Aruba Angelausflüge

Wir haben die besten Ausflüge aus 28 Angeboten in Aruba für Sie gefunden - geben Sie einfach Ihre Reisedaten ein und prüfen Sie die Verfügbarkeit!

Aruba: 28 Angelausflüge verfügbar
4.7 / 5
(466 Bewertungen)
 Sofortige Bestätigung
4.9 / 5
(138 Bewertungen)
 Sofortige Bestätigung
4.8 / 5
(155 Bewertungen)
 Sofortige Bestätigung
4.7 / 5
(166 Bewertungen)
 Sofortige Bestätigung
4.8 / 5
(540 Bewertungen)
 Sofortige Bestätigung
4.4 / 5
(78 Bewertungen)
 Sofortige Bestätigung
4.9 / 5
(19 Bewertungen)
 Sofortige Bestätigung
4.7 / 5
(548 Bewertungen)
 Sofortige Bestätigung
4.7 / 5
(137 Bewertungen)
 Sofortige Bestätigung
4.5 / 5
(349 Bewertungen)
 Sofortige Bestätigung

Häufige Fragen zu Angelausflügen in Aruba

According to customer reviews, some of the most popular fishing charters in Aruba are: Full list of top fishing charters in Aruba

The average price for a private 4 hour Aruba fishing trip is US $470, while an 8 hour private trip will cost you US $763 based on prices on

Fishing charters in Aruba that received great reviews from families are:

The top 3 fish species targeted on guided fishing trips in Aruba are:

The top 3 fishing techniques in Aruba are:

The top 3 types of fishing in Aruba are:

Many fishing charters in Aruba provide rods, reels and tackle. Some of the top rated are:

According to customer reviews on, some of the best rated charter captains in Aruba are:

Who are the top awarded captains in Aruba?

Some of the fishing trips offered by fishing charters in Aruba are:
  • 3-hour fishing trips – US $413
  • 4-hour fishing trips – US $476
  • 6-hour fishing trips – US $712
  • 8-hour fishing trips – US $945
  • 10-hour fishing trips – US $1,094
  • 12-hour fishing trips – US $1,300

Fishing in Aruba

Aruba klettert leise an die Spitze des Wunschzettels vieler Angler. Die kleine Insel vor der Küste Venezuelas hat einige Vorzüge, wie schönes Wetter, zahlreiche Touristenattraktionen und einige der besten Angelmöglichkeiten für Speerfisch in der Karibik – wenn nicht sogar auf der ganzen Welt.

Bekannt für

Aruba ist ein beliebter Zwischenstopp auf Karibikkreuzfahrten, bei denen Familien und Pärchen die Sonne und sanften Wellen genießen. Unter Anglern ist die Insel am bekanntesten für das wunderbare Hochseeangeln, nur wenige Kilometer vom Ufer entfernt. Es ist möglich, innerhalb von Minuten nach Verlassen des Docks in Oranjestad schon einen großen Fisch am Haken zu haben, sodass Sie diese Fischgründe selbst auf kurzen Ausflügen optimal nutzen können. Viele lokale Ausflugsunternehmen bieten Halbtagesausflüge für Kreuzfahrtpassagiere mit Startpreisen von unter 400 USD an.


Das Hochseeangeln auf Aruba bietet einige der bekanntesten Big Game Arten der Welt, wie Marlin, Fächerfisch, Wahoo, Mahi Mahi, Barrakuda und verschiedene Arten von Thunfisch. Speerfische und Weiße Haie besuchen diese Gewässer auch ab und zu.

Viele dieser Fische können Sie das ganze Jahr über fangen. Wenn Sie jedoch auf der Suche nach einem Speerfisch sind, lohnt es sich, bis zum Herbst zu warten. Dann haben Sie die Chance, an einem Tag Fächerfisch, Blauen Marlin und Weißen Marlin zu fangen, was als "Grand Slam" bezeichnet wird.


Wenn das Hochseeangeln für Ihre Urlaubspläne etwas zu intensiv klingt, besuchen Sie doch stattdessen, die küstennahen Riffe. Arubas seichtes Wasser beherbergt Schnapper, Zackenbarsche, Talang, Papageifisch, Drückerfisch, Blue Runner und mehr. Mit Ködern wie Tintenfisch oder Muscheln können Sie einige dieser Arten sogar vom Ufer aus fangen.

Angeln im Flachwasser

Angler mit leichtem Gerät und Fliegenfischer freuen sich das ganze Jahr über die Möglichkeiten im flachen Wasser von Aruba. Die tropischen Gewässer und Mangroveninseln sind der ideale Lebensraum für Snook, Tarpun, Bonefish, Barrakuda, Cavalla und verschiedene andere einheimische Arten. Die beste Zeit zum Fliegenfischen ist von März bis Oktober. Sie können private Halbtagesausflüge für weniger als 300 USD finden. Die Ausflüge beinhalten meist alles, was Sie benötigen, mit Ausnahme der Fliegenausrüstung.


Eine der beliebtesten Angelmethoden auf Aruba ist das Angeln mit der Handline. Die Verwendung dieser Technik, um Fische aus der Tiefe nach oben zu ziehen, ist kräftezehrend. Bereiten Sie sich also auf die Anstrengung vor!

Das Angeln mit einem Ballon ist eine weitere Methode, mit der Fische in der Nähe der Riffe gefangen werden. Bei dieser Methode wird eine lange Handline an einen Ballon gebunden und auf dem Wasser über dem Riff schwimmen gelassen. Wenn der Haken Wasser erreicht, das tief genug ist, lösen Sie die Schnur vom Ballon und kurbeln ein.

Wenn Sie auf pelagische Arten wie Marlin und Fächerfisch aus sind, werden Sie mit künstlichen und natürlichen Ködern trollen.

Wenn Sie entlang der Küste angeln, können Sie mit einer Spinn- oder Fliegenrute nichts falsch machen.


Ausflugsanbieter in Aruba beinhalten die Angelerlaubnis für ihre Gäste in ihren Preisen. Sie benötigen keinen Angelschein, um vom Ufer aus zu angeln. Das Speerfischen ist auf Aruba illegal und die meisten Unternehmen haben strenge Regelungen zum Freilassen von Speerfischen und anderen großen Fischarten.

Regeln & Vorschriften

If you’re a tourist fishing in Aruba, no fishing license is required. Just keep in mind that all Billfish are catch and release only. Likewise, spearfishing is prohibited across the island.

4.6 / 5
Basierend auf 28542 Bewertungen von FishingBooker Anglern

Aruba Angelsaisonen

Mit durchschnittlichen Temperaturen zwischen 24° und 30°C ist der Januar großartig für einen Bootsausflug. Marlin, Wahoo und Schwarzflossen-Thun sind in Hochsaison.
Die Hochsaison der Marline hält noch an. Weiße und Blaue Marline beißen aggressiv vor der Nordküste. Ihre Chancen, einen Wahoo, Mahi Mahi oder Thunfisch zu fangen sind ebenfalls ausgezeichnet.
Die Hochsaison für Marlin neigt sich dem Ende, aber Thunfisch und Wahoo sind weiterhin aktiv. Wie immer versprechen die Riffe und Flachwasserzonen gute Erfolge für jeden Angler.
Die Marlin Aktivität nimmt ab, während Thunfisch, Mahi Mahi und Wahoo für Spannung sorgen. Entlang der Küste ist das Fliegenfischen in Hochsaison, da bald die großen Tarpune auftauchen.
Zu dieser Jahreszeit können Sie überall in Aruba die großartigen Angelmöglichkeiten genießen. Tarpune beißen entlang der Küste und die Riffe versorgen Sie ebenfalls mit Fischen.
Das sommerliche Angeln geht weiter mit Mahi Mahi, Thunfisch und vielen anderen, die Sie auf einem Hochsee Ausflug fangen können. Die Temperaturen liegen bei 26°-32°C.
Nach Monaten mit niedriger Aktivität tauchen Königsmakrelen wieder vor der Küste auf. Das Angeln auf Zackenbarsche und Schnapper ist weiterhin gut und die Flachwasserzonen sind immer einen Besuch wert.
Die Temperaturen erreichen ihren Höhepunkt für das Jahr und es ist etwas schwieriger die Fische zu finden. Mit einem guten Angelführer und ein wenig Glück, können Sie dennoch fast alle Arten fangen.
Wahoo und Fächerfisch kommen wieder in Hochsaison. Marline beißen auch aggressiver und erhöhen Ihre Chancen auf einen Grand Slam!
Viele Big Game Arten sind in Hochsaison und das Wetter ist gut. Sie könnten sich keine bessere Zeit zum Hochseeangeln in Aruba aussuchen. Im Flachwasser finden Sie große Bonefish.
Zu dieser Jahreszeit ist es am wahrscheinlichsten, dass sie einen Marlin fangen und es gibt zahlreiche Barrakuda, Königsmakrele und Wahoo. Die Riffe wimmeln von Schnappern und Zackenbarschen.
Selbst im Dezember fallen die Temperaturen selten unter 20°C. Big Game Angeln an der Nordküste der Insel bringt Ihnen Blauen und Weißen Marlin, Wahoo und viele andere.

Aruba Angelkalender

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Was Angler über angeln in Aruba sagen

Be prepared for choppy waters. This is real deep sea fishing, with 15-20 foot swells on normal weather days.
4.7 / 5
Be prepared for choppy waters. This is real deep sea fishing, with 15-20 foot swells on normal weather days.
Kristel Fishing Aruba – 44’ Striker
Kristel Fishing Aruba – 44’ Striker
Get a pro to help you. Lots of guys came in empty handed. We were blessed to get 2 fish.
5.0 / 5
Get a pro to help you. Lots of guys came in empty handed. We were blessed to get 2 fish.
Charter Making Memories Aruba
Charter Making Memories Aruba
I would recommend lifting weights for a few months before your trip so you can catch more fish.
5.0 / 5
I would recommend lifting weights for a few months before your trip so you can catch more fish.
Kristel Fishing Aruba – 44’ Striker
Kristel Fishing Aruba – 44’ Striker
Trolling and teaser fishing can be hit or miss. Never a guarantee. If it’s important to make sure everyone catches fish or kids are onboard, then try a bottom fishing trip. The weather and sea are beautiful. Can be very windy at times.
5.0 / 5
Trolling and teaser fishing can be hit or miss. Never a guarantee. If it’s important to make sure everyone catches fish or kids are onboard, then try a bottom fishing trip. The weather and sea are beautiful. Can be very windy at times.
Ke Pasa Fishing Charter
Ke Pasa Fishing Charter
The North side of the island has large swells, so if you get motion sickness, you will definitely want patches or medication. We did see land the entire time during our trip, so that did help keep your eye on the horizon.
4.7 / 5
The North side of the island has large swells, so if you get motion sickness, you will definitely want patches or medication. We did see land the entire time during our trip, so that did help keep your eye on the horizon.
Kristel Fishing Aruba – 44’ Striker
Kristel Fishing Aruba – 44’ Striker
Maybe not all species are hitting but a lot are. One boat landed a handful of wahoo and tamed a sailfish which are typically scarce this time of year.
5.0 / 5
Maybe not all species are hitting but a lot are. One boat landed a handful of wahoo and tamed a sailfish which are typically scarce this time of year.
Dorothy Fishing Charters
Dorothy Fishing Charters
Fishing had been slow so the fact that we were about to haul in some fish was nice. No real big ones but we have have big ones in the past!
5.0 / 5
Fishing had been slow so the fact that we were about to haul in some fish was nice. No real big ones but we have have big ones in the past!
Teaser Charters – 35’
Teaser Charters – 35’
Fishing had been slow and alot of boats had not caught any in the last few days but got to reel in 19 Bonita!
5.0 / 5
Fishing had been slow and alot of boats had not caught any in the last few days but got to reel in 19 Bonita!
Ke Pasa Fishing Charter
Ke Pasa Fishing Charter
windy, waves can be a little rough on in the ocean, don't way too much too close to depart
5.0 / 5
windy, waves can be a little rough on in the ocean, don't way too much too close to depart
Dorothy Fishing Charters
Dorothy Fishing Charters
We booked the morning run and had a great experience. Crew says it doesn’t matter time of day to fish. We wore runners and shorts/swimsuits. Sunscreen. Bring a cooler to put any fish you wish to take home and they will supply ice. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t catch fish for a bit as the first few minutes is travelling to where most of the fish are. They supply water and Coke. Enjoy!!
5.0 / 5
