Spend an amazing day on the water with Catching The Cure Charters! Southwest Florida is renowned for its fishing potential: regardless of whether you’re headed to Naples, Estero Bay, or Fort Myers Beach, the bite is on and the rods are bent almost throughout the year. Captain Jon Fetter operates Catching the Cure Charters offering 4, 6, and 8-hour inshore fishing trips, targeting the likes of Tarpon, Redfish, Snook, and Shark, only to name a few.
Catching the Cure is a 21’ center console bay boat, outfitted with GPS and fish-finding equipment, with enough room to accommodate 4 passengers. The boat features a 200 HP Mercury engine, a cooler, and a live bait tank as well.
The waters are abundant with Snook and Redfish in spring and summer, whereas species such as Sheepshead, Seatrout, and Snapper come to life in the winter months. With the increase in water temperature, fishermen are also given the opportunity to focus on the ‘Silver King’ himself - the big Tarpon.
The area’s grassy flats, abundant mangroves, and countless backcountry waters provide some of the best flats fishing around. Captain Jon knows how to put his guests on a Redfish cruising the shallow flats, Snook in the mangroves, or Tarpon hiding in the channels. He’s happy to provide simple fishing instructions to those who need it, interesting facts about the area you’re fishing in, as well as quality tackle and bait for anglers of all skill levels.
Fly fishing equipment is also provided on board, along with an ice box for your catch of the day. Fishing licenses for all anglers aboard Captain Jon’s charters are covered by the captain and are included in the trip’s overall price.
Catching The Cure Charters welcomes you aboard!
Häufig gestellte Fragen zu Catching The Cure Charters
- US $400 pro Gruppe, zusätzlich US $100 pro Person nach 2 Gäste - Half Day Trip (4 Stunden)
- US $550 pro Gruppe, zusätzlich US $50 pro Person nach 2 Gäste - 3/4 Day Trip (6 Stunden)
- Fischfinder
- Tank für Lebendköder
- Kühlbox
- Angelruten, Angelrollen & Angelgerät
- Lebendköder
- Säubern & Filetieren
- Angelschein
- Fliegenfischen Gerät
- Angeln entlang der Küste
- Angeln in Küstennähe
- Angeln am Riff
- Angeln im Flachwasser
- Angeln im Hinterland
- Leichtes Gerät (Light Tackle)
- Grundangeln
- Spinnfischen
- Popping
- Fliegenfischen
- Cavalla
- Frauenfisch
- Trommler (Roter)
- Schwarzspitzenhai (Kleiner)
- Schafskopf-Meerbrasse
- Schnapper (Grauer)
- Snook
- Gefleckter Umberfisch
- Tarpun
- Dreischwanzbarsch
Your captain
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Antwortet innerhalb einer Stunde |
Mitglied seit Oktober 2014 |
The fish you can target

What is the boat like?

What kind of fishing will you do?
Which fishing techniques will you try?
Which amenities are available onboard
What’s included in the trip price
How cancellations work
Sie können Ihren Ausflug bis zu 7 Tage vor dem Termin kostenlos ändern oder stornieren. Wenn der Ausflug später storniert, oder geändert wird, oder falls Sie nicht erscheinen, verlieren Sie 100% der Anzahlung.
What the listing policies are
How you can pay
FishingBooker belastet Ihre Kreditkarte mit einer 20% Anzahlung um Ihre Buchung zu garantieren, sobald der Kapitän zusagt.
Der Restbetrag ist am Ausflugstag, oder im Voraus, direkt beim Anbieter, durch die folgenden Zahlungsmethoden zu bezahlen: