Make the most of your time in South Portland and go fishing with Origin Outfitters. Captain Bryan will be your guide, allowing you to benefit from years of local experience.
These waters are known for Striped Bass and occasionally Blue Fish – with any luck, they’ll make your reel scream. Capt Bryan’s specialty is fly fishing and he welcomes complete beginners to seasoned veterans. Light tackle is also an option! We specialize the trip for your perfect day on the water.
Any fish caught on these trips will be released.
Capt. Bryan welcomes anglers of all ages, including kids, so get ‘em offline and onto the water! Children must wear life vests, so find out if the appropriate size is available on board. Also remember to bring snacks to maintain your energy throughout the trip!
Your adventure begins aboard a 21’ Cobia center console that holds up to 4 passengers. It has everything you need for a productive day on the water. Capt. Bryan will supply rods and reels for you, along with lures. Live bait is available, but be sure to ask about it so you know if you’ll be catching it yourself.
The charter boat covers your fishing license, so all you have to do is look forward to your trip!
It’s recommended to bring sunglasses, a hat, and sunscreen (non-spray). There will be some drinks on offer, but let the captain know if you wish to bring your own. Alcohol is allowed in moderation, just avoid hard liquor as well as glass bottles.
Now, come aboard with Origin Outfitters and get hooked!
*Please note, depending on the trip type selected the meeting location may change. Capt. Bryan will coordinate with you directly. Both locations are within 30 minutes of one another.
Häufig gestellte Fragen zu Origin Outfitters
- US $550 pro Gruppe - Half Day Trip – Casco Bay (4 Stunden)
- US $550 pro Gruppe - Half Day Trip – Saco Bay (4 Stunden)
- US $750 pro Gruppe - Full Day Trip – Casco Bay (6 Stunden)
- US $750 pro Gruppe - Full Day Trip – Saco Bay (6 Stunden)
- US $950 pro Gruppe - Extended Day Trip – Casco Bay (8 Stunden)
- US $950 pro Gruppe - Extended Day Trip – Saco Bay (8 Stunden)
- Fischfinder
- Tank für Lebendköder
- Angelruten, Angelrollen & Angelgerät
- Lebendköder (Fishing with live bait is perfectly fine. Part of the fun is catching that bait! The only time live bait would be included prior to the trip is if there was a morning trip in which bait was already caught. )
- Kunstköder
- Getränke
- Angelschein (Saltwater fishing licenses are NOT required for my clients. You are covered to legally fish while in my boat as part of a for-hire charter. )
- Fliegenfischen Gerät
- Angeln entlang der Küste
- Angeln in Küstennähe
- Leichtes Gerät (Light Tackle)
- Fliegenfischen
- Felsenbarsch
- Blaufisch
Über den Kapitän
12 Kundenbewertungen |
Antwortet innerhalb einer Stunde |
Mitglied seit März 2024 |
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