Fish On Guide Service offers private inshore fishing charters in the bays and flats around Corpus Christi, TX. Captain Allen Sifford has 28 years of experience fishing from Rockport to the Baffin Bay. He’s one of the most sought-after guides to book in the area and he guarantees he’ll get you on some great fish on your day with him. Either that or your money back!
Spend your day aboard a 25’ Haynie center console which was built in 2024. She comes equipped with everything you need for the day’s fishing, from GPS and fishfinder to a livewell full of bait. Capt. Allen has guided multiple wins of the Star CCA tournament on this boat, so you know you’re in for some awesome catches.
Fish On Guide Service trips involve bay fishing for Trout, Redfish, Flounder, and Black Drum in the shallows around Corpus Christi. Anglers of any age or experience level are welcome and you’ll always find quality equipment waiting onboard. Choose from a range of techniques including spinning, popping, jigging, and bottom fishing to make the most of your time on the water.
Capt. Allen is the original guide that started “No Fish No Pay”. With him, it’s not just fish caught. He only counts the fish that are keepers – he guarantees it! Don’t be fooled by paying less and ending up with a part-time guide. Capt. Allen will make sure that everyone in your party has a great trip.
Customer reviews
Häufig gestellte Fragen zu Fish On Guide Service
- US $650 pro Gruppe, zusätzlich US $100 pro Person nach 2 Gäste - Half Day Trip (4 Stunden)
- US $700 pro Gruppe, zusätzlich US $100 pro Person nach 2 Gäste - Half Day Trip - Saturday (4 Stunden)
- US $750 pro Gruppe, zusätzlich US $150 pro Person nach 2 Gäste - Full Day Trip (8 Stunden)
- US $800 pro Gruppe, zusätzlich US $150 pro Person nach 2 Gäste - Full Day Trip - Saturday (8 Stunden)
- Fischfinder
- Tank für Lebendköder
- Multimediasystem Bluetooh radio
- Kühlbox
- Sonar
- Angelruten, Angelrollen & Angelgerät
- Lebendköder
- Kunstköder
- Säubern & Filetieren (Add on)
- Angeln entlang der Küste
- Angeln im Flachwasser
- Leichtes Gerät (Light Tackle)
- Grundangeln
- Spinnfischen
- Jigging
- Popping
- Driftangeln
- Schwarzer Trommler
- Flunder
- Trommler (Roter)
- Gefleckter Umberfisch (Speckled Trout)
Your captain
4 Angelberichte |
Ausweis und Lizenzen verifiziert |
2 Kundenbewertungen |
Antwortet innerhalb einer Stunde |
Mitglied seit Juli 2015 |
The fish you can target

What is the boat like?

What kind of fishing will you do?
Which fishing techniques will you try?
Which amenities are available onboard
What’s included in the trip price
How cancellations work
Wenn es gefährlich ist zu reisen, können Sie dennoch kostenfrei stornieren, oder das Datum Ihres Ausfluges verschieben.
What the listing policies are
How you can pay
FishingBooker belastet Ihre Kreditkarte mit einer 10% Anzahlung um Ihre Buchung zu garantieren, sobald der Kapitän zusagt.
Der Restbetrag ist am Ausflugstag, oder im Voraus, direkt beim Anbieter, durch die folgenden Zahlungsmethoden zu bezahlen: