Panama Angelausflüge

Wir haben die besten Ausflüge aus 55 Angeboten in Panama für Sie gefunden - geben Sie einfach Ihre Reisedaten ein und prüfen Sie die Verfügbarkeit!

Beliebteste Orte in Panama

Panama: 55 Angelausflüge verfügbar
4.9 / 5
(16 Bewertungen)
 Sofortige Bestätigung
5.0 / 5
(142 Bewertungen)
 Sofortige Bestätigung
4.8 / 5
(121 Bewertungen)
 Sofortige Bestätigung
4.9 / 5
(107 Bewertungen)
 Sofortige Bestätigung
4.6 / 5
(19 Bewertungen)
 Sofortige Bestätigung
5.0 / 5
(35 Bewertungen)
 Sofortige Bestätigung
5.0 / 5
(7 Bewertungen)
 Sofortige Bestätigung
Ausflüge ab US $1,300
4.9 / 5
(7 Bewertungen)
 Sofortige Bestätigung
4.3 / 5
(2 Bewertungen)
 Sofortige Bestätigung
 Sofortige Bestätigung
Ausflüge ab US $1,275

Häufige Fragen zu Angelausflügen in Panama

According to customer reviews, some of the most popular fishing charters in Panama are: Full list of top fishing charters in Panama

The average price for a private 4 hour Panama fishing trip is US $450, while an 8 hour private trip will cost you US $1,014 based on prices on

Fishing charters in Panama that received great reviews from families are:

The top 3 fish species targeted on guided fishing trips in Panama are:

The top 3 fishing techniques in Panama are:

The top 3 types of fishing in Panama are:

Many fishing charters in Panama provide rods, reels and tackle. Some of the top rated are:

According to customer reviews on, some of the best rated charter captains in Panama are:

Who are the top awarded captains in Panama?

Some of the fishing trips offered by fishing charters in Panama are:
  • Extended fishing trips – US $9,925
  • 2-hour fishing trips – US $450
  • 3-hour fishing trips – US $271
  • 4-hour fishing trips – US $601
  • 5-hour fishing trips – US $315
  • 6-hour fishing trips – US $363
  • 8-hour fishing trips – US $1,237
  • 9-hour fishing trips – US $770
  • 10-hour fishing trips – US $2,478
  • 11-hour fishing trips – US $570
  • 12-hour fishing trips – US $540

Fishing in Panama

Laut einer Legende, die Eingeborene vor Jahrhunderten den Spaniern erzählten, bedeutet Panama "Land vieler Fische". Egal ob die Geschichte wahr ist oder nicht, sie beschreibt das Angeln in Panama heute perfekt. Das Land ist wohl eines der besten großen Angelgebiete der Welt!

Wo kann man in Panama angeln?

Panama Stadt

Die Hauptstadt des Landes ist berühmt für erstklassiges Angeln direkt vor der Küste. Wenn Sie große Fische mit leichtem Gerät fangen wollen, ist die Pazifikküste von Panama der richtige Ort. Die Offshore Gewässer werden von Blauem und Schwarzem Marlin, Fächerfisch und anderen pelagischen Räubern bewohnt. Und das ist noch nicht alles. Angler, die ihre Fähigkeiten testen möchten, können auf Cavalla, Großaugen- und Blauflossenmakrele sowie Hahnenbarsch angeln. Aber machen Sie sich bereit für einen anstrengenden Drill.

Isla de Coiba

Die Insel ist mit einer einzigartigen Meerestopographie gesegnet. Sie ist über eine unter Wasser gelegene Bergkette mit den Galapagos Inseln verbunden. Das sorgt für eine Ansammlung seltener Fische, die um die Insel schwimmen. So gut, wie die Bisse in Küstennähe sind, umso heißer geht es auf dem Meer her! Hannibal Banks ist ein Berg unter Wasser, etwa 37 km westlich der Insel, der ein Plateau etwa 36 m unter der Wasseroberfläche erreicht und auf allen Seiten von mehreren Kilometern tiefem Wasser umgeben ist. Dieses natürliche Phänomen ist ein Magnet für Raubfische, an dem Sie alle Arten von Speer- und Thunfisch finden. Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einem großen Schwarzen Marlin sind, sind Sie hier genau richtig!

Atlantischer Ozean

Während Panama hauptsächlich für das fantastische Angeln im Pazifik bekannt ist, hat auch der Atlantik jedem Angler viel zu bieten. Die weniger entwickelte Infrastruktur an der Nordküste hat die meisten Angler nach Süden bewegt, aber seit den 1990er Jahren hat sich die Situation stetig verbessert. Das kann Ihr Vorteil sein, da der Konkurrenzdruck an der Nordküste geringer ist.

Fischgründe in Panama


Auf dem Meer in Panama finden Sie viele pelagische Raubfische, die zu den beliebtesten Offshore-Fischen der Welt zählen. Blauer und Schwarzer Marlin gehören hier zu den Hauptfängen beim Angeln und können das ganze Jahr über gefangen werden. Vorallem zwischen Dezember und April sind sie besonders aktiv. Gestreifter Marlin bevölkert im März die Pinas Bay. Mit einer durchschnittlichen Größe von über 140 kg können Sie hier wirklich große Marline landen. Die Wahoo Aktivität nimmt zu, wenn die offizielle Speerfisch Saison sich dem Ende neigt, so dass Sie weiter spannende Fänge machen können. Mahi Mahi, Gelbflossen- und Schwarzflossen-Thunfisch sowie Segelfisch sind ebenfalls auf hoher See zu finden und warten darauf, dass der richtige Angler für einem harten Drill vorbeikommt.


In den küstennahen Gewässern vor der Küste Panamas finden Sie zahlreiche Inseln, sowie viele Unterwasserriffe und andere Strukturen. Diese sind ausgezeichnete Fischgründe, egal ob Sie ein Fan von Grundfischen, Driften, Trolling oder Casting sind. Leckerer Cubera Schnapper, verschiedene Zackenbarsche, Wahoo und viele andere farbenfrohe Arten können ins Visier genommen werden. Das Angeln auf Roosterfish in Panama ist weltweit bekannt. Diese eher seltene Fischart bietet herausfordernde Kämpfe, von denen Sie noch lange erzählen werden! In Küstennähe können Sie das ganze Jahr über angeln, solange Sie mit einem Kapitän unterwegs sind, der sich auskennt.

An der Küste und im Inland

Snook und Tarpun sind die Stars der Küste und der Flüsse Panamas. Der Panamakanal ist ein sehr ergiebiger Ort für große Tarpune. Angler berichten von einer durchschnittlichen Größe von etwa 45 kg, wobei gelegentliche Exemplare über 90 kg wiegen kann. Tarpun ist am besten zu Beginn des Jahres, im Januar und Februar zu fangen. Ein Ausflug in die Mangroven, auf Snook, lohnt sich schon alleine dank der wunderschönen, tropische Natur, die Sie dort umgibt, ganz zu schweigen vom unglaublichen Snook Angeln! Die Flussmündungen sind von Dezember bis Mai besonders dafür geeignet.

Egal, ob Sie nur Sonne tanken und mit leichtem Gerät angeln möchten oder von einer Schwarzen Marlin Trophäe träumen, Panama hat den richtigen Angelausflug für Sie! Buchen Sie jetzt Ihren Urlaub in diesem tropischen Paradies und machen Sie den ersten Schritt in Richtung Ihres Angelabenteuers.

