Charters By Capt. Brad- 25’ Boat
NSB Charters By Captain Brad goes to show that the best way to explore a new area you’ve never been to is with an experienced captain on a long, fast boat. You will find that Captain Brad has the former in spades. As for the boat, take a look at the photos and see for yourself.
Captain Brad’s custom built Dorado is 25 ft inside, with a 27 ft overall length. She cruises at speeds up to 55 knots, getting you to the offshore reefs quickly so you can start fishing early on in your trip. Equipped with navigational systems and a toilet for your convenience, this center console is a beautiful vessel in which you can truly enjoy your fishing trip.
All rods, reels and tackle are supplied on a charter with capt. Brad, and they are always of the highest quality. He uses Shimano tackle and Doa and Yozuri lures as well as Gulp! baits. On an offshore fishing trip with Brad you can expect to be in with a chance of catching Red Snapper, Grouper, Amberjack, Trigger-fish, Cobia, Mahi-mahi, Tarpon, Wahoo, Sharks and more, depending on the conditions and season.
Fishing licenses for all onboard are included, as is full insurance and catch cleaning and filleting. The first make will be on board to help you out with anything you may need during the trip. He works for tips, with 15% being customary for a job well done.
Capt. Brad is an experienced fisherman who puts 100% into every trip. He studies the tides, moon phases, barometric tables, water clarity and winds to put you in the best possible position to get a catch. A full-time professional guide in the area for 11 years, he uses his extensive experience to make sure every trip goes as well as possible. He has many repeat clients and is confident that once you’ve gone on a trip with him you will also want to book again!
Customer reviews
Häufig gestellte Fragen zu Charters By Capt. Brad- 25’ Boat
- US $450 pro Gruppe, zusätzlich US $50 pro Person nach 4 Gäste - Kids Fishing Trips Morning (2 Stunden)
- US $450 pro Gruppe, zusätzlich US $50 pro Person nach 4 Gäste - Kids Fishing Trips Afternoon (2 Stunden)
- US $650 pro Gruppe, zusätzlich US $50 pro Person nach 4 Gäste - 3 Hour Trip – Summer Shark Special! (3 Stunden)
- US $650 pro Gruppe, zusätzlich US $50 pro Person nach 4 Gäste - 3 Hr – 4 Person Shark Trip! (3 Stunden)
- US $650 pro Gruppe, zusätzlich US $50 pro Person nach 4 Gäste - 4 Hour Trip – Inshore Big Boat (4 Stunden)
- US $650 pro Gruppe, zusätzlich US $50 pro Person nach 4 Gäste - 4 Hr Trip – 4 per Inshore Big Boat (4 Stunden)
- US $750 pro Gruppe, zusätzlich US $50 pro Person nach 4 Gäste - 4 Hr Trip– Shark Catch Guaranteed! (4 Stunden)
- US $750 pro Gruppe, zusätzlich US $75 pro Person nach 3 Gäste - Half Day Trip - Offshore (AM) (4 Stunden)
- US $850 pro Gruppe, zusätzlich US $75 pro Person nach 3 Gäste - 5 Hour Trip – Offshore (5 Stunden)
- US $950 pro Gruppe, zusätzlich US $75 pro Person nach 3 Gäste - 6 Hour Trip – Deep Sea (6 Stunden)
- US $1,350 pro Gruppe, zusätzlich US $75 pro Person nach 3 Gäste - Extreme Deep Sea Fishing (10 Stunden)
- Fischfinder
- Flybridge Tower
- Tank für Lebendköder
- Multimediasystem
- Kabelloser Trolling Motor gps minn kota I pilot
- Kühlbox
- Radar
- Angelruten, Angelrollen & Angelgerät (Shimano tackle,)
- Lebendköder
- Kunstköder (Doa and Yozuri lures, Gulp! baits)
- Säubern & Filetieren
- Getränke
- Deckhelfer (20 % of charter works on tips alone)
- Angelschein
- Angeln auf dem Fluss
- Angeln entlang der Küste
- Angeln in Küstennähe
- Hochseeangeln (Up to 30 miles out)
- Angeln am Riff (Artificial and live reefs farther out)
- Wrackfischen (Up to 30 miles)
- Angeln im Flachwasser
- Angeln im Hinterland
- Leichtes Gerät (Light Tackle)
- Schweres Gerät (Heavy Tackle)
- Grundangeln
- Schleppfischen (Trolling)
- Spinnfischen
- Jigging
- Fliegenfischen
- Hochseeangeln
- Blaufisch
- Flunder
- Süßwassertrommler
- Riesenzackenbarsch
- Cavalla
- Makrele
- Stachelmakrele (Permit)
- Trommler (Roter)
- Schwarzspitzenhai (Kleiner)
- Hammerhai (Schaufelnase)
- Zitronenhai
- Schnapper (Grauer)
Your captain
33 Angelberichte |
Ausweis und Lizenzen verifiziert |
49 Kundenbewertungen |
Antwortet innerhalb einer Stunde |
Mitglied seit Juni 2014 |

The fish you can target

What is the boat like?

What kind of fishing will you do?
Which fishing techniques will you try?
Which amenities are available onboard
What’s included in the trip price
How cancellations work
Sie können Ihren Ausflug bis zu 3 Tage vor dem Termin kostenlos ändern oder stornieren. Wenn der Ausflug später storniert, oder geändert wird, oder falls Sie nicht erscheinen, verlieren Sie 100% der Anzahlung.
What the listing policies are
How you can pay
FishingBooker belastet Ihre Kreditkarte mit einer 10% Anzahlung um Ihre Buchung zu garantieren, sobald der Kapitän zusagt.
Der Restbetrag ist am Ausflugstag, oder im Voraus, direkt beim Anbieter, durch die folgenden Zahlungsmethoden zu bezahlen: