Kalifornien Angelausflüge

Wir haben die besten Ausflüge aus 211 Angeboten in Kalifornien für Sie gefunden - geben Sie einfach Ihre Reisedaten ein und prüfen Sie die Verfügbarkeit!

Beliebteste Orte in Kalifornien

Kalifornien: 211 Angelausflüge verfügbar
5.0 / 5
(52 Bewertungen)
San Diego
5.0 / 5
(191 Bewertungen)
5.0 / 5
(65 Bewertungen)
San Diego
4.8 / 5
(134 Bewertungen)
Newport Beach
5.0 / 5
(28 Bewertungen)
San Diego
5.0 / 5
(15 Bewertungen)
San Diego
5.0 / 5
(76 Bewertungen)
Los Angeles
4.9 / 5
(33 Bewertungen)
Huntington Beach
4.9 / 5
(96 Bewertungen)
San Diego
4.9 / 5
(106 Bewertungen)
San Diego

Häufige Fragen zu Angelausflügen in California

According to customer reviews, some of the most popular fishing charters in California are: Full list of top fishing charters in California

The average price for a private 4 hour California fishing trip is US $853, while an 8 hour private trip will cost you US $1,482 based on prices on FishingBooker.com.

Fishing charters in California that received great reviews from families are:

The top 3 fish species targeted on guided fishing trips in California are:

The top 3 fishing techniques in California are:

The top 3 types of fishing in California are:

Many fishing charters in California provide rods, reels and tackle. Some of the top rated are:

According to customer reviews on FishingBooker.com, some of the best rated charter captains in California are:

Who are the top awarded captains in California?

Some of the fishing trips offered by fishing charters in California are:
  • 3-hour fishing trips – US $698
  • 4-hour fishing trips – US $769
  • 5-hour fishing trips – US $898
  • 6-hour fishing trips – US $1,062
  • 7-hour fishing trips – US $1,000
  • 8-hour fishing trips – US $1,410
  • 9-hour fishing trips – US $1,813
  • 10-hour fishing trips – US $1,920
  • 11-hour fishing trips – US $1,767
  • 12-hour fishing trips – US $2,415
  • 16-hour fishing trips – US $3,000

Fishing in Kalifornien

Angler alle Art können sich in Kalifornien beim Angeln austoben. Mit über 1200 Kilometern Küste und einigen der fischreichsten Flüssen und Seen des Landes bietet der Golden State bemerkenswerte Abwechslung. Die verschiedenen Ausflüge in Kalifornien geben Ihnen die perfekte Möglichkeit alles auszuprobieren, vom Sportfischen in San Diego bis zum Fliegenfischen im Sacramento River.

Bodega Bay

Die meisten Besucher werden die Bodega Bay als den Schauplatz von Alfred Hitchcocks Film ‘Die Vögel’ kennen. Unter Wasser allerdings finden Sie hier ein ausgiebiges Angebot anderer Tiere. Rotbarsch, Lengdorsch, Heilbutt, Leopardenhai und der Kalifornische Taschenkrebs halten Sie auf Trab. Je nach Saison kommen noch Lachs und Weißer-Thunfisch dazu und Sie haben eine Besetzung, die alle wichtigen nordkalifornischen Fische beinhaltet.

San Francisco

Etwas über eine Stunde entfernt bietet die San Francisco Bay viele der selben Arten. Das ganze Jahr über kann hier gut geangelt werden, mit der meisten Abwechslung im Sommer und Herbst. Am nördlichen Ende der Bucht liegt die San Pablo Bay, die zum Land hin das California Delta bildet.

Dem Delta mag zwar der Ruf fehlen, den San Francisco für sich beansprucht, aber gerade im Winter zählt es zu den besten Angelplätzen der Gegend. Stör, Felsenbarsch und Heilbutt sind nur einige wenige Fische, die Sie hier fangen können. Und Spätsommer kommen die Lachse auf Ihrem Weg in den Sacramento River vorbei.

