Double Time Charters specializes in fishing adventures at unbeatable rates out of Destin, the ‘World’s Luckiest Fishing Village.” With trips ranging from four to eight hours, you will surely find something that suits your specific needs.
Whether you want to stay nearshore or head to deeper waters offshore, Double Time Charters will get you to the hot bite. Long trip or short trip, Capt. Tim will work to get you on the fish. He will put his talent to work for you. No matter which trip you choose, he’ll try to customize it for you.
Double Time Charters will take you fishing for a variety of reef and pelagic species. Your potential catches will depend on the season, including but not limited to Almaco Jack, Amberjack, Jack Crevalle, Red Snapper, Mangrove Snapper, Vermillion Snapper, Triggerfish, Sheepshead, Redfish, Grouper, Scamp, Black Seabass, Bank Seabass, Cobia, Tripletail… and the list just keeps going!
Take as many fish species off your personal bucket list as possible. Bottom fish for Snappers and other tasty fish, or troll for Mackerels, Bonito, and other fast species, or do a combo with both styles of fishing!
Double Time Charters will take you out aboard a 25’ World Cat power catamaran. This is a quiet and stable fishing machine with twin 150 HP Yamaha 4-stroke outboards. The boat is outfitted with navigational and fish finding electronics, as well as other professional accessories. There is a Cobia tower with full controls, an ice-box for the catch and a cooler for drinks, and a potty bucket for the lady anglers. All aboard!
The trips come with quality tackle, ice, fishing license, and fish cleaning and bagging. You will need to bring your own drinks, snacks, proper clothing, and a camera.
Customer reviews
Häufig gestellte Fragen zu Double Time Charters
- US $950 pro Gruppe, zusätzlich US $100 pro Person nach 4 Gäste - 4 Hour Trip (AM) (4 Stunden)
- US $1,125 pro Gruppe, zusätzlich US $100 pro Person nach 4 Gäste - 5 Hour Trip (5 Stunden)
- US $1,350 pro Gruppe, zusätzlich US $100 pro Person nach 4 Gäste - 6 Hour Trip (6 Stunden)
- US $1,575 pro Gruppe, zusätzlich US $100 pro Person nach 4 Gäste - 7 Hour Trip (7 Stunden)
- US $1,800 pro Gruppe, zusätzlich US $100 pro Person nach 4 Gäste - 8 Hour Trip (8 Stunden)
- Toilette porta-potty bucket for the women
- GPS Simrad and Lowrance backup
- Fischfinder Simrad NSE 12
- Flybridge Mostly used for sight fishing Cobia in the spring,
- Tank für Lebendköder
- Kühlbox Large fish box in stern
- Sonar
- Radar Simrad4G
- Angelruten, Angelrollen & Angelgerät (All tackle included, please do not bring your own w)
- Lebendköder (caught every morn, option to buy most days)
- Kunstköder
- Säubern & Filetieren (boneless, skinless, unless specified otherwise)
- Getränke (I have bottled water available, but most anglers b )
- Angelschein (provided for all customers)
- Angeln entlang der Küste (Jetties, Bridges depending on time of year)
- Angeln in Küstennähe (Near shore in the Gulf of Mexico)
- Hochseeangeln (Beyond 6 miles in the Gulf of Mexico)
- Angeln am Riff (Natural reefs are plentiful in the Gulf)
- Wrackfischen (Small and Large artificial reefs)
- Leichtes Gerät (Light Tackle) (spinning and conventional are usedackle may)
- Schweres Gerät (Heavy Tackle) (Used to target Amberjack and sharks)
- Grundangeln (FEDERAL PERMITS, All species)
- Schleppfischen (Trolling) (mostly Shimano)
- Spinnfischen (Mostly Shimano)
- Hochseeangeln (Trolling or bottom )
- Bernsteinmakrele (Amberjack)
- Bonito (Pelamide)
- Cobia
- Goldmakrele (Mahi Mahi)
- Zackenbarsch (Scamp)
- Königsmakrele
- Brasse (Nordamerikanischer)
- Schafskopf-Meerbrasse
- Schnapper (Grauer)
- Schnapper (Nördlicher)
- Schnapper (Beeliner)
- Spanische Makrele
Your captain
13 Angelberichte |
Ausweis und Lizenzen verifiziert |
92 Kundenbewertungen |
Antwortet innerhalb einer Stunde |
Mitglied seit Juni 2015 |
The fish you can target

What is the boat like?
What kind of fishing will you do?
Which fishing techniques will you try?
Which amenities are available onboard
What’s included in the trip price
How cancellations work
Sie können Ihren Ausflug bis zu 3 Tage vor dem Termin kostenlos ändern oder stornieren. Wenn der Ausflug später storniert, oder geändert wird, oder falls Sie nicht erscheinen, verlieren Sie 100% der Anzahlung.
What the listing policies are
How you can pay
FishingBooker belastet Ihre Kreditkarte mit einer 20% Anzahlung um Ihre Buchung zu garantieren, sobald der Kapitän zusagt.
Der Restbetrag ist am Ausflugstag, oder im Voraus, direkt beim Anbieter, durch die folgenden Zahlungsmethoden zu bezahlen: