Go Fish Stuart Charters/Tours – 18'
On your day out with Captain Jeremy Neff with Go Fish Stuart, you will always be able to find a calm place to fish in the river!
Capt. Jeremy has been running an inshore fishing guide service since 2010. He has been fishing around the St. Lucie and Indian River Lagoon areas since he was four years old, which makes him one of the most knowledgeable charter guides in the area.
Fishing aboard his 18’ Dolphin Skiff, Capt. Jeremy offers inshore charters that can reach the skinniest of water. He generally uses live bait to target the fish, although he is also a keen fly fisherman. He uses light and heavy tackle both day and night, particularly enjoying fly fishing for Snook, Trout, and other species during the night. As long as the tide is moving, the fish generally eat.
With the countless species of fish to chase, you’re bound to have a rewarding trip, especially if you end up hooking one of the many fish in the river weighing up to forty pounds. And if you decide to fish when Tarpon is in town, you could well end up with a beast weighing up to two hundred pounds.
All the necessary gear and tackle will be provided for your charter. Your food and drinks are welcome on board along with any “lucky” rod you want to bring with you.
Customer reviews
Häufig gestellte Fragen zu Go Fish Stuart Charters/Tours – 18'
- US $450 pro Gruppe, zusätzlich US $50 pro Person nach 2 Gäste - 2 Hour Trip – Inshore (2 Stunden)
- US $600 pro Gruppe, zusätzlich US $50 pro Person nach 2 Gäste - 5 Hour Trip – Inshore (5 Stunden)
- US $800 pro Gruppe, zusätzlich US $50 pro Person nach 2 Gäste - 8 Hour Trip – Inshore (8 Stunden)
- Fischfinder
- Tank für Lebendköder
- Kühlbox Yeti Cooler
- Radar
- Angelruten, Angelrollen & Angelgerät (3500 : 5500 Penn Spinn fishers. 8000 Shimano Bait )
- Lebendköder (Some live shrimp included. We try to catch more. )
- Kunstköder (Bring your own if you want. I have some. )
- Säubern & Filetieren (Please bring a cooler & let me know ahead of time. )
- Snacks (Please bring your own, There is space in the Yeti.)
- Getränke (Spring water and ice included)
- Angelschein (I have a fishing licenses for up to four adults.)
- Mittagessen
- Fliegenfischen Gerät (One ten wt. & some flies.)
- Angeln auf dem Fluss (St. Lucie Estuary & Southern Indian River Lagoon. )
- Angeln entlang der Küste (All areas inside the St.Lucie Inlet.)
- Angeln in Küstennähe (Along the beach when the conditions are good. )
- Angeln am Riff (There is some reef fishing inside the inlet area. )
- Angeln im Flachwasser (Sailfish Flats & Stuart Flats plus many sandbars. )
- Angeln im Hinterland (The St. Lucie Forks South & North, goes far. )
- Leichtes Gerät (Light Tackle) (Twenty pound leader for Trout, Redfish, & Snappers.)
- Schweres Gerät (Heavy Tackle) (50 pound braid & 80 pound Flouro for Tarpon.)
- Grundangeln (We catch tons of species this way. )
- Schleppfischen (Trolling) (Trolling for Snook & Tarpon is Fun!)
- Spinnfischen (All of our tackle is light & heavy Spin equipment)
- Jigging (We love jigging for Snook, Flounder, & Trout. )
- Popping (Top water fishing & popping corks usually work. )
- Fliegenfischen (World Class Flying Here. )
- Driftangeln (We will drift fish in the river sometimes. )
- Schwarzer Trommler
- Blaufisch
- Riesenzackenbarsch
- Cavalla
- Trommler (Roter)
- Schwarzspitzenhai (Kleiner)
- Bullenhai
- Zitronenhai
- Schnapper (Grauer)
- Snook
- Gefleckter Umberfisch (Speckled Trout)
- Tarpun
Your captain
10 Angelberichte |
Ausweis und Lizenzen verifiziert |
51 Kundenbewertungen |
Antwortet innerhalb einer Stunde |
Mitglied seit Oktober 2014 |
The fish you can target

What is the boat like?

What kind of fishing will you do?
Which fishing techniques will you try?
Which amenities are available onboard
What’s included in the trip price
How cancellations work
Sie können Ihren Ausflug bis zu 1 Tag vor dem Termin kostenlos ändern oder stornieren. Wenn der Ausflug später storniert, oder geändert wird, oder falls Sie nicht erscheinen, verlieren Sie 100% der Anzahlung.
What the listing policies are
How you can pay
FishingBooker belastet Ihre Kreditkarte mit einer 10% Anzahlung um Ihre Buchung zu garantieren, sobald der Kapitän zusagt.
Der Restbetrag ist am Ausflugstag, oder im Voraus, direkt beim Anbieter, durch die folgenden Zahlungsmethoden zu bezahlen: