Big Fin Charters
Northeast Florida is blessed with an absolutely fantastic fishing location: the bountiful Intracoastal Waterway makes for amazing inshore fishing while the Gulf Stream brings pelagic predators from the south. Smack dab in the middle of it is Captain Michael Foster and Big Fin Charters – ready to put you on the hottest bite near or far from the coast.
Capt. Michael invites you onboard his 29’ Parker. Bring 5 of your fishing partners, her center console layout allows for easy movement as you’re chasing the bite. And the bite you will chase, a lot, as Capt. Michael targets a wide range of exciting fish to catch. From the inshore all-stars like the Redfish, Sheepshead, and Blacktip Shark to the offshore beasts like Mahi Mahi, Kingfish, and Barracuda.
No matter if you’re a group of seasoned anglers looking to hook trophy fish to write home about or a family-friendly day out to get the kids interested in fishing, Big Fin Charters has a trip for you!
You can fish with live bait on this charter, it’s usually prepared before you arrive (though if you’re a fan of bait fishing the captain will happily accommodate you), always included in the price. You will be provided with high-quality equipment manufactured by Penn and Shimano, so you don’t lose that catch-of-a-lifetime to gear malfunction!
Fishing licenses are included, you just need to bring any snacks and drinks, as well as polarized sunglasses and adequate clothing. Don’t forget to bring a burning desire to do some excellent fishing!
Customer reviews
Häufig gestellte Fragen zu Big Fin Charters
- US $500 pro Gruppe - Inshore fishing (3 Stunden)
- US $500 pro Gruppe - PM river trip (copy) (3 Stunden)
- US $650 pro Gruppe - Half Day Trip - Jettie (AM) (4 Stunden)
- US $650 pro Gruppe - Half Day Trip - Jetties (PM) (4 Stunden)
- US $850 pro Gruppe - 3/4 Day Trip - Jetty(AM) (6 Stunden)
- US $850 pro Gruppe - 3/4 Day Trip - Jetties (PM) (6 Stunden)
- US $950 pro Gruppe - 3/4 Day Trip - Offshore (AM) (6 Stunden)
- US $950 pro Gruppe - 3/4 Day Trip - Offshore (PM) (6 Stunden)
- US $1,350 pro Gruppe - Full Day Trip - Offshore (8 Stunden)
- US $1,800 pro Gruppe - Extended Full Day Trip (10 Stunden)
- Toilette
- Fischfinder
- Tank für Lebendköder
- Outriggers
- Kühlbox
- Radar
- Angelruten, Angelrollen & Angelgerät
- Lebendköder
- Kunstköder
- Säubern & Filetieren
- Deckhelfer
- Angelschein
- Angeln in Küstennähe
- Hochseeangeln
- Angeln am Riff
- Wrackfischen
- Leichtes Gerät (Light Tackle)
- Schweres Gerät (Heavy Tackle)
- Grundangeln
- Schleppfischen (Trolling)
- Spinnfischen
- Jigging
- Driftangeln
- Hochseeangeln
- Barrakuda (Großer)
- Schwarzer Trommler
- Cobia
- Goldmakrele (Mahi Mahi)
- Zackenbarsch (Gag)
- Königsmakrele
- Trommler (Roter)
- Schwarzspitzenhai (Kleiner)
- Schafskopf-Meerbrasse
- Schnapper (Nördlicher)
- Tarpun
Your captain
3 Angelberichte |
Ausweis und Lizenzen verifiziert |
246 Kundenbewertungen |
Antwortet innerhalb einer Stunde |
Mitglied seit März 2015 |
Anglers Wahl |
The Angler's Choice Award is given to listings that consistently deliver a high-quality service and earn great reviews from customers.
The fish you can target

What is the boat like?

What kind of fishing will you do?
Which fishing techniques will you try?
Which amenities are available onboard
What’s included in the trip price
How cancellations work
Sie können Ihren Ausflug bis zu 7 Tage vor dem Termin kostenlos ändern oder stornieren. Wenn der Ausflug später storniert, oder geändert wird, oder falls Sie nicht erscheinen, verlieren Sie 100% der Anzahlung.
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