Cape Coral Angelausflüge

Wir haben die besten Ausflüge aus 326 Angeboten in Cape Coral für Sie gefunden - geben Sie einfach Ihre Reisedaten ein und prüfen Sie die Verfügbarkeit!

Cape Coral: 326 Angelausflüge verfügbar
4.9 / 5
(68 Bewertungen)
Cape Coral
5.0 / 5
(157 Bewertungen)
Cape Coral
5.0 / 5
(45 Bewertungen)
Cape Coral
5.0 / 5
(120 Bewertungen)
Cape Coral
4.9 / 5
(40 Bewertungen)
Cape Coral
4.9 / 5
(148 Bewertungen)
Cape Coral
4.9 / 5
(27 Bewertungen)
Cape Coral
5.0 / 5
(92 Bewertungen)
Cape Coral

Häufige Fragen zu Angelausflügen in Cape Coral

According to customer reviews, some of the most popular fishing charters in Cape Coral, Florida are: Full list of top fishing charters in Cape Coral

The average price for a private 4 hour Cape Coral fishing trip is US $507, while an 8 hour private trip will cost you US $895 based on prices on

Fishing charters in Cape Coral that received great reviews from families are:

The top 3 fish species targeted on guided fishing trips in Cape Coral are:

The top 3 fishing techniques in Cape Coral are:

The top 3 types of fishing in Cape Coral are:

Many fishing charters in Cape Coral provide rods, reels and tackle. Some of the top rated are:

According to customer reviews on, some of the best rated charter captains in Cape Coral are:

Who are the top awarded captains in Cape Coral?

Some of the fishing trips offered by fishing charters in Cape Coral are:
  • 3-hour fishing trips – US $375
  • 4-hour fishing trips – US $493
  • 5-hour fishing trips – US $500
  • 6-hour fishing trips – US $726
  • 8-hour fishing trips – US $962
  • 10-hour fishing trips – US $1,225

Fishing in Cape Coral

Das Angeln in Cape Coral steckt voller Überraschungen. Mit fast 650 km befahrbaren Wasserwegen gibt es hier so viele Kanäle, wie an sonst keinem Ort der Welt. Hier können Sie Forellenbarsche, Riesenzackenbarsch und Tarpun in beeindruckenden Größen fangen und das von Ihrem Hinterhof aus.

Angeln im Süßwasser

Die besten Fischgründe im Süßwasser finden Sie in den nördlichen und nordwestlichen Teilen der Stadt. Hier werden regelmäßig Forellenbarsche zwischen 1 - 3,5 kg gefangen. Blauer und Rotohr-Sonnenbarsch, Schwanzfleckbuntbarsch und Tilapia sind ebenfalls in diesen Gewässern heimisch.

Wenn Ihr Grundstück an einen der Süßwasser Kanäle angrenzt, können Sie Karpfen, Barsch, Alligatorhecht und Wels fangen, während Sie noch im Schlafanzug sind.

Angeln im Salzwasser

Wenn Sie das Glück haben, an einem der Salzwasser Kanäle zu leben, finden Sie ziemlich jede der begehrten Fischarten des südwestlichen Floridas vor Ihrer Haustüre. Von Tarpun bis Zackenbarsch wurde schon alles gesichtet. Gewöhnliche Snooks sind besonders große Freunde der Kanäle, wenn das Wasser der Flachwasserzonen zu kalt wird. Bereiten Sie sich auch auf eine Menge Welse vor, aber seien Sie beim Entfernen der Haken besonders vorsichtig, da einige Exemplare stachelig sein können.

Cape Coral liegt an einem der bekanntesten Hotspots für die Fischarten, die Florida so berühmt machen. Die Möglichkeiten sind zahllos, vom Angeln auf Tarpun in Fort Myers Beach, bis zum Fangen von Schnapper und Zackenbarsch an künstlichen Riffen und Wracks. Die Fische teilen sich ihre Heimat mit Seekühen, Schildkröten und Delfinen, so dass die meisten Ausflüge auch für weniger begeisterte Angler einiges zu bieten haben.

Golf von Mexiko

Wahoo, Mahi Mahi, Amberjack, Königsmakrele, Cobia, Schnapper, Zackenbarsch und viele andere warten im Golf von Mexiko auf Sie. Lassen Sie die Barriereinseln Captiva und Sanibel hinter sich und toben Sie sich auf dem offenen Meer aus. Cape Coral ist nicht umsonst als “Waterfront Wonderland” bekannt.


Light Tackle

Die Kanäle werden gern von Snooks besucht, die mit einer Kombination von 20 lb Schnur und geschnittenem Pinfish mit Jig-Haken gefangen werden können. Um die Anlegestellen sind Schafskopf-Brassen zu finden, die sich von den dort lebenden Garnelen und anderen Krustentieren ernähren. Je nach Jahreszeit landen Sie außerdem Tarpun, Stachelrochen, Kugelfisch, Cavalla, Seehecht und sogar Haie.

Heavy Tackle

Wenn Sie es sich zutrauen, Riesenzackenbarsche zu fangen, sollten Sie mit schwererem Gerät arbeiten. Ebenfalls eine Freude im Drill, aber etwas weniger anspruchsvoll sind Rote Trommler im Matlacha Pass

Auf dem offenen Meer können Sie auf Königsmakrele, Wahoo und Mahi Mahi Schleppfischen, Cobias während ihrer Wanderung abpassen und an Riffen und Wracks Schnappern und Zackenbarschen nachstellen.

Regeln und Vorschriften

Eine Angelerlaubnis ist für alle, die hier angeln möchten, notwendig. Selbst wenn Sie von einem der Grundstücke mit angrenzendem Kanal aus angeln möchten ist, je nach Art des Kanals, eine Erlaubnis Pflicht. Die gute Nachricht für Angler, die mit einem registrierten Angelführer unterwegs sind, ist, dass diese meist eine Angellizenz bereits im Preis beinhalten.

Sie müssen also nur am Ausflugstag rechtzeitig am Startpunkt sein und Ihrem Angeltag steht nichts im Wege!

Regeln & Vorschriften

Everyone fishing the waters of Cape Coral is required to have a license – freshwater or saltwater, depending on the canal. However, if you’re heading out with a registered guide on a charter boat, the licenses will be taken care of for you.

Cape Coral
4.9 / 5
Basierend auf 28579 Bewertungen von FishingBooker Anglern

Cape Coral Angelsaisonen

Cape Corals milder Winter ist beliebt bei Urlaubern, die der Kälte entfliehen wollen. Forelle und Roter Trommler beißen in den Flachwasserzonen, oder testen Sie Ihre Kraft an einem Riesenzackenbarsch.
Der Februar ist einer der kältesten Monate des Jahres und viele Fischarten aus Salz- und Süßwasser folgen der Wärme in die Kanalsysteme. Halten Sie Ausschau nach Snook, Schafskopf-Brasse oder Forellenbarsch.
Das Angeln verbessert sich mit den steigenden Temperaturen. Cobia folgen der Strömung nach Norden an den Riffen vorbei. Rote Zackenbarsche kommen näher und können auf Ganztagesausflügen gefangen werden.
Fahren Sie nach Fort Myers Beach um Tarpun zu fangen, die jetzt in der Gegend auftauchen. Hungrige Snook, Forellen und Rote Trommler kommen ebenfalls hier an und mischen die Gewässer auf.
Das Angeln auf Tarpun verbessert sich, solange sie weiter nach Norden zum Boca Grande Pass wandern. Die künstlichen Riffe der Gegend wimmeln nur so vor Königsmakrele, Cobia und Permit.
Tagsüber wirds es schon sehr heiß und die Fische verstecken sich. Suchen Sie in kälterem Wasser, bei Flussmündungen nach ihnen. Auf dem offenen Meer beißen Schnapper und Zackenbarsch an.
Im Juli ist der Beginn der Regenzeit in Florida. Heftige Regenschauer können Sie überraschen. Am besten beißen die Fische im Morgen an den Anlegestellen und ganztags beim Grundfischen auf dem Meer.
Im warmen Flachwasser können die Fische jetzt sehr träge sein. Halten Sie nach Snook Ausschau, oder versuchen Sie sich am Nachtangeln im Caloosahatchee River. Grundfischen auf dem Meer ist erfolgreich.
Die Regenzeit ist vorbei, dafür können Hurricanes Ihre Pläne durchkreuzen. Die Wassertemperaturen sind noch warm. Halten Sie Ausschau nach Rotem Trommler, die sich jetzt fortpflanzen.
Der Oktober ist ein Übergangsmonat. Die Temperaturen gehen zurück und die Roten Trommler sind aktiver. Angeln in den Flachwasserzonen ist besonders erfolgreich. Wem der Rummel gefällt kann Floridas größtes Oktoberfest besuchen.
Im herbstlichen Wetter wandern Cobia zurück nach Süden zur Küste und die Tarbun Saison neigt sich mit den ersten Kaltfronten dem Ende zu. Im Inland und im Flachwasser beißen Rote Trommler hervorragend.
Die Zeit ist gut um nahe der Küste zu angeln. Im klaren Wasser können Sie bei wärmerem Wetter Snook und Rote Trommler fangen. Wenn es kälter werden sollte, stehen Forellen auf dem Plan.

Cape Coral Angelkalender

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Was Angler über angeln in Cape Coral sagen

It was a calm day, 78 degrees when we left, water temp was 75. Bright sun with no clouds. Saw a shark. Dolphins kept stealing our catch once on hook. ☹️ But we had a great dinner of of a large snook. ?
5.0 / 5
It was a calm day, 78 degrees when we left, water temp was 75. Bright sun with no clouds. Saw a shark. Dolphins kept stealing our catch once on hook. ☹️ But we had a great dinner of of a large snook. ?
Dragonfly Charters
Dragonfly Charters
Yes it is a must do. I’ve been down here for vacation quite a few times,but today was the first time we went fishing. For now on it is going to be on our agenda every time.
5.0 / 5
Yes it is a must do. I’ve been down here for vacation quite a few times,but today was the first time we went fishing. For now on it is going to be on our agenda every time.
Indigenous Charters
Indigenous Charters
Be open minded to what you may catch. And always remember fishing is fun catching is the bonus!
5.0 / 5
Be open minded to what you may catch. And always remember fishing is fun catching is the bonus!
Send It Charter Fishing
Send It Charter Fishing
Winter time can be a little slow with wind and target species being easy to find so just bear in mind what time of year it is when booking
5.0 / 5
Winter time can be a little slow with wind and target species being easy to find so just bear in mind what time of year it is when booking
Hooked4life Fishing Charters
Hooked4life Fishing Charters
If younwant guided help and learning about what andcwherevto fish, do this boat tour first! We booked a 6 hour and it was not too long.
5.0 / 5
If younwant guided help and learning about what andcwherevto fish, do this boat tour first! We booked a 6 hour and it was not too long.
Not the most exciting harvest, but beautiful nonetheless. Cold weather makes the fish sluggish.
5.0 / 5
Not the most exciting harvest, but beautiful nonetheless. Cold weather makes the fish sluggish.
Send It Charter Fishing
Send It Charter Fishing
We caught lots of fish. But from what I've heard when the water is warmer in the spring/fall the fishing is insane
5.0 / 5
We caught lots of fish. But from what I've heard when the water is warmer in the spring/fall the fishing is insane
Hooked4life Fishing Charters
Hooked4life Fishing Charters
It’s a little different than fishing up north. I am used to fishing with J hooks and setting the hook. We used circle hooks and we had to learn to reel only and not set the hook. Captain Joseph did a great job teaching us.
5.0 / 5
It’s a little different than fishing up north. I am used to fishing with J hooks and setting the hook. We used circle hooks and we had to learn to reel only and not set the hook. Captain Joseph did a great job teaching us.
Send It Charter Fishing
Send It Charter Fishing
Weather temp in December is hit and miss but but if that doesn't bother you then this is the place to go.
5.0 / 5
Weather temp in December is hit and miss but but if that doesn't bother you then this is the place to go.
Hooked4life Fishing Charters
Hooked4life Fishing Charters
Offshore fishing 60 to 70 miles out. 10 or 12hr trip will give you the best chance to catch the bigger fish.
5.0 / 5
Offshore fishing 60 to 70 miles out. 10 or 12hr trip will give you the best chance to catch the bigger fish.
Exit Strategy Offshore Charters
Exit Strategy Offshore Charters
Hire an experienced Captain like Mike Moran at Dragonfly Charters to guide you and put you on the fish
5.0 / 5
Hire an experienced Captain like Mike Moran at Dragonfly Charters to guide you and put you on the fish
Dragonfly Charters
Dragonfly Charters
I would recommend leaving early, or going in the beginning evening. It gets really hot out and the sun is brutal.
5.0 / 5
I would recommend leaving early, or going in the beginning evening. It gets really hot out and the sun is brutal.
Captain Paul's Yacht Charters
Captain Paul's Yacht Charters Winchester, IN
Fishing in Fort Myers was amazing. I’ve been fishing many times and fishing there was one of the best experiences I’ve had.
5.0 / 5
Fishing in Fort Myers was amazing. I’ve been fishing many times and fishing there was one of the best experiences I’ve had.
Maxed Out Charters – Fort Myers
Maxed Out Charters – Fort Myers Potomac, MD
I recommend a early morning trip while it is cool out. Also recommend a multi species trip so you can have a great day on the water.
5.0 / 5
I recommend a early morning trip while it is cool out. Also recommend a multi species trip so you can have a great day on the water.
Thrill Of It All – Cape Coral
Thrill Of It All – Cape Coral SASSAMANSVLLE, PA
When booking your trip, make sure you confirm the booking with the captain directly. Captain Scott Williams (from "Thrill of it All" charter company) confirmed the booking then canceled at the last minute leaving us to scramble to find a replacement charter. I'm grateful to Captain Roland Wilock of "Day Shape Fishing Charters" for taking us on such short notice and giving us a memorable experience. HIGHLY recommend Day Shape Fishing Charters.
4.7 / 5
When booking your trip, make sure you confirm the booking with the captain directly. Captain Scott Williams (from "Thrill of it All" charter company) confirmed the booking then canceled at the last minute leaving us to scramble to find a replacement charter. I'm grateful to Captain Roland Wilock of "Day Shape Fishing Charters" for taking us on such short notice and giving us a memorable experience. HIGHLY recommend Day Shape Fishing Charters.
Day Shape Fishing Charters
Day Shape Fishing Charters Tenafly, NJ
Careful of the weather, as we had to move days due to storms, and ended up being on choppy water near the end of our trip making snapper fishing difficult.
5.0 / 5
Careful of the weather, as we had to move days due to storms, and ended up being on choppy water near the end of our trip making snapper fishing difficult.
Thrill Of It All – Cape Coral
Thrill Of It All – Cape Coral Cape Coral, Florida
Plan a half day trip if you are taking your kids for the first time. This gives you plenty of time to catch multiple fish.
5.0 / 5
Plan a half day trip if you are taking your kids for the first time. This gives you plenty of time to catch multiple fish.
Maxed Out Charters 2
Maxed Out Charters 2 Powder Springs, GA
Always be prepared for changes in weather and conditions. Expect fishing and you’ll be satisfied. Especially fun when you never know what you might pull out of those waters.
4.7 / 5
Always be prepared for changes in weather and conditions. Expect fishing and you’ll be satisfied. Especially fun when you never know what you might pull out of those waters.
Send It Charter Fishing
Send It Charter Fishing Kelso, WA
Book with Captain Mike and Dragonfly Charters, He is knowledgable, friendly, a great teacher, and will work non stop to get you on fish. Great guy, great fisherman and Captain. We will be back.
5.0 / 5
Book with Captain Mike and Dragonfly Charters, He is knowledgable, friendly, a great teacher, and will work non stop to get you on fish. Great guy, great fisherman and Captain. We will be back.
Dragonfly Charters
Dragonfly Charters Ludlow, MA
Great experience. I hadn't gone fishing in years. This experience made me realize what I've been missing
4.7 / 5
Great experience. I hadn't gone fishing in years. This experience made me realize what I've been missing
Send It Charter Fishing
Send It Charter Fishing Coral Springs, FL

Lesen Sie Bewertungen von Ausflugsanbietern in Cape Coral

All 4 Chuck Fishing Charters
All 4 Chuck Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in Cape Coral
5.0 / 5
(68 Bewertungen)
Had a fantastic time….caught fish good captain. Plan on doing another chapter with Captain Al.
Lou  S.
Lou S.
Southern Charter Co – Cape Coral
Southern Charter Co – Cape Coral
Fishing charter in Cape Coral
5.0 / 5
(26 Bewertungen)
We had a great time with Chris. We had 2 couples and he was fun to be around and certainly knew what he was doing. He made us all feel welcome on the boat and ensured it was easy fishing for all. Thanks Chris!
Thomas  G.
Thomas G.
Feelin' The Mojo Fishing Charters
Feelin' The Mojo Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in Cape Coral
5.0 / 5
(45 Bewertungen)
Captain Sean was instructional & professional We caught snook, sea trout, flounder, a puffer & jack cravelle. We had a great time
Tom  N.  J.
Tom N. J.
Feelin' The Mojo Fishing Charters
Feelin' The Mojo Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in Cape Coral
4.7 / 5
(45 Bewertungen)
Captain Sean put us on fish with the very first cast! My daughter is not an extremely experience fisherman, but she caught fish non stop! Captain Sean was very knowledgeable and personable. Thanks Captain!!!
Nate  P.
Nate P.
Changes in Latitude Charters
Changes in Latitude Charters
Fishing charter in Cape Coral
5.0 / 5
(394 Bewertungen)
2 out of 3 of us were extremely inexperienced at fishing. Captain Brian had us catching fish all morning. He was very patient and helped guide us with the proper technique. He has a sweet and fun personality and the time just flew by! We will definitely book him the next time we are in town!
Lisa  T.
Lisa T.
Maxed Out Charters – Fort Myers
Maxed Out Charters – Fort Myers
Fishing charter in Cape Coral
5.0 / 5
(120 Bewertungen)
Where do I start... Captain Billy brought us to more locations than I can count and put us on fish at each one. Landed a lot of nice fish including trout, mangrove snapper, redfish, snook, lady fish and my son even hooked a shark. Along the way we saw some great scenery and had encounters with multiple dolphins and even a group of manatees. Overall it was a great day on the water!
Matthew  V.
Matthew V.
Dragonfly Charters
Dragonfly Charters
Fishing charter in Cape Coral
5.0 / 5
(120 Bewertungen)
Mike tried his best to make sure you have an enjoyable experience fishing on the water.
William  W.
William W.
Captain Paul's Yacht Charters
Captain Paul's Yacht Charters
Fishing charter in Cape Coral
4.7 / 5
(203 Bewertungen)
We had a great time and caught loads of fish! Two 36" sharks, lots of smaller fish as well. A really great time- thanks Captain Paul!
Thom  B.
Thom B.
Changes in Latitude Charters
Changes in Latitude Charters
Fishing charter in Cape Coral
5.0 / 5
(394 Bewertungen)
We were hoping for a great fishing charter with our family, to learn and to build great memories while catching fish. Captain Brian more than delivered on every expectation. He is knowledgeable, helpful and enabled us to achieve our goals. We had a great afternoon trip out with Captain Brian and would do it again next time we are here. Thank you so much.
Frank  C.
Frank C.
Maxed Out Charters 2
Maxed Out Charters 2
Fishing charter in Cape Coral
5.0 / 5
(8 Bewertungen)
Between the three of us we caught over 20 fish. We also stopped to see dolphins and manatees as we requested. Had a feast for dinner that they filleted for us. A day we will remember!
Tom  M.
Tom M.
Hooked4life Fishing Charters
Hooked4life Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in Cape Coral
5.0 / 5
(92 Bewertungen)
He listened to what we wanted and made sure we got it. He is very knowledgeable of the area and how to catch each kind of fish. We also had a 5 yr old along and he is great with kids! Thank you, Captain Andy!
David  M.
David M.
Dragonfly Charters
Dragonfly Charters
Fishing charter in Cape Coral
5.0 / 5
(120 Bewertungen)
Captain Mike was a great guide and really took care of us. We caught fish everywhere we went on both spinning and fly fishing tackle. He was great at helping us get the hang of saltwater fishing for the very first time. He worked hard for us. I'd definitely fish with him again.
Rich  V.
Rich V.
Feelin' The Mojo Fishing Charters
Feelin' The Mojo Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in Cape Coral
5.0 / 5
(45 Bewertungen)
We had a wonderful trip with Captain Sean! We did a half day of fishing, and caught a few snook and a redfish - it was a windy afternoon that made for tough fishing but we had a great time. We were beginners and Captain Sean answered all our questions, and was patient with us as we learned how to fish here. He was very personable and easy to talk to. We had a fun day!
Blair  L.
Blair L.
Feelin' The Mojo Fishing Charters
Feelin' The Mojo Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in Cape Coral
5.0 / 5
(45 Bewertungen)
I am a newby to Florida fishing. Learned a lot from Captain Sean. He knows the waters well. Professional and fun!
Tucker  W.
Tucker W.
Dragonfly Charters
Dragonfly Charters
Fishing charter in Cape Coral
5.0 / 5
(120 Bewertungen)
We had an amazing experience with Mike! He is friendly and super knowledgeable. We caught tons of Snook on a fly rod and with bait. He helped me tremendously with fly fishing and my wife loved that he kept her spinning rod baited for her. I would highly recommend Dragonfly Charters!
Jake  J.
Jake J.
Shallow Water Guide Service
Shallow Water Guide Service
Fishing charter in Cape Coral
5.0 / 5
(31 Bewertungen)
Captain Joey was great. Very clean boat and great equipment. Was very good with my 7 year old. Took us shark fishing and we caught a 4’ one that we put in the boat for pictures and also a 6’ one.
Brent  T.
Brent T.
Changes in Latitude Charters
Changes in Latitude Charters
Fishing charter in Cape Coral
5.0 / 5
(394 Bewertungen)
Brian did everthing for us, so we only have to wait for a bite. Our 8 year Son always had a bite and we had a lots of fun. Inshore Matlacha is a trip that every had to do. We always had a dolphin around.
Claudia  U.
Claudia U.
Dragonfly Charters
Dragonfly Charters
Fishing charter in Cape Coral
5.0 / 5
(120 Bewertungen)
Mike was a great captain and will definitely call him when we visit Florida again.
Mark  L.
Mark L.
Day Shape Fishing Charters
Day Shape Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in Cape Coral
5.0 / 5
(59 Bewertungen)
We had a great trip. I have been on many fishing trips in Florida and this was by far the best experience I have had. We caught lots of fish and even a bonus blacktip shark! Captain Roland is very knowledgeable and was a blast to fish with. If you wanna have a great time and catch fish look no further!
Dakota  D.
Dakota D.
Indigenous Charters
Indigenous Charters
Fishing charter in Cape Coral
5.0 / 5
(352 Bewertungen)
Our guide, Tyler Carner was a great guy, knowledgeable, on time and worked hard to put us on fish both days we went out with him. I recommend him for anyone wanting to fish this area
Dave  B.
Dave B.

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Ziele in Ihrer Nähe