We booked the morning run and had a great experience. Crew says it doesn’t matter time of day to fish. We wore runners and shorts/swimsuits. Sunscreen. Bring a cooler to put any fish you wish to take home and they will supply ice. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t catch fish for a bit as the first few minutes is travelling to where most of the fish are. They supply water and Coke. Enjoy!!
Dorothy Fishing Charters
Dorothy Fishing Charters
Expect wind and chop, if you get seasick or are unsure, bring dramamene or patches
5.0 / 5
Expect wind and chop, if you get seasick or are unsure, bring dramamene or patches
Sunrise Charters N.V.
Sunrise Charters N.V.
Seas can get very rough take necessary meds if you are the type to get motion sickness.
5.0 / 5
Seas can get very rough take necessary meds if you are the type to get motion sickness.
Kristel Fishing Aruba – 44’ Striker
Kristel Fishing Aruba – 44’ Striker
Make sure you are able to be in 10 -12 ft seas boat is plenty safe for this
4.7 / 5
Make sure you are able to be in 10 -12 ft seas boat is plenty safe for this
Kristel Fishing Aruba – 44’ Striker
Kristel Fishing Aruba – 44’ Striker
Make sure that the sea's are not really rough, and you get to keep all of your catch.
4.3 / 5
Make sure that the sea's are not really rough, and you get to keep all of your catch.
Kristel Fishing Aruba – 44’ Striker
Kristel Fishing Aruba – 44’ Striker
Wanted a trip that was family focused in make awesome memories - we got more than we expected!!
5.0 / 5
Wanted a trip that was family focused in make awesome memories - we got more than we expected!!
The Hooker Charters
The Hooker Charters
No complaints it was all good. I would be careful with children under 12 because the waters can be rough.
5.0 / 5
No complaints it was all good. I would be careful with children under 12 because the waters can be rough.
Sunrise Charters N.V.
Sunrise Charters N.V.
Aruba is a windy county, so there are big waves due to wind. Deep sea fishing is awesome but not for woozy people. If you get sea sick or are not an ocean person this is not for you. Leave the ones who aren’t into fishing in land & you will have a great time.
5.0 / 5
Aruba is a windy county, so there are big waves due to wind. Deep sea fishing is awesome but not for woozy people. If you get sea sick or are not an ocean person this is not for you. Leave the ones who aren’t into fishing in land & you will have a great time.
Kristel Fishing Aruba – 44’ Striker
Kristel Fishing Aruba – 44’ Striker
We caught some great eating fish and the chef is preparing them for us now. Catch, captain cleans them and eat them the same day.
4.7 / 5
We caught some great eating fish and the chef is preparing them for us now. Catch, captain cleans them and eat them the same day.
Keep It Reel Fishing And Snorkeling Tours
Keep It Reel Fishing And Snorkeling Tours
You won't be disappointed with, Keeping it Reel! Captain Alexandro supplies all of your needs. My daughter only had to set and reel while they let me bait, cast, and retrieve. He put us on the fish first try and we caught fish until we were worn out! There's nothing that could have made our charter any better, nothing.
5.0 / 5
You won't be disappointed with, Keeping it Reel! Captain Alexandro supplies all of your needs. My daughter only had to set and reel while they let me bait, cast, and retrieve. He put us on the fish first try and we caught fish until we were worn out! There's nothing that could have made our charter any better, nothing.
Keep It Reel Fishing And Snorkeling Tours
Keep It Reel Fishing And Snorkeling Tours
Pick Dorothy, they we’re ready to go right away and we had fun weather just a little breezy but it’s normal this time of year my understanding ?
5.0 / 5
Pick Dorothy, they we’re ready to go right away and we had fun weather just a little breezy but it’s normal this time of year my understanding ?
Dorothy Fishing Charters
Dorothy Fishing Charters