4.8 / 5
Basierend auf 28542 Bewertungen von FishingBooker Anglern

Panama Angelsaisonen

Januar ist der beliebteste Monat um Schwarzen Marlin zu fangen. Außerdem können Sie Gelbflossen-Thun, großen Fächerfisch, Mahi Mahi und andere Arten landen. Die perfekte Möglichkeit den kalten Temperaturen zu entkommen.
Die Saison auf See geht im Februar mit Marlin, Fächerfisch und Thunfisch weiter. Sie können Ihre Kräfte an verschiedenen Stachelmakrelen testen, die zu dieser Zeit exzellente Kämpfe liefern.
Der berühmte Roosterfish kann im März gut gefangen werden. Cubera Schnapper sind extrem aktiv und Gestreifte Marline kommen näher an die Küste. Beliebt bei Anglern im März ist außerdem der Gelbflossen-Thun.
Die Fische entlang der Küste werden aktiver und Schwärme von Gelbflossen-Thun tauchen in der Piñas Bay auf. Fahren Sie aufs Meer um große Roosterfish zu finden und Ihren persönlichen Rekord zu brechen!
Mit dem Wind aus dem Süden kommen auch die Fächerfische in die Nähe der Küste, teilweise sogar bis auf wenige Seemeilen Entfernung. Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einem spektakulären Foto sind, ist jetzt die Zeit dafür.
Fächerfische haben Hochsaison und mehrere Bisse am Tag sind häufig. Andere pelagische Fische, wie Marline sind ebenfalls aktiv. Roosterfish Exemplare mit einer Rekordgröße von über 31 kg werden meist im Juni gefangen.
Wenn Sie sich nicht entscheiden können, welche Fischarten Sie fangen möchten, ist der Juli ein guter Monat für einen Besuch. Von Marlin über Roosterfish, bis zu Schnappern und Zackenbarschen haben Sie eine breite Auswahl.
Die Temperaturen sind angenehm, so dass Sie erst beim Drill mit einem Marlin so richtig ins Schwitzen kommen. Bringen Sie zur Vorsicht aber eine Regenjacke mit, da Regenschauer vorkommen können.
Wahoos kommen an den Fischgründen an und überall im Land versuchen Angler aller Art, Sie zu fangen. Das Angeln auf Schwarzen und Blauen Marlin ist ebenfalls ausgezeichnet, also vergessen Sie Ihre Kamera nicht!
Wenn Sie mehr auf Qualität, als auf Quantität aus sind, ist der Oktober der richtige Monat für Sie. Große Cubera Snapper und Roosterfish können in den Buchten entlang der Pazifikküste gefangen werden.
Die Regenzeit endet im November und das Treibholz der letzten Schauer bietet Fischen Unterschlupf und Nahrungsgrundlagen. Mahi Mahi, Schwarzer und Blauer Marlin, Fächerfisch und Gelbflossen-Thun finden sich in der Umgebung.
Eine Entscheidung zu treffen, welche Fischarten Sie fangen möchten, kann schwer sein. Der Dezember macht es Ihnen nicht leicht. Schwarzer und Blauer Marlin, Mahi Mahi, Thunfische und Roosterfisch sind alle perfekte Ziele.

Panama Angelkalender

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Was Angler über angeln in Panama sagen

Remember that roosters and other nightly sought after fish are very season dependent and daily condition dependent. At the end of the day it’s fishing, have to go out and try but if you don’t get exactly what you want, that’s why it’s fishing.
5.0 / 5
Remember that roosters and other nightly sought after fish are very season dependent and daily condition dependent. At the end of the day it’s fishing, have to go out and try but if you don’t get exactly what you want, that’s why it’s fishing.
Pearl Islands Charter Company - 33'
Pearl Islands Charter Company - 33'
Long pants and long sleeve shirts to protect from the sun. The sun is hot. Drink water and believe in your Captain. You will catch fish.
5.0 / 5
Long pants and long sleeve shirts to protect from the sun. The sun is hot. Drink water and believe in your Captain. You will catch fish.
Panama Fishing Trip
Panama Fishing Trip
It was great! I have nothing to compare it to considering it was my first time fishing in the ocean… but again, the captain and crew were absolutely fantastic!
5.0 / 5
It was great! I have nothing to compare it to considering it was my first time fishing in the ocean… but again, the captain and crew were absolutely fantastic!
Panama GEM Charters – 27’ Proline
Panama GEM Charters – 27’ Proline
Gamboa has an incredible diversity of fishes to challenge even the most experienced angler and the scenery is world class.
5.0 / 5
Gamboa has an incredible diversity of fishes to challenge even the most experienced angler and the scenery is world class.
Panama Fishing Trip 2
Panama Fishing Trip 2 Panama City, Provincia De Panama
Yes, and I would also recommend Mr. Rene. We caught plenty of Peacock Bass and a few other exotic fish. Tiger fish, Oscar etc. Mr. Rene was an excellent fish guide and he made the whole trip worth it. He was patient and professional.
5.0 / 5
Yes, and I would also recommend Mr. Rene. We caught plenty of Peacock Bass and a few other exotic fish. Tiger fish, Oscar etc. Mr. Rene was an excellent fish guide and he made the whole trip worth it. He was patient and professional.
Panama Fishing Trip 2
Panama Fishing Trip 2
Yes, great trip. Captian was great!! Got plenty of fishing in, plus so much more to see in the canal/lake!
5.0 / 5
Yes, great trip. Captian was great!! Got plenty of fishing in, plus so much more to see in the canal/lake!
Panama Fishing Trip
Panama Fishing Trip
It was our first time here. Be prepared for any weather - wind, rain, intense heat and sun. We were actually lucky it was cloudy because we would have had trouble with a sunnier day.
5.0 / 5
It was our first time here. Be prepared for any weather - wind, rain, intense heat and sun. We were actually lucky it was cloudy because we would have had trouble with a sunnier day.
Gatun Sportfishing
Gatun Sportfishing
Call captain Daniel, he will explain everything in detail and answer all your questions.
5.0 / 5
Call captain Daniel, he will explain everything in detail and answer all your questions.
We had a great time I would recommend definitely and it would be great for children. One of the highlights of our vacation.
5.0 / 5
We had a great time I would recommend definitely and it would be great for children. One of the highlights of our vacation.
Gatun Sportfishing
Gatun Sportfishing
"Highly recommend first-time fishermen heading to Gamboa to book with VamosD’Pesca Sport Fishing for their excellence, experience, and outstanding service. Their expertise ensures an unforgettable fishing experience!"
5.0 / 5
"Highly recommend first-time fishermen heading to Gamboa to book with VamosD’Pesca Sport Fishing for their excellence, experience, and outstanding service. Their expertise ensures an unforgettable fishing experience!"
VamosD’Pesca SportFishing LakeGatún
VamosD’Pesca SportFishing LakeGatún
I would highly recommend fishing with Rene. Trust the captain and he will get you into fish!
5.0 / 5
I would highly recommend fishing with Rene. Trust the captain and he will get you into fish!
Panama Fishing Trip
Panama Fishing Trip
It’s amazing - the wildlife you will see above and below the water. Seeing the port is incredible.
4.7 / 5
It’s amazing - the wildlife you will see above and below the water. Seeing the port is incredible.
Sunrise Charters Panama
Sunrise Charters Panama
Bring a raincoat. After all, it is the rain forest! No need to bring food or drink, tackle or any other equipment. Gatun Sport fishing has you covered.
5.0 / 5
Bring a raincoat. After all, it is the rain forest! No need to bring food or drink, tackle or any other equipment. Gatun Sport fishing has you covered.
Gatun Sportfishing
Gatun Sportfishing
I recommend doing it in the morning so that you can see the sunrise, wear comfortable clothing that covers you from the sun, and reapply sunscreen. Also, go with a guide who knows the best fishing spots on the lake. Bring only the essentials and use waterproof bags. And bring mosquito repellent just in case
5.0 / 5
I recommend doing it in the morning so that you can see the sunrise, wear comfortable clothing that covers you from the sun, and reapply sunscreen. Also, go with a guide who knows the best fishing spots on the lake. Bring only the essentials and use waterproof bags. And bring mosquito repellent just in case
VamosD’Pesca SportFishing LakeGatún
VamosD’Pesca SportFishing LakeGatún Panama City, Provincia De Panama
Gem Charters is the best option for Fishing in Panama!! Excellent tour, Fishing!!
5.0 / 5
Gem Charters is the best option for Fishing in Panama!! Excellent tour, Fishing!!
Panama GEM Charters – 27’ Proline
Panama GEM Charters – 27’ Proline Panama City, Provincia De Panama
Book with some time in advance and do your research on which species you want to catch so you can book the date on the correct season.
5.0 / 5
Book with some time in advance and do your research on which species you want to catch so you can book the date on the correct season.
Panama Bay Tours & Fishing – Cabo 35'
Panama Bay Tours & Fishing – Cabo 35' Panama City, 8
Water was low so fishing was a little tough. Many species move to deeper water but there were still some shallow bass. Longer trips would afford the opportunity for multiple species when you would need to target multiple depth ranges with different presentations.
5.0 / 5
Water was low so fishing was a little tough. Many species move to deeper water but there were still some shallow bass. Longer trips would afford the opportunity for multiple species when you would need to target multiple depth ranges with different presentations.
Gatun Sportfishing
Gatun Sportfishing Southport, FL
Yes, I would recommend fishing in Gamboa for first time anglers. The scenery inside the canal is pretty awesome with the large vessels, rivers, and wildlife.
5.0 / 5
Yes, I would recommend fishing in Gamboa for first time anglers. The scenery inside the canal is pretty awesome with the large vessels, rivers, and wildlife.
Panama Fishing Trip
Panama Fishing Trip Glenarden, MD
I would highly recommend Gamboa fishing trip in July. Fishing in the canal is a unique experience that I thoroughly enjoyed. We targeted tarpon, peacock bass, snook, and jack crevalle, and caught plenty of peacock bass and snook. We sighted the tarpon but couldn't entice them to bite the lures. Overall a great trip. I am planning on a follow on offshore trip for the big marlin and tuna with CAPT Rene in the November/December timeframe.
5.0 / 5
I would highly recommend Gamboa fishing trip in July. Fishing in the canal is a unique experience that I thoroughly enjoyed. We targeted tarpon, peacock bass, snook, and jack crevalle, and caught plenty of peacock bass and snook. We sighted the tarpon but couldn't entice them to bite the lures. Overall a great trip. I am planning on a follow on offshore trip for the big marlin and tuna with CAPT Rene in the November/December timeframe.
Panama Fishing Trip
Panama Fishing Trip Glenarden, MD
Not sure if I know what to recommend to anglers fishing in Cebaco Island for the first time. However, fishing requires patience and great energy!
4.3 / 5
Not sure if I know what to recommend to anglers fishing in Cebaco Island for the first time. However, fishing requires patience and great energy!
Sunrise Charters Panama Cebaco Island
Sunrise Charters Panama Cebaco Island Philadelphia, PA

Lesen Sie Bewertungen von Ausflugsanbietern in Panama

Panama Fishing Trip
Panama Fishing Trip
Fishing charter in Gamboa
4.7 / 5
(142 Bewertungen)
Our family of four went on the 4-hour trip on Lake Gatun. We are beginners and our guide Rene gave us a lot of tips for finding good spots, casting and reeling in fish. Rene was friendly and patient, and a very skilled fisherman too. Time went so fast, and we came home with enough fish for dinner!
Nichole  A.
Nichole A.
Pearl Islands Charter Company - 33'
Pearl Islands Charter Company - 33'
Fishing charter in Panama City
5.0 / 5
(7 Bewertungen)
Had a great time! We booked this trip with fishing experience and really wanted to hunt for a rooster. After catching some bait we tried but the day and season was just right. However, the captain and crew put us on a ton of great fish, utilized multiple different techniques and locations and had a FANTASTIC time. They were extremely welcoming and knowledgeable. When I come back to try for roosters again, this is the boat I’ll be using.
Tom  N.
Tom N.
Panama GEM Charters - Viking 46'
Panama GEM Charters - Viking 46'
Fishing charter in Panama City
5.0 / 5
(7 Bewertungen)
Crew was great and boat was clean and well Maintained for an older boat. I fish allot from NJ and was happy with the day. Knowledgable crew as well and sent us to a hook and cook restaurant that was amazing for our red snapper. La Fisheria at the marina.
Chris  W.
Chris W.
Panama Fishing Trip
Panama Fishing Trip
Fishing charter in Gamboa
5.0 / 5
(142 Bewertungen)
Captain Rene was wonderful. Great ccommunication, arranged everything including hotel pick up. Great day out and lots of fish caught
Alfred  C.
Alfred C.
VamosD’Pesca SportFishing LakeGatún
VamosD’Pesca SportFishing LakeGatún
Fishing charter in Gamboa
5.0 / 5
(16 Bewertungen)
Fishing the canal water system is unique. Captain was knowledgeable, worked hard and produced fish.
Rafael  C.
Rafael C.
Panama GEM Charters – 27’ Proline
Panama GEM Charters – 27’ Proline
Fishing charter in Panama City
5.0 / 5
(121 Bewertungen)
Everything was absolutely amazing on our adventure! I caught a jack fish right away and the captain and crew exceeded any expectations we had. They were so excited when I caught my fish and hilarious and made us feel so comfortable! And it was just me and my best friend (who are women ) and they were so respectful and caring! I cannot recommend this enough!!!
Alyse  S.
Alyse S.
Panama Fishing Trip
Panama Fishing Trip
Fishing charter in Gamboa
5.0 / 5
(142 Bewertungen)
My sister loves to fish, so I booked this trip for her. my sister, brother and I took the 5.5 hour afternoon trip. Rene is a very skilled captain. His guidance lead to everyone catching multiple fish. I would highly recommend him for your fishing experience 5stars
Demetrice  H.
Demetrice H.
Panama Fishing Trip
Panama Fishing Trip
Fishing charter in Gamboa
5.0 / 5
(142 Bewertungen)
My son and I had a great time today with Rene, who was a great captain. We had the best time on Gatun Lake catching fish and the hospitality was top notch. I highly recommend PFT and will rebook when we come back to Panama.
Doug  Y.
Doug Y.
Panama Fishing Trip
Panama Fishing Trip
Fishing charter in Gamboa
5.0 / 5
(142 Bewertungen)
Great half day with Rene, whom is outgoing, kind and knowledgeable. Rene knows great secluded spots where you will find it very difficult not to catch. Excellent opportunity to see the canal and Gatun lake. Looking forward to my next adventure with Rene, whom I will certainly use on our next outing.
Chad  R.
Chad R.
Panama Fishing Trip
Panama Fishing Trip
Fishing charter in Gamboa
5.0 / 5
(142 Bewertungen)
My husband took an interest in fishing so I surprised him with this fishing lesson. It was awesome!!! Rene is an experienced fisherman and a methodical teacher. He learned a lot and I enjoyed the scenery ☺️ Incredible experience, memorable adventure with good snacks, which is very important 😉
Jackie  B.
Jackie B.
Panama Fishing Trip
Panama Fishing Trip
Fishing charter in Gamboa
5.0 / 5
(142 Bewertungen)
We had a ton fun fishing and stoping by Monkey Island. Highly recommend it.
Derege  D.
Derege D.
Panama Fishing Trip
Panama Fishing Trip
Fishing charter in Gamboa
5.0 / 5
(142 Bewertungen)
My daughter and I had an amazing time fishing with Rene! He has a great personality, is timely, amazing knowledge of fishing throughout Panama and he got us on some fish. Looking forward to next year’s trip already. Going to do some fly fishing.
John  E.
John E.
Panama Fishing Trip
Panama Fishing Trip
Fishing charter in Gamboa
5.0 / 5
(142 Bewertungen)
Rene was awesome. We caught 38 fish in total. Some small some large. All peacocks and 2 oscars. He was awesome with our kids. Highly recommend.
Vanessa  K.
Vanessa K.
Panama Fishing Trip 2
Panama Fishing Trip 2
Fishing charter in Gamboa
5.0 / 5
(6 Bewertungen)
Great day on the Lake with Rene. Best guide, boat and equipment. Highly recommend.
Christopher  G.
Christopher G.
Panama Fishing Trip 2
Panama Fishing Trip 2
Fishing charter in Gamboa
5.0 / 5
(6 Bewertungen)
We took our granddaughter fishing during Spring Break in the Panama Canal. Everyone caught fish and our guide, Renee was the best!
Larry  W.
Larry W.
Panama Fishing Trip
Panama Fishing Trip
Fishing charter in Gamboa
5.0 / 5
(142 Bewertungen)
We headed out for an amazing day! Had good fishing, great area! It was surprising how much more than fishing was going on. Big ships transiting the canal, tons of wildlife everywhere. Just a great place. Our Captain was super helpful, as was the whole little community at the dock. The folks leaving their resort for a site sightseeing tour definitely looked jealous they weren’t going to have more space and haul in some peacock bass! Can’t recommend enough, just remember your sunscreen!!
Michael  M.
Michael M.
VamosD’Pesca SportFishing LakeGatún
VamosD’Pesca SportFishing LakeGatún
Fishing charter in Gamboa
5.0 / 5
(16 Bewertungen)
This was the trip of a life time through beautiful Lake Gatun! Lots of things I have never seen AND we caught a lot of fish! Highly recommend, Captain JD was great!
Jonathan  W.
Jonathan W.
Panama GEM Charters – 27’ Proline
Panama GEM Charters – 27’ Proline
Fishing charter in Panama City
5.0 / 5
(121 Bewertungen)
Had a really great time with them. They knew where to go and fish, had a variety of soft drinks and beers, including water. We also enjoyed a nice pineapple while on board. Miguel and his colleague did not compromise on keeping us entertained and taking care of us.
Shahram  A.
Shahram A.
Panama GEM Charters – 27’ Proline
Panama GEM Charters – 27’ Proline
Fishing charter in Panama City
5.0 / 5
(121 Bewertungen)
My son and I went with them for an afternoon fishing session and had a good time. The crew clearly knew what they were doing and got us fish while telling us stories about the Panama Canal and the area where we were. The trip's highlight was the fresh made ceviche and the sunset cruise on the way back.
Brian  D.
Brian D.
Panama GEM Charters – 27’ Proline
Panama GEM Charters – 27’ Proline
Fishing charter in Panama City
5.0 / 5
(121 Bewertungen)
Great crew and great experience. The boat and gear were in mint condition, I totally recommend booking with them.
Arthur  F.
Arthur F.

Beliebteste Angelmethoden in Panama

Beliebteste Arten in Panama