San Diego

Angeln im Süden Kaliforniens bietet Ihnen ein fast komplett anderes Erlebnis als der Norden. Sobald Sie an San Luis Obispo vorbei sind werden Lachs und Weißer-Thunfisch von einer Vielzahl anderer Arten ersetzt. Gelbschwanzmakrele, Tangbarsch, Kalifornischer Zahnlippfisch, Barrakuda und Marlin sind nur einige davon. Es gibt wohl keinen besseren Ort diese Fische zu fangen als San Diego. Mit einer großen Flotte an Ausflugsbooten, Zugang zur San Diego Bay, dem offenen Meer, Catalina Island und den Fischgründen vor der Küste Mexikos erachten viele die Stadt als den besten Ausgangspunkt um in Kalifornien Hochseeangeln zu gehen.

Sacramento River

Sacramento ist weithin für seine Lachswanderungen bekannt, wo sich Angler die größten Königslachse des Landes fangen können. Lachssaison am Fluss ist in der Regel von Juli bis Dezember. Das ganze Jahr über können Stör, Regenbogenforelle, Felsenbarsch und viele andere geangelt werden.

Lake Tahoe

Lake Tahoe ist für Süßwasserangler kaum zu überbieten. Genau an der Grenze zwischen Kalifornien und Nevada gelegen bietet dieser See das ganze Jahr über die besten Fischgründe der Region für Rotlachs und Forellen. Ebenfalls das ganze Jahr finden Sie hier den Amerikanischen Seesaibling (Mackinaw). Bach- und Regenbogenforelle kommen hier ebenso vor, können jedoch, in Abhängigkeit von der Saison, schwerer zu fangen sein.

Clear Lake

Clear Lake ist der größte natürliche See des Bundesstaates und bietet einen hervorragenden Lebensraum für Barsche. Angler fangen hier 2 - 3 Kilogramm schwere Forellenbarsche und im Frühjahr und Sommer ist es nicht ungewöhnlich ein Exemplar mit 4,5 Kilogramm am Haken zu haben. Neben Clear Lake sind auch Lake Castaic und das Miramar Reservoir, sowie Lake Berryessa, Lake Shasta und Lake Havasu sehr beliebt.

Regeln & Vorschriften

California fishing charters typically include everything you need except for a fishing license. Anglers ages 16 and older can buy one online or at local retailers like Walmart. Bear in mind that going out with a local guide is the best way to fish responsibly, since many fishing grounds have special regulations.

4.9 / 5
Basierend auf 28579 Bewertungen von FishingBooker Anglern

Kalifornien Angelsaisonen

Es gibt viel zu Angeln im Januar in Kalifornien, also ziehen Sie los ans Wasser und fangen Sie früh an! Stör, Bachforelle und Weißer Seebarsch sind in Saison.
Vom Angeln nach Stören im California Delta und Schleppfischen in Lake Tahoe auf der Suche nach Seesaibling bis zum Fliegenfischen im Sacramento River kommen Sie auch im Winter in Kalifornien nicht zu kurz.
Die Nordküste bietet Heilbutt, Krabben und mehr, während Sie im Süden Hummer finden können. Barsche und Forellen können Sie das ganze Jahr in den Seen Kaliforniens angeln.
Die Salzwasserfischerei kommt langsam in Schwung im April, wenn Lengdorsch und Rotbarsch zum Angeln freigegeben werden. Gelbschwanzmakrele und Barrakuda tauchen um Catalina Island auf.
Im Mai läuft, mit der Ankunft der ersten Großfische in Südkalifornien, die Sportangelsaison an. In San Francisco ist die Lachssaison eröffnet, allerdings noch nicht im Sacramento River.
Blauflossen-Thunfisch, Barrakuda und Gelbschwanzmakrele sorgen für Spannung. Wer noch mehr Adrenalin möchte macht sich auf die Suche nach einer der zahlreichen Haiarten.
Im Juli angelt man am besten auf dem Meer. Gelbflossen-Thun gesellt sich zum Blauflossen-Thun dazu und Mahi Mahi werden häufiger. Im Lake Tahoe tummeln sich jetzt die Lachse.
Abhängig von Ihrem Ausgangsort fangen Sie jetzt Weißen Thunfisch, Gelbflossen-, Blauflossen- oder Großaugen-Thun. Der Sacramento River ist für rekordverdächtige Königslachse im August bekannt.
Die Saison geht weiter in Kalifornien. Von Thunfisch und riesigen Haien vor der Küste bis zu den Lachsen in den Flüssen und Barschen in den Seen. Bereiten Sie sich auf den Drill Ihres Lebens vor!
Bei gutem Wetter können Sie immer noch Hochseeangeln fahren. In der Zwischenzeit bietet der Sacramento River weiterhin viele Lachse, während Forellen im Lake Tahoe jetzt wieder häufiger zu sehen sind.
In den Buchten ist die Lachssaison zu Ende, aber Sie können bis Jahresende immer noch welche im Sacramento River fangen. Viele Boote in der Gegend um San Francisco fahren ins Delta für Stör.
Hummer und Kalifornischer Taschenkrebs sind in Hochsaison im Dezember. Bis Ende des Monats können Sie noch nach Lengdorsch und Rotbarsch angeln.

Kalifornien Angelkalender

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Was Angler über angeln in Kalifornien sagen

Expect to catch good amounts of smaller fish. Big fish a few this time of year. Still a good time!
5.0 / 5
Expect to catch good amounts of smaller fish. Big fish a few this time of year. Still a good time!
Silva Scales N' Tales Sportfishing
Silva Scales N' Tales Sportfishing
I feel like April is early this year for tahoe. Warmer days bring more consistent fishing. But getting out on a boat with an experienced captain definitely pays off
5.0 / 5
I feel like April is early this year for tahoe. Warmer days bring more consistent fishing. But getting out on a boat with an experienced captain definitely pays off
Tahoe Topliners Fishing – Est. 1996
Tahoe Topliners Fishing – Est. 1996
We volume fished for Rockfish. Not a lot of fight but a lot of catch. We were pulling fish out after most of the casts. This gave those in our group that didn’t fish a chance to partake in the experience by preparing/ eating catch. Other fish may give more fight but fewer catches. Angler’s choice.
5.0 / 5
We volume fished for Rockfish. Not a lot of fight but a lot of catch. We were pulling fish out after most of the casts. This gave those in our group that didn’t fish a chance to partake in the experience by preparing/ eating catch. Other fish may give more fight but fewer catches. Angler’s choice.
Pelican Sportfishing
Pelican Sportfishing
Rob was is an amazing captain and super knowledgeable, I highly recommend you give him a chance and book a trip if you're looking to experience high quality fishing experiences.
5.0 / 5
Rob was is an amazing captain and super knowledgeable, I highly recommend you give him a chance and book a trip if you're looking to experience high quality fishing experiences.
Northern California Guide Service –Sacramento
Northern California Guide Service –Sacramento
This boat was fantastic for first time fisherman Gavin was on top of everything and took care of us. We can’t wait to come back.
5.0 / 5
This boat was fantastic for first time fisherman Gavin was on top of everything and took care of us. We can’t wait to come back.
Fishing Charters Of San Diego
Fishing Charters Of San Diego
It’s definitely a morning bite so the earlier, the better. Bite all but died completely by 10:30am. But from 6-10am it was on fire! Had 3 fish in within the first 15 mins.
5.0 / 5
It’s definitely a morning bite so the earlier, the better. Bite all but died completely by 10:30am. But from 6-10am it was on fire! Had 3 fish in within the first 15 mins.
Trophy Catcher Guide Service
Trophy Catcher Guide Service
Dana Point is a beautiful harbor, short ride to get to the fishing grounds and plenty of action! Highly recommend these guys
5.0 / 5
Dana Point is a beautiful harbor, short ride to get to the fishing grounds and plenty of action! Highly recommend these guys
Pacific Mistress Sportfishing
Pacific Mistress Sportfishing Laguna Niguel, California
Plan on at least 4 hrs and patience and persistence! The Captain make the trip- catching fish is a bonus! Enjoy the ride!
5.0 / 5
Plan on at least 4 hrs and patience and persistence! The Captain make the trip- catching fish is a bonus! Enjoy the ride!
Nemo Charters - Weekend Trips
Nemo Charters - Weekend Trips
Bring a jacket it can get a little chilly! And don’t forget your sunglasses! :)
5.0 / 5
Bring a jacket it can get a little chilly! And don’t forget your sunglasses! :)
Last Meal Sportfishing
Last Meal Sportfishing
Be flexible and listen to your captain/guide. If you want to target a specific species you. A but run the risk of not catching anything. The captain will know what is and is not biting. If they make a suggestion I would listen because they want to put you in position to catch some fish and have some fun. So talk to them and make a game plan before your trip and take their advice into consideration and you will make some great memories just like I did!!!
5.0 / 5
Be flexible and listen to your captain/guide. If you want to target a specific species you. A but run the risk of not catching anything. The captain will know what is and is not biting. If they make a suggestion I would listen because they want to put you in position to catch some fish and have some fun. So talk to them and make a game plan before your trip and take their advice into consideration and you will make some great memories just like I did!!!
Ez Sportfishing
Ez Sportfishing
I don’t know much about it but we had a ton of fun and saw some tuna but they just weren’t biting
5.0 / 5
I don’t know much about it but we had a ton of fun and saw some tuna but they just weren’t biting
Brothers Sport Fishing
Brothers Sport Fishing
The fish we caught were fillet by the first mate. They were absolutely delicious. Thank you so much.
5.0 / 5
The fish we caught were fillet by the first mate. They were absolutely delicious. Thank you so much.
Warrior Poet Sportfishing
Warrior Poet Sportfishing
Not as good fishing conditions as other months, but you can still catch fish. We weren’t able to catch any fish from the dock on Bethel Island where we were staying but much of that was limited by stormy weather. On a bass charter we were able to catch 1 largemouth bass and 1 striped bass. In February fishing is OK but not as good as spring and summer.
5.0 / 5
Not as good fishing conditions as other months, but you can still catch fish. We weren’t able to catch any fish from the dock on Bethel Island where we were staying but much of that was limited by stormy weather. On a bass charter we were able to catch 1 largemouth bass and 1 striped bass. In February fishing is OK but not as good as spring and summer.
Delta BASSN’ Guide Service
Delta BASSN’ Guide Service
It was perfect for catching a variety of 10 to 20 inch fish, my first time fishing off shore in 20 years
5.0 / 5
It was perfect for catching a variety of 10 to 20 inch fish, my first time fishing off shore in 20 years
Fishing Charters Of San Diego
Fishing Charters Of San Diego
Give your self extra time as the shop is small and takes a little time to get your license
5.0 / 5
Give your self extra time as the shop is small and takes a little time to get your license
Blue Horizon Sportfishing
Blue Horizon Sportfishing
Don't hesitate to ask Matt any questions you've got, but don't have unrealistic expectations. Sometimes the fish don't bite, but most of the time they bite a whole lot!
5.0 / 5
Don't hesitate to ask Matt any questions you've got, but don't have unrealistic expectations. Sometimes the fish don't bite, but most of the time they bite a whole lot!
Sea Esta Sportfishing
Sea Esta Sportfishing
Be patient, be adaptable, follow TC's lead, ask questions, above all relax and have fun. Development of angling skills takes time. It's not an overnight success. If you are serious, jot down notes if you need to.
5.0 / 5
Be patient, be adaptable, follow TC's lead, ask questions, above all relax and have fun. Development of angling skills takes time. It's not an overnight success. If you are serious, jot down notes if you need to.
TC's Fishing Adventures
TC's Fishing Adventures
If you have never been on a boat follow the Captain’s recommendation about motion sickness prevention. Tons of different fish species to catch.
5.0 / 5
If you have never been on a boat follow the Captain’s recommendation about motion sickness prevention. Tons of different fish species to catch.
Romeo Sport Fishing San Diego
Romeo Sport Fishing San Diego
I recommend calling Captain Mike Nielsen. Was recommended to me by the guy at the shop where we bought our licenses. He did not disappoint. Caught our limit, saw incredible views and learned a good bit about the area. Gorgeous day and amazing experience!
5.0 / 5
I recommend calling Captain Mike Nielsen. Was recommended to me by the guy at the shop where we bought our licenses. He did not disappoint. Caught our limit, saw incredible views and learned a good bit about the area. Gorgeous day and amazing experience!
Tahoe Topliners Fishing – Est. 1996
Tahoe Topliners Fishing – Est. 1996
Weather was perfect for a T shirt and jeans or a lightweight sweater. 10 out 10 would recommend
5.0 / 5
Weather was perfect for a T shirt and jeans or a lightweight sweater. 10 out 10 would recommend
SF Boat Support
SF Boat Support