Lesen Sie Bewertungen von Ausflugsanbietern in Aruba

Dorothy Fishing Charters
Dorothy Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in Oranjestad
5.0 / 5
(466 Bewertungen)
We not only had a good day fishing, but we caught a lot of fish, including my largest to date. Was most impressed with the boat handling in a high sea.
Steve  T.
Steve T.
High Times Bertram 33'
High Times Bertram 33'
Fishing charter in Oranjestad
5.0 / 5
(155 Bewertungen)
It was an amazing day with Captain Tom and Crew! Went out for an 8 hour trip to the rough side ! Theire was a lot of rock n roll on the top water and the current was fuck as hell! We caught just a small cuda but hey fishing is like gambling if soy know what I mean :) never than less we had a great time on high times and I would recommend captain Tom for every one who loves fishing and the simple life! See you again Tom ! Nice to meet you! Cheers from Hamburg Germany
Christian  S.
Christian S.
Keep It Reel Fishing And Snorkeling Tours
Keep It Reel Fishing And Snorkeling Tours
Fishing charter in Noord
5.0 / 5
(138 Bewertungen)
Alexandro and his wife took amazing care of my son Brody. We were fishing with his 1 year old sister so we were pre occupied. That was not a problem at all as they made sure Brody was comfortable and he caught around 20 to 30 fish.y son said he will never forget how amazing it was. The snorkeling was fun as well but we spent so much time fishing that the day was almost done. Would recommend it to anyone.
Jon  H.
Jon H.
Kristel Fishing Aruba – 44’ Striker
Kristel Fishing Aruba – 44’ Striker
Fishing charter in Noord
4.7 / 5
(548 Bewertungen)
We chartered with Kristel for a 4 hour trip, unfortunately had to cut it short (only got 1 hour of fishing, 2 hours total) due to my wife getting seasick. It was her first time ever getting seasick. Still got two great fish, my first wahoo and first big eye tuna! The crew was very helpful and understanding.
Terry  V.
Terry V.
High Times Bertram 33'
High Times Bertram 33'
Fishing charter in Oranjestad
5.0 / 5
(155 Bewertungen)
Captain Tom picked us up at our cruise ship early morning and we had a really good time on his boat. We managed to catch a Wahoo and a Rainbow Runner. We would definitely charter him again when we return to Aruba.
Ryan  P.
Ryan P.
Kristel Fishing Aruba – 44’ Striker
Kristel Fishing Aruba – 44’ Striker
Fishing charter in Noord
4.7 / 5
(548 Bewertungen)
Captian Henrique and mate Alexander were great. They tried their best but we had to end the trip early because my daughter got sick. Alexander was great with the kids and very helpful with the one who got sick.
Matthew  S.
Matthew S.
High Times Bertram 33'
High Times Bertram 33'
Fishing charter in Oranjestad
5.0 / 5
(155 Bewertungen)
This is the best fishing trip I’ve ever done and I have done fishing trips in many areas over the years!
Lisa  D.
Lisa D.
Charter Making Memories Aruba
Charter Making Memories Aruba
Fishing charter in Oranjestad
4.7 / 5
(7 Bewertungen)
Had such a memorable time with this Brother crew. We caught reef fish despite adverse conditions, and it was the highlight for my two sons. Thank you!
Brian  F.
Brian F.
Jeliray Charter & Tours
Jeliray Charter & Tours
Fishing charter in Oranjestad
4.7 / 5
(78 Bewertungen)
Had a great time fishing on our 6 hour run. We caught two barracuda, a king mackerel and a 4’ wahoo. They do a 50/50 catch. The crew filleted ours right there at the dock and we were able to have it cooked at our resort (Tamarijn) for dinner that night. Would definitely go again. The crew was amazing and well prepared for the 6 of us that went.
Aaron  Y.
Aaron Y.
Charter Making Memories Aruba
Charter Making Memories Aruba
Fishing charter in Oranjestad
5.0 / 5
(7 Bewertungen)
