenaline rush is there kinda like seeing a 12-point buck walking into bow range or hitting a grand slam home to put your baseball team ahead to win the game.
My passion is flats fishing for Tarpon, Bonefish, and Permit. But I like to after Redfish and Snook wherever I can find them. I have passion for saltwater fly fishing because I feel like it's very challenging and it's more competitive. The Adrenaline rush is there kinda like seeing a 12 point buck walking into bow range or hitting a grand slam home home to put your baseball team ahead to win the game. There is excitement and frustration but the competitiveness is what drives me.

Mein Angebot

4.9 / 5
(54 Bewertungen)
Big Pine Key
 Sofortige Bestätigung
Ausflüge ab US $500


Guides day off
Guides day off
Jun. 25, 2020 Big Pine Key
I had the oppurtunity to fish with my buddy Eric which led to a great day on the water. We were able to get numerous shots at Bonefish, Permit, and some Juvenile Tarpon while fly fishiing in a 20 mph windy day. With that said, there were challages that we overcame while catching a couple of bones and one Juvenile Tarpon. We made some really good presentations at fish that didn’t a take or draw interest which made us change flies a few times before we figured out the formula. Some of the biggest and sucessful highlight of the trip lead to 3 shots at Permit. Shot number 1 was on our first spot at the middle half of the outgoing tide brought us an epic shot at Permit in super shallow water in the 20lb range. With the boat angled in the right direction we were able to get 3 cast at that fish. The last may have look as if the Permit Tailed on the fly, but didn’t tight. After getting a couple of shots at some bones, it was time to make a change before we approach several muds off in the distance. I ended up choosing the right fly and landed a Bonefish shortly after. I ponder and regretted that I should of change before the 1st shot at the tailing Permit. The next spot, bought us plenty of Bonefish shots as there were quite a few times where the fish should have taken the fly. Eric landed a nice Bonefish shortly after several shots were taken. After that, it was low tide as we decided to take a break for lunch. We talk a figured out what the next spot was going to be as it seemed promising according to trend of the tides and weather. We ran out to the gulf edge and set our selves up on and early incoming tide. I got up on the bow casually as I was rehydrating with cold H2O. Then as I was stripping out line Eric called out a school of Permit at 1 o’clock 50ft. I made sure that my line one the deck was good and quickly figured out which side to cast off of. By the time I was starting my presentation a cloud cover the sun on us which made it feel like someone had turned off a light switch in a bedroom. Shortly after, we have a couple of shot at some more Bonefish as the transitional bottom made it a little difficult in spotting the fish. After that spot we may our way to an interior spot where we found some good bonefish muds and one Permit that gave is no chance at a shot. As we approach some of the muds, we staird for sometime trying to spot fish. I made some good blind cast into the spots where i figure the fish may be. Unfortunaly, no takes. About the time we got too close, a school 30 fish shot out from the Mud and headed for deeper water. We decided to push inside as we ended up capping the the day with a nice 20lb Tarpon on fly. The Tarpon itself gave us a nice show as fish came out of water a few also making another Tarpon come out of the and doing a mirror image summersalt simultaneously. So this concludes the fishing report of the day. My goal with this report was trying to provide a visual experience on how the fishing is right now in the lower keys backcountry and flats area.
Spring is in the air!
Spring is in the air!
Mär. 11, 2020 Big Pine Key
The flats fishing here in the FL Keys has turned on with Permit up on the flats feeding heavily on crabs that they can find in the grass, rocky bottom, or sand. Permit are known as one of toughest fish to target on the flats due to the fish having great eyesight and being able to sense the boat and perhaps a theory known as fear from the angler with the rod in hand. The best way to catch a permit is a well place cast with a spinning rod and a live crab. The area the crab needs to be in order to get the fishes attention is anything in front of the fish inside the hula hoop. If you can do that while grabbing the fishes attention to the crab and most important “ not to move the crab “ you will have a pretty good chance of hooking a permit and possibly landing it. There has been some Bonefish around in good numbers. Which makes a great opportunity for catching a few while sight fishing with a spinning rod or a fly rod. Redfish is another opportunity as we may get a few shots with both spin and fly gear. The fishery we have is different from most places as we have a clear water environment and a select few spots that will hold them. Tarpon is right around the corner and there may be some big fish around already. Mostly right now, Juvenile Tarpon will be the best option at this point. A great option to pursue are Barracudas up on the flats which can very explosive strikes from a live bait or tube lure as seen in the photo. This is a great time to book charter so I suggest looking into it now if haven’t yet because a lot of people are going to be booked up!


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4.9 / 5
von 5 Sternen von 54 Bewertungen
4.9 / 5
4.9 / 5
4.9 / 5
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Unforgettable Fishing Adventure in the Florida Keys with Captain Robert!
Unforgettable Fishing Adventure in the Florida Keys with Captain Robert!
Unforgettable Fishing Adventure in the Florida Keys with Captain Robert!
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Joshua T.
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5

Unforgettable Fishing Adventure in the Florida Keys with Captain Robert!

VERIFIZIERT   Half Day Trip (AM) on August 9, 2024
We had an incredible day fishing in the Florida Keys with Captain Robert! Our main goal was to get my son on a Tarpon, and...
Joshua T. empfiehlt Kingfisher Backcountry Charters
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Joshua T. empfiehlt Kingfisher Backcountry Charters
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Thomas S.
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5

Great trip

VERIFIZIERT   Half Day Trip (AM) on März 12, 2024
Had a great time on the water and caught some fun fish. Captain was really good at spotting fish that I was completely unable...
Thomas S. empfiehlt Kingfisher Backcountry Charters
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  Robert Horachek vom Kapitän beantwortet

John L.
Key West, Florida
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5

Great day on the flats

VERIFIZIERT   Full Day Trip on Dezember 22, 2022
Just what the doctor ordered! Started off fishing live bait and catching just enough for my family to have a nice fish...
John L. empfiehlt Kingfisher Backcountry Charters
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John L. empfiehlt Kingfisher Backcountry Charters
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Danny H.
Gainesville, FL
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5

7 hour Day

VERIFIZIERT   3/4 Day Trip on Juli 12, 2023
We had a 3/4 day booked with Capt Robert.  It was brutally hot.  We didn’t find a ton of action, but Capt Robert was on...
Danny H. empfiehlt Kingfisher Backcountry Charters
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Danny H. empfiehlt Kingfisher Backcountry Charters
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Danny W.
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5

A great day of fishing.

VERIFIZIERT   3/4 Day Trip on August 14, 2022
Let me rephrase that, a great day of catching! He slap put me on the fish. He knew I wanted to catch a Permit. Boom by 10:00...
Danny W. empfiehlt Kingfisher Backcountry Charters
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Danny W. empfiehlt Kingfisher Backcountry Charters
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