Lesen Sie Bewertungen von Ausflugsanbietern in Kalifornien

Fishing charter in Richmond
5.0 / 5
(65 Bewertungen)
Over all amazing experience. Crew were super personable and accommodating. 100% will book another trip with them.
Bob  P.
Bob P.
Fish Hunter Charters
Fish Hunter Charters
Fishing charter in San Diego
4.7 / 5
(50 Bewertungen)
Everything went as planned. Perfect timing and support. My sons and I filled the cooler early and enjoyed spectacular views. Ryan was a great mate. captain mark is relentless in his efforts to find the right spot.
Mike  V.
Mike V.
Silva Scales N' Tales Sportfishing
Silva Scales N' Tales Sportfishing
Fishing charter in San Diego
5.0 / 5
(21 Bewertungen)
Took my 12 yo son and his cousins and uncle out to celebrate his birthday and out was a great day! We caught a bunch of fish, had a wonderful time and will definitely be back! Awesome boat, awesome gear and an awesome Captain! Thanks for helping us celebrate Captain Mike and see you next time!
Garrett  K.
Garrett K.
Pacific Venture Charter Service
Pacific Venture Charter Service
Fishing charter in Oceanside
5.0 / 5
(71 Bewertungen)
The parking was clean and the dock was clean. The boat was roomy and clean. Plenty of room for all six of us to fish. Mr Chuck and Alan made us look great. Like we have been salt water fishing for years. I can't say enough great things about this trip and Boat. I will be enjoying Chuck's services for as long as I can. I Highly recommend Him.
Neal  Q.
Neal Q.
Nemo Charters - Weekend Trips
Nemo Charters - Weekend Trips
Fishing charter in Long Beach
5.0 / 5
(37 Bewertungen)
Captain Jheremy was awesome. He taught us beginners the whole time, was super friendly and helpful, and was fun to hang out with. The boat was nice and we caught quite a few different types of fish. I would do this trip again and might do so soon!
Haley  W.
Haley W.
LEAHKLEA Sportfishing
LEAHKLEA Sportfishing
Fishing charter in Los Angeles
5.0 / 5
(15 Bewertungen)
Fishing with Captain Roger was fantastic. Great boat, great service, and really good fishing. We caught plenty for our dinner gathering. Highly recommend.
Wayne  U.
Wayne U.
Fishing charter in Richmond
5.0 / 5
(65 Bewertungen)
Yes we caught fish which is always the best! But more importantly, to be on the boat with great people and fun !
Michael  L.
Michael L.
Fernandez Charters
Fernandez Charters
Fishing charter in San Diego
5.0 / 5
(28 Bewertungen)
These guys get you on fish fast. Captain Noah did a great job taking care of us. Very relaxing charter experience.
Reid  A.
Reid A.
David Rooney
David Rooney
Fishing charter in Richmond
5.0 / 5
(65 Bewertungen)
Brought my husband out for a birthday surprise fishing trip and I could not have chose a better captain than David Rooney! We caught limits on both Bass and Halibut, and learned lots of new techniques. We will be back soon for another fun filled day! If you want to catch something other than a buzz book with David.
Charlotte  K.
Charlotte K.
El Patron Sportfishing
El Patron Sportfishing
Fishing charter in Long Beach
5.0 / 5
(7 Bewertungen)
We set out with 11 of us, and we were picked up right on the docks of Avalon! Simple trip, and we kept most of the fish and feasted for 2 days! These guys were incredible. Best fishing experience we’ve ever had.
Sam  A.
Sam A.
Tahoe Topliners Fishing – Est. 1996