These guys worked hard. We caught 2 wahoo. We had them cooked up at a local restaurant. So yummy. My 10 year old son loved this trip so much! They were a great crew. Would definitely go out with them again!
Sarah  H.
Sarah H.
Jeliray Charter & Tours
Jeliray Charter & Tours
Fishing charter in Oranjestad
5.0 / 5
(78 Bewertungen)
The crew was great - made sure the equipment was always ready, active the entire trip and gave instructions the entire time on what to do and not to do once fish was hooked.
Michael  M.
Michael M.
Charter Making Memories Aruba
Charter Making Memories Aruba
Fishing charter in Oranjestad
5.0 / 5
(7 Bewertungen)
We had a great experience on our morning fishing trip with Making Memories! The captain and first mate were very friendly and helpful. Also appreciated their input on life, family, and community. We had a terrific experience and would definitely like to fish with them again! Great job!
Steve  O.
Steve O.
Royal Blue Waves
Royal Blue Waves
Fishing charter in Noord
4.7 / 5
(2 Bewertungen)
Capt. Randy and mate Robert arrived on time and were very gracious. They were very helpful keeping our rods baited and assisting when needed to bring in our catches. Fishing wasn't the best that day but we caught enough for the nearby restaurant to cook us both up a terrific dinner after Capt. Randy filleted our catch for us. Remember it's cash only after the deposit. I would recommend Royal Blue Waves.
Dan  K.
Dan K.
Tropic Charters
Tropic Charters
Fishing charter in Oranjestad
4.7 / 5
(166 Bewertungen)
Spending time with my 21-year-old daughter, deep-sea fishing. She caught the wahoo 20 pounds. Kenny and Dennis are great company and made the trip very enjoyable!
Stephen  C.
Stephen C.
Jeliray Charter & Tours
Jeliray Charter & Tours
Fishing charter in Oranjestad
5.0 / 5
(78 Bewertungen)
These guys work hard to keep their customers happy. I highly recommend this charter for your fishing experience.
Joseph  B.
Joseph B.
Kristel Fishing Aruba – 44’ Striker
Kristel Fishing Aruba – 44’ Striker
Fishing charter in Noord
5.0 / 5
(548 Bewertungen)
Local Knowledge and a hard working crew resulted in a great fishing trip. We caught a Black Fin Tuna, 6 Barracudas and a 20 pound Wahoo. It's a great trip when your arms are too tired to catch more fish.
Heather  Y.
Heather Y.
Teaser Charters – 35’
Teaser Charters – 35’
Fishing charter in Oranjestad
5.0 / 5
(349 Bewertungen)
Captain and mate weee great we caught a 40 pound yellow fin tuna. Even without catching anything it is the first time my grand children went fishing great experience
Brian  T.
Brian T.
Kristel Fishing Aruba – 44’ Striker
Kristel Fishing Aruba – 44’ Striker
Fishing charter in Noord
4.7 / 5
(548 Bewertungen)
We caught 2 fish right off the bat and then we hit a lull. The crew never stop trying and changed things up and we started catching fish again. We had a wonderful time and caught Wahoo, Barracuda and Spanish Mackerel. We took our catch to the Flying Fishbone in Savaneta and it was absolutely delicious!
Kera  B.
Kera B.
Dorothy Fishing Charters
Dorothy Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in Oranjestad
5.0 / 5
(466 Bewertungen)
We got bites but had to come in early for a person in our party. Captain Roberto and mate Gregory were very kind, they were ready for us and had all the gear we needed. The trip was lovely, we started getting bites, and I am sure we would have caught something if we didn’t come back early. I would definitely recommend the Dorothy.
Rebecca  S.
Rebecca S.
Keep It Reel Fishing And Snorkeling Tours
Keep It Reel Fishing And Snorkeling Tours
Fishing charter in Noord
5.0 / 5
(138 Bewertungen)
My family of 4 enjoyed a beautiful morning bottom fishing. We caught close to 30 fish! Thank you Alex and Kelly!
Sara  S.
Sara S.

Beliebteste Angelmethoden in Aruba

Beliebteste Arten in Aruba