Tahoe Topliners Fishing – Est. 1996
Fishing charter in South Lake Tahoe
5.0 / 5
(5 Bewertungen)
Booked this trip from my wife and myself for our anniversary, captain Mike helped us have a great time on the water! It’s always great to support a local guide and the years of experience on the lake seemed to pay off, look forward to booking with him again for another limit of some big fish!
Karl  S.
Karl S.
Pacific Venture Charter Service
Pacific Venture Charter Service
Fishing charter in Oceanside
5.0 / 5
(71 Bewertungen)
Launching out of Oceanside for a 1/2 day charter worked out great for us. Less transit time translated to more time for lines in the water. Both Captain and crew were extremely helpful, friendly and accommodating. Highly recommend.
Sam  H.
Sam H.
Ez Sportfishing
Ez Sportfishing
Fishing charter in Huntington Beach
5.0 / 5
(56 Bewertungen)
We caught so many white fish! Red snapper and even caught a cabezón .. capt Eric and Randy were the best.. very helpful with everything we had questions on.. definitely coming back 🙏🏼
Jimmy  M.
Jimmy M.
Delta BASSN’ Guide Service
Delta BASSN’ Guide Service
Fishing charter in Bethel Island
5.0 / 5
(42 Bewertungen)
Frank is a great guide with top shelf equipment and the Delta is a great spot for bass. The bite was off a bit, so we only boated a few decent-sized largemouth, but you can't control that. Overall, highly recommended.
Jonathan  N.
Jonathan N.
Last Meal Sportfishing
Last Meal Sportfishing
Fishing charter in Moss Landing
5.0 / 5
(11 Bewertungen)
Everything was fantastic—Stephan and Keith absolutely know what they are doing. So much fun. Nice boat. Plan to visit and utilize again
Charlie  S.
Charlie S.
Tahoe Topliners Fishing – Est. 1996
Tahoe Topliners Fishing – Est. 1996
Fishing charter in South Lake Tahoe
5.0 / 5
(5 Bewertungen)
Mike took myself and my 2 boys out for the day. The experience Captain Mike gave us was full of fun, education and got them off their devices and engaged in the process. We caught a bunch of fish and had a bonding adventure that will be a positive memory for ever.
Nicholas  P.
Nicholas P.
The Big Anchovy
The Big Anchovy
Fishing charter in Santa Cruz
5.0 / 5
(2 Bewertungen)
Erik runs a great charter. He’s very personable and does everything he can to get you on the fish. It’s a great trip for one or two if you’re in the area!
Jeremy  S.
Jeremy S.
Diamond Dogs Charters
Diamond Dogs Charters
Fishing charter in San Diego
5.0 / 5
(52 Bewertungen)
This was a great trip scheduled for my son’s birthday, the captain was great and the fishing was a little slow but not in lack of effort by the captain. Will use him again in the future.
Corbin  G.
Corbin G.
Blue Knuckles Sportfishing Charters
Blue Knuckles Sportfishing Charters
Fishing charter in Moss Landing
5.0 / 5
(3 Bewertungen)
Chris is the best -we caught our limit. He is extremely accommodating and just easy going. He is an absolute pleasure to fish with and knows what he is doing. We plan to fish with him on future excursions.
Charlie  S.
Charlie S.
Diamond Dogs Charters
Diamond Dogs Charters
Fishing charter in San Diego
5.0 / 5
(52 Bewertungen)
Captain Alberto is very knowledgeable and entertaining. Had a great time and looking forward to doing it again.
Randall  S.
Randall S.

Beliebteste Angelmethoden in Kalifornien

Beliebteste Arten in Kalifornien